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17 members
Started May 23, 2023
Started Oct 6, 2021
Started Aug 22, 2021
Please check this out when you have a chance. Critical literacy, as a concept, will be integral to our work together going forward.
I am always inspired by my beloved Clifford Black. Thru him I've learned a new way to teach and study and learn. Peace & Blessings to Dr/Mr. Black and to the People who Love and Respect Him. May Peace, Love and Greatness come to Members of the Red Pill on this day, the birthday of the great Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and Africa. This is a great day for a great outstanding Black People!
"There are those who maintain that Africa cannot unite because we lack the three necessary ingredients for unity, a common race, culture and language. It is true that we have for centuries been divided. The territorial boundaries dividing us were fixed long ago, often quite arbitrarily, by the colonial powers. Some of us are Moslems, some Christians; many believe in traditional, tribal gods. Some of us speak French, some English, some Portuguese, not to mention the millions who speak only one of the hundreds of different African languages. We have acquired cultural differences which affect our outlook and condition our political development.
"All this is inevitable, due to our historical background. Yet in spite of this I am convinced that the forces making for unity far outweigh those which divide us. In meeting fellow Africans from all parts of the continent I am impressed by how much we have in common. It is not just our colonial past, or the fact that we have aims in common, it is something which goes far deeper. I can best describe it as a sense of one-ness in that we are Africans."
Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah
from Africa Must Unite p. 132
Namaste Dr. Black. I just wanted you to know that I thoroughly enjoyed the training this weekend. Thank you for your gift.
Namaste Dr. Black, apologies for missings class today. Varmints broke into my home last night and tore up the place, but all is well. Inez
Posted on January 27, 2018 at 1:13pm
Here on this thread we will bring together a number of books and authors, of political theory, so that we might educate ourselves as to how the present world situation, is what it is.
Posted on February 5, 2017 at 12:13am
This is a list of links to find this particular Asimov thesis......
Posted on December 18, 2016 at 2:04pm
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