This is an interaction that can help those who are in the process of learning, TO LEARN how to learn:
Hello good people,
Here are a few inquiries to help us get started-------PLEASE RESPOND
*How do you know what you think you know? What techniques and methods did you use in order to true, for yourself, what you know? What does it mean to “true” something?
*What is the difference between knowledge and belief?
*What does it mean to say that “knowledge is power”? In what way is knowledge power? How does knowledge empower the knower?
*(How) does belief empower the believer? Why are we so often instructed to believe others (e.g. teachers, parents, preachers, politicians, and other “authority” figures?)
*What is autocracy, and how is it accomplished?
(How) does belief empower the believer? Why are we so often instructed to believe others (e.g. teachers, parents, preachers, politicians, and other “authority” figures?)
For this question, I am just going to use my own personal experience. The few times I have had strong beliefs, it has empowered me to face obstacles and life with more courage than I felt. I once believed greatly that I was meant for something incredible and I thought it was to be an actress. I believed it so fervently that I auditioned for a school in NYC and was accepted. I believed that if I did the work, the path would find me. I continued to train for many years. When it didn't happen for me, and then 9/11 happened, the belief slid away from me. Belief was replaced by a lot of doubt and fear. This doubt and fear at one time led me to a deep belief in God, and that belief helped me to face life with renewed hope and to get back on the horse. That belief slid away faster than thinking I was destined for stardom. It's hard for me to believe things that require ignoring all facts to the contrary. But I do think that believers have a security in this world that seekers don't get. I've always had more questions than answers. If I could have accepted, I could have had a mooring in the sea. And comfort, believing things gives comfort.
And believing in other people's stories about the way the world is or should be allows for a standard reality in which to operate in. As a rule follower my damn self, it gives a clear standard of behavior to achieve certain things in life. If I go to school and make good grades, I will get a good job and live a good life and be a good person. With a everyone believing in a clear reality and how to behave, it is clear why society would want us to believe and trust authority figures.
*What is autocracy - , and how is it accomplished?
autocracy - Gk autokráteia power over oneself, sole power
I currently believe (yes, it is just a belief) that the path to being able to have power over myself is through re-educating myself. Until I can find out for myself some serious answers, and REMEMBER what I know, then I am in a constant state of questioning.
This line of thought has brought up a lot of fear and uncertainty. Will I be smart enough to understand the world in this new way. I'm not good at math, can I learn to true a damn thing for myself? I plan to use the belief that it will empower me in ways that nothing has since I believed deeply that I was meant to be a star and in the son of man. I believe this will show me the path that star, my spirit, is meant to follow.
How do know what you think you know?
Until being exposed to Dr. Black's class my thought process relied heavily on those of others. Every teacher, author, educator, master, etc who 'seemed' to rise above his or her intellect was enough for me regurgitate the information. Having the notion to 'do the work' for myself came last, if at all, when applying information into my learnings. The biggest issue with this is that I never stopped and thought about WHY I learned the things that bothered to learn. It is with this self-conclusion that I am now able to thoroughly attempt to identify WHAT I am learning and HOW it applies to ME and my path.
What is the difference between knowledge and belief?
In my opinion,knowledge is the representation of fact, and belief is the representation of possibility.
What does it mean to say "knowledge is power?"
As readily as I have heard this phrase throughout my lifetime, I never took the time to analyze it because, other than it being another cliche slogan, I never knew exactly what context people really used it for, being that knowledge (to know) is and can be infinite. Knowledge is the 'connect' to power; having the necessary tools (information) to properly navigate.
How does belief empower the believer?
Belief, trust, and faith, are extremely powerful, in my opinion. It is easier for one to believe if it takes the 'punch' out of what is REAL. If my reality presents itself as unbearable, then it is probable of me to rely on an illusionary solution.
Namaska Makemba, and Peace to all---
For everyone, look and read all that has come into existence on this thread and now think!!! In other words, evolve the thoghts that are here and decide how you can see towards becoming what is being written about. Ask yourself---am I 'aware' of, and, about this information---what can I do to make this an important aspect of my life. Wake up to and with your-self and then proceed to do the work.....Do not fall into the trap of "I KNOW" when in fact you have never done what has to be done in order to KNOW. As this discussion continues those who are serious will learn and grow and reach toward understanding those who choose to do nothing will get no-thing-Have a wonderful life..............(B)
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