Added by Raven Writes
Added by Raven Writes
What in the hell is Dr. Black talking about?
Why in the hell does Al Lewis ask so many questions in class?
If I have not learned my whole life, what have I been doing and how in the hell am I going to now?
So what A means ox, how will that apply to anything relevant?
I have no clue how to true truth. Are they making up stuff? Rhetoric? Semantics (whatever that means)?
Don't use context clues? But they taught me that in school!
These were all…
ContinuePosted on May 24, 2011 at 3:52pm — 7 Comments
A friend was telling me that I should ask in my class and see if anyone has an 1828 Webster's. Does anyone? However, this is what appeared on the online version that I found. If anyone can verify this is what it reads please do so!
If anyone is interested in the site, here it is! http://1828.mshaffer.com/d/word/antique
Posted on March 31, 2011 at 7:35pm — 2 Comments
This man managed to do what people claim to want, the Black Power Nazis as Dr. B affectionately calls them. But who knows about him or is even willing to follow his model? His movement was long lasting and beneficial to all his followers, unlike most modern day preachers and their congregations. That layout alone was remarkable (ie. The hotels called heaven that allowed members to live cheap and the store where they could purchase all of their goods). The no gambling, no sex, no alcohol, and…
ContinuePosted on March 27, 2011 at 1:39am — 2 Comments
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I was trying to find the "like" button on your status...but oops...this isn't FB. :)
Please take your time and surf through the site. I suggest you go to the forums and blogs first. There are way more posts than at first meets the eye. So take your time and if you have any questions or comments just post them. Trust me they will be addressed.
Also if you or anyone else wants more advanced techniques and learning strategies Dr. Black is available for private classes for nominal fee. Many of our members do take advantage of that after a while, but meanwhile just check it out. It's free.
There are some recommended besides that good dictionary I wrote about on Face Book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach and Animal Farm by George Orwell are our primers.
Al Lewis