What in the hell is Dr. Black talking about?

Why in the hell does Al Lewis ask so many questions in class?

If I have not learned my whole life, what have I been doing and how in the hell am I going to now?

So what A means ox, how will that apply to anything relevant?

I have no clue how to true truth. Are they making up stuff? Rhetoric? Semantics (whatever that means)?

Don't use context clues? But they taught me that in school!


These were all questions I battled with in January when I began to attend Dr. Black's class. I thumbed through the language book, baffled beyond words. I sat in class like a bump, waiting on something to happen. And as time progressed, I got my first dictionary from a brother who was moving to Mexico. Then, I was able to acquire two more.


What do I do now? Dr. Black suggested things in class, and it felt overwhelming. "Raven", I said to myself, "there is no hurry, no rush."


On my own, I made a list of numbers 1-10, the days of the week, and then the months of the year. In researching these trivial daily words, there was a wealth of knowledge awaiting. There is so much history to be uncovered from the study of words alone. Their origins alone reflect a journey that charts the evolvement of language, leading us to the here and now.

I am felicitously pleased that I weathered the storm; and am in it for the long haul. We owe it to ourselves foremost to seek and seek until we can no more. Because each of us, in fact, are one in a million.


Peace Gods



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Comment by Clifford Black on February 24, 2016 at 12:55am


Important to understand that most people have no idea what semantics are, so we do the work in order to know and then we do not have to believe those who do not know! B.

Also, Rael, please read this complete thread, as well as the above link.


Comment by Clifford Black on July 6, 2012 at 8:08am

There are now more than enough life guards who will be there to help if you get into trouble. You will do fine if you Do not do as has always been done.!


Comment by Tereka M on July 5, 2012 at 9:24pm

Raven, it is amazing that I came across this post tonight.  For someone that has been told all my life how doggone smart I am, I have never felt so ignorant!  I feel lost and like a d*** fool.  How is it that most of the things I've been taught, I've forgotten or it's of no use to me?  Why is there no clarity?  I'm thinking all along that I want to know, but what the hell ARE they talking about??  I know that something just is not right.  And it's up to me to figure this out.  I'll be in Memphis this weekend and plan on coming to my first class.  I'm excited and nervous.  I know that once I figure out a new way, there's no turning back.  What I do know is that I would rather know than to just believe.

Comment by Clifford Black on June 28, 2012 at 2:54pm

This particular experience can help others who may be on the Johnathan adventure.


Comment by Adisa on August 24, 2011 at 3:44pm
Peace God, I can definately relate to your post! I laughed to myself with your mention of "trivial daily words,"  I am really starting to turn my head sideways when I listen to people use other trivial daily words.  The "I" in 'ME" respects the "I" in "YOU!" 
Comment by Aaron (Al) Lewis on May 24, 2011 at 4:52pm
Looks like Jonathan may be fluttering her wings.
Comment by Clifford Black on May 24, 2011 at 4:28pm

@Raven---The ones who run away, the ones that are scared, the ones who know while not knowing anything---THEY HAVE BEEN MOST OF THE PROBLEM ALL A LONG.  The ONE that stays the course wins the RACE. The one becomes the next NEO, but it is important that this time YOU MUST LIVE. neo/ONE


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