Photographs of Negrito people. Song: Duerme negrito, by Mercedes Sosa. In American-occupied Philippines, while millions of mainstream Hispanic Filipinos were...

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Comment by Adisa on September 23, 2014 at 2:38pm
Comment by Adisa on July 19, 2014 at 11:15am

Craig, the Malay term for aboriginal is Orang Asli meaning original people, natural people or aboriginal people.  Orang Asli (lit. "original people", "natural people" or "aboriginal people" in Malay) is a generic Malaysian term used officially for the indigenous people of Peninsular Malaysia. Officially, there are 18 Orang Asli tribes, categorised under three main groups according to their different languages and customs:

  • Semang (or Negrito), generally confined to the northern portion of the peninsula
  • Senoi, residing in the central region
  • Proto-Malay (or Aboriginal Malay), in the southern region.

There is an Orang Asli museum at Gombak, about 25 km north of Kuala Lumpur.

Comment by Adisa on July 19, 2014 at 11:09am

I wanted to get some sort of clue of what may be going on with these flights out of Malaysia and have found  myself back at this thread.  The first inhabitants of the Malay Peninsula were most probably Negritos.[8] These Mesolithic hunters were probably the ancestors of the Semang, an ethnic Negrito group who have a long history in the Malay Peninsula.[9]

Craig, aboriginal is a combination of two words ab and original.  Ab is a Latin word meaning away from.  As Al, has pointed to, the Aeta or Agta people are said to have preceded Austronesian migrations.  I read the following and LOVED what I read, "  Unlike many of their Austronesian counterparts, the Aetas have shown resistance to change. The attempts of the Spaniards to settle them in reducciones or reservations all throughout Spanish rule failed." 

The article, from taipeitimes, that was located reads, "The Saisiyat tribe of Hsinchu and Miaoli will perform a solemn rite this weekend to commemorate a race of people that they exterminated."  The Saisiyat people refer to the Aeta as the Ta'ai and learned farming methods from them.  According to the legend of the Saisiyat, they lived in peace until the Ta'ai men sexually harassed and molested the women of the Saisiyat, they were killed off.  The Saisiyat, hold a festival in honor of the Ta'ai called the Pas-ta'ai, ritual to the short people.  The festival is held on a full moon around the 15th day of the 10th lunar month every two years, with a particularly large event held every 10 years.  The next regular festival will be held this year, in 2014, with the big one to be held in 2016.

Comment by Adisa on April 9, 2014 at 3:57pm

Locating this article, led me to this discussion.  Duerme, seems to come from the Latin word dormire meaning I sleep.

Comment by Craig on April 1, 2011 at 6:37pm
They look alot like my ancestors Raven, who resemble aboriginal peoples.  I need to do more research on that word, aboriginal.  I do see "original" in it!
Comment by Aaron (Al) Lewis on March 31, 2011 at 3:41pm
It's a wonderful moment to realize, "hey it's me", not them,  not the system, the construct, the matrix, the man, it is me. I am responsible for my own thoughts. I am responsible for clearing out the garbage inserted in me. No one can or will do it for me.
Comment by Clifford Black on March 31, 2011 at 10:33am

Back @ U Raven, this may be what the atonement is all about.  In order to get there, one (a-person), must do the work!

Peace Sistar!


Comment by Raven Writes on March 31, 2011 at 10:04am
Thank you for the insight in class Dr.B! Thank you for what these people called themselves Mr. Al. It's internalized and a lesson never to be forgotten.
Comment by Aaron (Al) Lewis on March 30, 2011 at 12:44pm

Raven, thanks and thanks for posting this. Trust me it is valuable information and a great tool to learn how to learn. It exposes a condition suffered for way too long.


Comment by Raven Writes on March 30, 2011 at 9:30am
I am interested and will definitely remind you Dr. Black. Thank you Mr. Lewis, I will further investigate as well.

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