Another link that needs to be read and placed in the mental file!
Why Jonathan?, is the question! The question was asked by Al Lewis, and, in answer, I think it is important to realize that some questions cannot be so easy to address, and so, it may be better if we wait and try to have this discussion in class.!
Mr. Black
This link is just in case the one below does not work. Good reading!
Will address the last question about why, on my next post, in the mean time this is from TP to those who are doing the work.!
Many times when reading stories directly related to them and that may be about a particular or behavior, the reader may disassociate themselves from the story believing that it is about somebody else with them being the exception. The brain has a peculiar way of blocking out any similarities. Anthropomorphic stories, such as the two outlined, can offer deep insight into human behavior by offering distance from the heat of the events being detailed. It is a trick of the brain, the brain loves to be tricked, because they offer a buffer from the reality of what may be.
JLS details the story of practice and the consequences of the quest for perfection. It outlines that there are no limits, that is always something more waiting to be learned. Animal Farm is a safe story for people of color to read in that it does not assault the brain in present time or human form. Instead it uses animals with very human characteristics. Too human in fact.
It requires courage as an after thought to ask oneself, "Exactly where do I or the people I am relative to fit in here"? One does themselves a gross disservice avoiding the question and an honest answer. It is only by performing critical self analysis that one can become aware of their pitfalls, misconceptions and feckless beliefs. These books are masterful at placing up front some things one may want to consider about their individuality and their collective.. The courage to do so however is optional.
Addressing the question that was asked by Al Lewis on September 24th, 2009 "Why Jonathan"?----Human events or actions that take place or have taken place, are, more times than not, very hard to comprehend. A great deal of the information that is received in regard to events that shape our lives is no more than opinion or the afterlife of something that has been created out of fantasy. This process can lead to misconception. As a means to avoid misunderstanding, some time has to be applied to doing some basic foundational work. It may be a wise thing for us to consider that we possibly do not know the difference between collective human dynamics and that of the indiviual. Out of all of the literature that I have come across in my lifetime these two books, "Jonathan and Animal Farm" have come quite close to giving some insight about the distinctive aspects of living this existence as an indiviual and as part of the collective. Al, if u are willing we will set a time for this topic as a discussion, if continued here this will become a book.
When I first spoke with Dr. Black about becoming a student with him, he suggested that I read Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I purchased the book I started to read I put it down for some time, When speaking with Dr. Black he would ask have you read the book , I would reply I have not finished the book yet. Feeling quite bad for myself that a book with so few pages to give that retort. As time continued I picked the book up and started reading again this time I couldn’t stop, a few days past I was speaking with Dr. Black he ask again my heart started to smile and I retorted yes Sir Dr. Black I have and I have now learn that Living is more Important the Life. Wow I never had a feeling like that in my Life. So when ever ask to read Jonathan hopefully you find the reason and purpose, now that I am commenting I am going to give the book another read tonight and this will be my third time and I know I will gain more insight.
Namaska Cookie---try this and see if it may be some of what you are looking to understand.
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