"When you control a man thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his " proper place" and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door,he will cut one for his special benefit. His EDUCATION make it necessary." Carter G. Woodson It is about CHOICE, the edcation that puppet masters has for you or the one you choose for self. The red…
Added by melvin taylor on September 18, 2009 at 2:25pm —
How Far I Have Gone:
Having read the forum discussion, (How far have we come?) and then, after reading the initial response, a strange feeling appeared in the sensory part of my being. Upon serious analysis it dawned on me that, (maybe, just this one time) the process that is materializing, at this point, needs to be discussed. In the first place is the video about the product that is said to have been sold at a target discount store in upper Manhattan, Harlem, N.Y. City. The…
Added by Clifford Black on September 17, 2009 at 4:24am —
Good Morning All,
I must admit that having the Internet radio show to do each week is so awesome for me. With life presenting its many challenges and twists and turns, the show has been a touchstone for me. A way for me to have a focus that I enjoy and that sparks my creativity.
So on the show this past Wednesday we talked about…
Added by Iccha Devi on September 13, 2009 at 12:32am —
Hi All,
Parts of a paper I wrote that with a bunch of Jonathan references... :)
The traditional greetings of religious communities can offer some insight into the worldview of those communities. Greetings can illuminate the way in which human relationships are constituted within a specific religious framework. The Hindu’s traditional greeting, namaste, means “the…
Added by hannaan joplin on September 8, 2009 at 12:28pm —
Thinking Truth
There have been a number of questions about how to begin. First we must ask ourselves a most important question: Can I read? Before letting the ego answer, please, follow up with this question: Do I know what reading actually is? Maybe there are some who are reading this who will answer these two questions for us. If you are a participant in the Super-Learning program do not enter into the discussion at this time.Are you aware that reading is a basic…
Added by Clifford Black on September 6, 2009 at 10:00pm —
This is a response to the forum question: If a large number of so-called Black People are under and uneducated how then can it be explained how some of these folk can become the top professionals and the leaders of so-called blacks in the United States of America?
Looking Back
At those who said
“That nigga’s crazy”
In high school, on a cold December day, an argument begins because I made a statement that went like this “Alexander Pushkin, was a negro”
Added by Clifford Black on September 6, 2009 at 3:00pm —
In order for a person to truly experience and be cognizant of change, within one’s self, a great deal of study has to take place. The information that has to be studied is not going to be easy to find and if found, not easy to learn. How to know what information that is pertinent, to the quest for truth, is going to take time to learn. Strategies and methodologies must be learned before one can begin to recognize the how and the why. Now, at this time, in what is known as the Age of Aquarius or…
Added by Clifford Black on August 18, 2009 at 1:33am —
For My People
by Margaret Walker
For my people everywhere singing their songs repeatedly: their dirges and their ditties and their blues and their jubilees, praying their prayers nightly to an unknown god, bending their knees humbly to an unseen power;
For my people lending their strength to the years, to the gone years and the now years and the maybe years, washing ironing cooking scrubbing sewing mending hoeing plowing digging planting pruning patching dragging along never…
Added by Clifford Black on August 18, 2009 at 1:24am —
Extraordinary Thinkers are in the superior category, average thinkers fall into what is called the inferior. Those people who are taught to be average are programmed about what to think and how to think. Extraordinary thinkers learn how to learn so that they will understand concepts and how conception is used to create ideas. Public education trains average thinkers to know almost nothing outside of what someone teaches or tells them. The ability for an original thought is never developed.…
Added by Clifford Black on July 26, 2009 at 2:30am —
Thinking Truth
There are a number of questions that come to mind when the words think or truth are a topic of discussion. At some point, in life, one wonders if the information that has been acquired is actually true. In other words, have we ever learned how to true the data that is being presented to us by people and books that we believe? In fact, can truth be acquired, or accomplished, if belief is a part of the equation that is being used to factor what is to be…
Added by Clifford Black on July 19, 2009 at 7:30pm —
Good question. First, my name is Al Lewis. I am one of the facilitators for the Red Pill II Training. I am also a Co-Founder of Inward Journey African American Council (The AAFANTE Tribe) which features The Underground Railroad Training Odyssey.
I was involved in some of the first efforts at understanding race and relations in The New Warrior Network. I live in Memphis, TN and at that time Memphis had more black men enrolled in MKP than all of the other centers combined. When issues…
Added by Aaron (Al) Lewis on July 8, 2009 at 11:52pm —