This man managed to do what people claim to want, the Black Power Nazis as Dr. B affectionately calls them. But who knows about him or is even willing to follow his model? His movement was long lasting and beneficial to all his followers, unlike most modern day preachers and their congregations. That layout alone was remarkable (ie. The hotels called heaven that allowed members to live cheap and the store where they could purchase all of their goods). The no gambling, no sex, no alcohol, and no smoking clause was well thought out and may have been the reason why his movement lasted as long as it did.

Father Divine reached across color barriers, especially in an era of racial tension. It is almost as if he was able to make people abandon the concept of race and deal with people on a level of mutual respect. His story also gave me insight on how anything outside of the norm or status quo gets labeled as a cult.  On YouTube, a few angry people tried to associate the actions of Jim Jones on Father Divine, but that is lame in regards to the accomplishments he achieved; national recognition of his movement, empowering and supporting people in a communal environment, and having a $500 bill during the depression!


Namasku Dr. Black. I have learned so much in this one day I have been on the sight consistently.

Views: 27


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Comment by Lumumba Ali on March 27, 2011 at 5:54pm

Great insight Raven, how does a movement like this start??? Or may I say it already has started, Father Divine moved quietly but powerfully through the nation organizing...if he can be patient through Jim Crow and Klan style racism this man was indeed "Divine".

Comment by Clifford Black on March 27, 2011 at 4:28pm

Back at U Sister,

keep your head to the sky and keep growing and do not worry about all of the people who are looking for reasons to not do the work......B.

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