How Far I Have Gone:
Having read the forum discussion, (How far have we come?) and then, after reading the initial response, a strange feeling appeared in the sensory part of my being. Upon serious analysis it dawned on me that, (maybe, just this one time) the process that is materializing, at this point, needs to be discussed. In the first place is the video about the product that is said to have been sold at a target discount store in upper Manhattan, Harlem, N.Y. City. The immediate reply to the video was, “so what!” “what does this have to do with me”?
At this point, there is a finger pointing towards the program that, for most, is practically impossible to see. The program allows, and is the cause, for certain buttons to be pushed and strings to be pulled and manipulated by the puppet masters or by those who are in control of the general population. An example of a controlled reaction, behavior pattern, using a confederate flag was presented in an attempt to illustrate how most people have an automatic response to what is known as an on/off switch. The question was then asked about why the same people who react to the symbol of southern rebellion do not think about the union flag (red, white and blue) in the same way.
The next angle to appear or manifest out of this mental intercourse almost seemed to be the beginnings of an argument. If this be the case, then we now have the opportunity to clearly see the way in which organizations, families, communities and countries, empires, kingdoms, etc. have fallen, have been toppled, torn apart and destroyed by utter nonsense.
An important aspect of the red pill training is to help the learner move toward developing for self the innate capacity for mental sensory perception. In the film, Matrix, the character Neo almost killed himself upon being brought into a new mental environment. Neo had to be convinced that he would have to slow down and take his time in order to understand this introduction into an alternative world view or he would eliminate himself from the equation of life.
Onto the next article that requires delicate inspection. A response to the reply then begs the question: “Did I put the Topic in the wrong place? Statement: This has to do with what is called the race category or section. There is an applicable axiom that is appropriate here and it says “Above all things get under-standing”. This is a very sound piece of advice if one is to ever learn or gain the kind of insight that is needed in order to know how to see beneath the surface. Let us examine this discourse carefully at this juncture.
Argument that develops from interaction between two or more people that has no premise is non-sense. If there is no premise there is no foundation for argument. The word argument is based on logic not battle. Nothing can be gained from the engagement of war that has no sound reason. In the Greek tragedy Troy, Helen, was a senseless reason for a kingdom to enter into a condition of war. And now, the original topic of discussion is reintroduced back into the light. And then there is no more discussion. If Dorothy is ever going to find the answers to her questions, she will need to learn how to travel on the yellow brick road and this is not the way. Maybe she should follow toto. In the second place; the discussion is taking place between two people that are at different levels of understanding. The degree of awareness is a very important condition to consider. In the search for Neo, one candidate for the one has taken the red pill six (6) months ago and the other candidate took the pill six (6) years before. Sometimes those who have already received answers from OZ are impatient with those who have not yet traveled the road. Sometimes those who have experienced an expanding range of consciousness might forget that they too have had to travel this road.
Most times, those at the gate are not aware of the treasure that waits further down the line and deeper into the journey. Remember, Toto (Anubis) is sniffing out the pathway that is being traversed. Let us look one more time at the question “How far have we come”? Follow that with, where have we come from? If I allow myself to be distracted by nonsense, then, for sure, we have not actually traveled very far at all. So far as anyone might KNOW, the label on the can in the target store is just another silly willie lynch letter. In other words, this probably is a hoax. A setup that is produced to cause hits on the internet. If not, and it is real, then it is bad business because as a consequence target is going to lose a whole lot of customers. Those who can think relative to reality do not CARE one way or another. The question becomes, how far have we come from where? The pertinent statement here is: How far have I gone away from all of this nonsense!!
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