This is an interaction that can help those who are in the process of learning, TO LEARN how to learn:


Hello good people,


Here are a few inquiries to help us get started-------PLEASE RESPOND 


*How do you know what you think you know? What techniques and methods did you use in order to true, for yourself, what you know? What does it mean to “true” something?


*What is the difference between knowledge and belief?


*What does it mean to say that “knowledge is power”? In what way is knowledge power?  How does knowledge empower the knower?


*(How) does belief empower the believer? Why are we so often instructed to believe others (e.g. teachers, parents, preachers, politicians, and other “authority” figures?)


*What is autocracy, and how is it accomplished?



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How do you know what you think you know? What techniques and methods did you use in order to true, for yourself, what you know? What does it mean to “true” something? There are some things that I know I know.
REPLY: When I know I know is when I perform a certain test or procedure and get the expected results every time I perform the test, That is when I know that I know what I know. Testing is the technique I use. The example I am referring to is repairing a mechanical or electrical system. To true something means I get the expected results every time. In writings, it also means to check other sources and opinions of others. There is a young female writer from Nigeria and she wrote a book regarding reading only one book. I think she is on to something.

*What is the difference between knowledge and belief?
REPLY: Knowledge is that which you know and can explain in your own words that which you know; Belief is something which to one sounds logical and even truthful and you accept it at face value without question. You may even use it as your own way of doing something, or as another way of doing same thing.

*What does it mean to say that “knowledge is power”? In what way is knowledge power? How does knowledge empower the knower?
REPLY: It wasn’t long ago that I came to grips with that “knowledge is power” phrase because I saw too many people with bachelor degrees and above accepting jobs and doing menial tasks for pay. I thought because they had a degree they deserved better; after all many of us were taught to go college so you can get a better job. I would hope the new mantra will become “go to college, get your degree so that you can open up a business and hire 10 people”.

Knowledge is power when it is used as an enabler to get things done, as a source of power to build upon and grow in your endeavors. Knowledge is power when it is put to use good or bad.

The knower is empowered when he/she develops trust in what can be accomplished when they see the results their works. They soon learn that not much is going to happen unless someone does something. It only happens when they do something. Only then will they gain more knowledge about cause and effect; if I do this then I can expect that.

*(How) does belief empower the believer? Why are we so often instructed to believe others (e.g. teachers, parents, preachers, politicians, and other “authority” figures?)
REPLY: Belief doesn’t seem to have any traction. It is something you heard from what you thing is a reliable source and you are not curious enough to confirm any of it. You just take them at their word; you are not going to be tested on it anyway so what the heck. Many times beliefs are only topics for conversation to make it appear you know something.
Most of the stuff we get from teachers, parents, preachers, politicians and others are irrelevant to our lives and the way we live it today. The teacher doesn’t teach the students to read at least to the level of functional literacy. Many students don’t like to read because they don’t know how; who do we know who likes doing what they can’t do? How many of us like studying when we never were taught “How to Study”. There should be strands in the curricula running from K through 12 teaching on Learn to Reading (Reading Comprehension) and How to Study. Students would become so motivated to study and learn and going to college that we would wonder, WHAT IN THE WORLD?

The good thing about is that we would never hear anything about the g-a-p in test scores again. Why? Because the shoe would be on the other foot. The other figures named in the question would be looking for other lines of work.

*What is autocracy, and how is it accomplished?
REPLY: Autocracy is when one person rules a community, a state, and or a nation. A good example is the Country of England; the queen has sovereign power over England and all its possessions. Her power is indisputable.
Namaska Brother Bell,
Thank You for your response, this is the way (I think), for serious students and learners to start the process of Mental development and to involve themselves in the neo-biological evolutionary state of BEING as we enter into this new uncharted territory, this new frontier. If those who are doing what you are doing, will aid in the process, I think that a grand number will start to accomplish like never before.
more to come.......
Up until recently I thought I knew quite a bit about life and how things are SUPPOSED to be. This assumption was base on what others were telling me. I never investigated for myself,didn't know how. So I guess you could have called me a believer. I know now, since attending dictionary class regularly I had no clue as to what I was talking about. learning to read was the very first thing I had to try and achieve Now calling words is one thing reading is something else and I can call words with the best of them. Not able to read made it impossible for me to turly understand the subject matter. So I got busy teaching myself comparative analysis, etiology, epistemology and other techniques to help me understand some of the things that have and are happening today. For me this is way of developing power, teaching myself. This is how a autocracy is created.
These are, as it were, relatively simple questions but when you actually consider the questions for pertinent answers one would almost certainly be at a loss for words. As I have come to find out about myself and my alleged level of education and/or knowledge, I know very little beyond the basic concepts of what my eyes see. Now, I have some simple and basic abilities but when put to the litmus of proof/truth, even these abilities leave a lot to be desired. Upon entering this phase of my life and being brought into the "classroom of the real", I have come to realize that the education that was foisted upon me was simply not the education that it could have been. Oh I did acquire some low-level skills, calling words and such, but as far as having been taught how to learn, I am afraid that it was only sufficient for me to set off into a world of "wage slavery" (as it were). In the past few months I have discovered a whole world of learning that is taking on the semblance of "investigation". Not only am I finding out how to "true" a thing but how to become informed beyond the "believe as I say syndrome" that has infected many of my peers. The use of the cliche "knowledge is power" is mostly irrelevant as such unless knowledge is used to ignite change or provide locomotion in a proper direction. What empowers the "believer" is essentially the capacity to not be fooled into misguided steps or volunteering as the "guinea-pig", situations that have become almost the norm for many "believers". Autocracy is a type of governance where one person has ultimate authority and power, be it of a tribe, collective, realm, environment or house.
Thank you for this most valuabe insight---if others who are studying with us receive your transmission it can be the fuel that may possibly ignite those who wish to evolve.
*How do you know what you think you know?
I know what I think I know from information i've gotten mostly from other people and books written, also from what i've seen in life.

What techniques and methods did you use in order to true, for yourself, what you know? I never really until now even thought to true some of the things I know, for some reason through dealing with Baba in these classes I've learned that what I once practiced was another religon just with more information and militancy....

What does it mean to “true” something? I think it means to look for proof in more than one area that the information gathered is indeed true.

*What is the difference between knowledge and belief?
Knowledge is to just kidding(from Wednesday class) Knowledge as I understand it is all one knows, or understanding the information that one has learned, belief is just taking some one els's word or reasearch as a true for yourself...someone else's truth as your own.

*What does it mean to say that “knowledge is power”?
I always say potential power..but in its context, I would say that knowledge that one has about something or things gives them the power to change it, so the more knowledge you have the more power you have to change things.

In what way is knowledge power?
I think I answered this in the last statement.

How does knowledge empower the knower?
By knowledge of certain tactics and information the knower now has the power to not get caught in the web.

*(How) does belief empower the believer?
Because it gives them the abstractness needed for creative change to conquer certain things in life

Why are we so often instructed to believe others (e.g. teachers, parents, preachers, politicians, and other “authority” figures?)
Because we are made to believe that they have done the studying and research to prove what they say or teach is right. Or some have even "lived" longer than you have so what they say is definetly right..

*What is autocracy, and how is it accomplished?
Now if you would, please elaborate on each answer that you have provided and we will discuss either on line or in class and I am thankful for your input!!!!!
*How do you know what you think you know? What techniques and methods did you use in order to true, for yourself, what you know? What does it mean to “true” something?

Prior to beginning this journey with all of you, I thought I had learned things in life, from classes, people, and books. However, I now know that I only repeat thing that other people told me. That very little of what I know have I done proper work to truly know. I have not spent the time researching and cross referencing most of what I’ve “learned.” Therefore, I will have to re-educate myself so that I actually know things.

The techniques I will need to use will be also require some re-education. I will need to first learn the alphabet and its origins and true meanings. This will help me to decipher things, not just understand loosely what things have come to mean. This will give me a mastery over language that only a few have. I also need to revisit math which I am very insecure and also under-developed in.

The methods I have been taught in my education are to research. When using ideas written on a subject that I am not an expert on, to look for peer-reviewed journal articles and scholarly publications and to use more than one reference. To read about the time period that the subject matter at hand took place as well as the time period the writer discussing it is writing in. That context means a lot in regard to everything from the Books of the Gospel in the Bible to ideas and opinions on scientific theory.

TRUE - O.E. triewe (W.Saxon), treowe (Mercian) "faithful, trustworthy," from P.Gmc. *trewwjaz "having or characterized by good faith" (cf. O.Fris. triuwi, Du. getrouw, O.H.G. gatriuwu, Ger. treu, O.N. tryggr, Goth. triggws "faithful, trusty"), perhaps ultimately from PIE *dru- "tree," on the notion of "steadfast as an oak." Cf., from same root, Lith. drutas "firm," Welsh drud, O.Ir. dron "strong," Welsh derw "true," O.Ir. derb "sure." Sense of "consistent with fact" first recorded c.1200; that of "real, genuine, not counterfeit" is from late 14c.; that of "agreeing with a certain standard" (as true north) is from c.1550. Of artifacts, "accurately fitted or shaped" it is recorded from late 15c.; the verb in this sense is from 1841. True-love (adj.) is recorded from late 15c.; true-born first attested 1590s. True-false as a type of test question is recorded from 1923.

The definition of true as a verb: (used with object) to make true; shape, adjust, place, etc., exactly or accurately: and (esp. in carpentry) to make even, symmetrical, level, etc.

In order to true the things I learn, I will have to do the work to place it accurately.

*What is the difference between knowledge and belief?

Knowledge is something you have trued for yourself, that you have researched and accessed to be a fact. Belief is something that you think you know, but cannot support with any data other than I read, heard or learned it. When pressed, there is no support for what makes it true or factual.

*What does it mean to say that “knowledge is power”? In what way is knowledge power? How does knowledge empower the knower?

Knowledge = know = Origin: bef. 900; ME knowen, knawen, OE gecnāwan; c. OHG -cnāhan, ON knā to know how, be able to; akin to L ( g ) nōvī, Gk gignṓskein. See Gnostic = 1555–65; < LL Gnōsticī (pl.) name of the sect < Gk gnōstikós (sing.) pertaining to knowledge, equiv. to gnōst ( ós ) known + -ikos –ic = gnosis 1695–1705; < NL < Gk gnṓsis a seeking to know, equiv. to gnō-, base of gignṓskein know + -sis –sis

Power = c.1300, from Anglo-Fr. pouair, O.Fr. povoir, noun use of the infinitive, "to be able," earlier podir (9c.), from V.L. *potere, from L. potis "powerful" (see potent).

My very rudimentary response is power is to be able and to know is to be able, so that to know how or be bale to seek is to be able to know and that the true power in knowledge is to know how to know.

To be continued with the last 2 questions.....
Thank YOU Kym and Namaska-
This kind of energy allows for me to have one more day on this plane and in this planet. If more of those who are always talking loud and saying nothing would do what u are doing I might get the chance to enjoy a few more days with U. Donot STOP and keep your head to the sky.~~(B)

(How) does belief empower the believer? Why are we so often instructed to believe others (e.g. teachers, parents, preachers, politicians, and other “authority” figures?)


For this question, I am just going to use my own personal experience. The few times I have had strong beliefs, it has empowered me to face obstacles and life with more courage than I felt. I once believed greatly that I was meant for something incredible and I thought it was to be an actress. I believed it so fervently that I auditioned for a school in NYC and was accepted. I believed that if I did the work, the path would find me. I continued to train for many years. When it didn't happen for me, and then 9/11 happened, the belief slid away from me. Belief was replaced by a lot of doubt and fear. This doubt and fear at one time led me to a deep belief in God, and that belief helped me to face life with renewed hope and to get back on the horse. That belief slid away faster than thinking I was destined for stardom. It's hard for me to believe things that require ignoring all facts to the contrary. But I do think that believers have a security in this world that seekers don't get. I've always had more questions than answers. If I could have accepted, I could have had a mooring in the sea. And comfort, believing things gives comfort.


And believing in other people's stories about the way the world is or should be allows for a standard reality in which to operate in. As a rule follower my damn self, it gives a clear standard of behavior to achieve certain things in life. If I go to school and make good grades, I will get a good job and live a good life and be a good person. With a everyone believing in a clear reality and how to behave, it is clear why society would want us to believe and trust authority figures.


*What is autocracy - , and how is it accomplished?


autocracy - Gk autokráteia  power over oneself, sole power


I currently believe (yes, it is just a belief) that the path to being able to have power over myself is through re-educating myself. Until I can find out for myself some serious answers, and REMEMBER what I know, then I am in  a constant state of questioning.


This line of thought has brought up a lot of fear and uncertainty. Will I be smart enough to understand the world in this new way. I'm not good at math, can I learn to true a damn thing for myself? I plan to use the belief that it will empower me in ways that nothing has since I believed deeply that I was meant to be a star and in the son of man. I believe this will show me the path that star, my spirit, is meant to follow.


How do know what you think you know?

Until being exposed to Dr. Black's class my thought process relied heavily on those of others. Every teacher, author, educator, master, etc who 'seemed' to rise above his or her intellect was enough for me regurgitate the information. Having the notion to 'do the work' for myself came last, if at all, when applying information into my learnings. The biggest issue with this is that I never stopped and thought about WHY I learned the things that bothered to learn. It is with this self-conclusion that I am now able to thoroughly attempt to identify WHAT I am learning and HOW it applies to ME and my path.

What is the difference between knowledge and belief?

In my opinion,knowledge is the representation of fact, and belief is the representation of possibility.


What does it mean to say "knowledge is power?"

As readily as I have heard this phrase throughout my lifetime, I never took the time to analyze it because, other than it being another cliche slogan, I never knew exactly what context people really used it for, being that knowledge (to know) is and can be infinite. Knowledge is the 'connect' to power; having the necessary tools (information) to properly navigate.


How does belief empower the believer?

Belief, trust, and faith, are extremely powerful, in my opinion. It is easier for one to believe if it takes the 'punch' out of what is REAL. If my reality presents itself as unbearable, then it is probable of me to rely on an illusionary solution. 

Namaska Makemba, and Peace to all---

For everyone, look and read all that has come into existence on this thread and now think!!!  In other words, evolve the thoghts that are here and decide how you can see towards becoming what is being written about. Ask yourself---am I 'aware' of, and, about this information---what can I do to make this an important aspect of my life. Wake up to and with your-self and then proceed to do the work.....Do not fall into the trap of "I KNOW" when in fact you have never done what has to be done in order to KNOW.  As this discussion continues those who are serious will learn and grow and reach toward understanding those who choose to do nothing will get no-thing-Have a wonderful life..............(B) 




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