If white people stopped being white, would there still be black people?

Why? In other words if white people somehow redefined their designation as neutral what would black people do? This was a question that presented on blog talk radio by Mr. Black. I have been thinking about it and I am wondering what other people think about this question and it does require some thought. Please post your responses.

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IGNORANCE... Ignorance was the original main frame that held the basic program as it was designed when the primary software was being created in the late 1700's or the late18th C. The concept was placed into brains that had been wiped clean. This as an action, not only happened to the brain of the oppressed but also was part of a process used to create what was to become the main sentinels for the oppressor. The Settler or so-called white proletariat and Sam the black preacher slaveman have in fact become more than experts at guarding the citizens of the New Roman Empire. New technology has made it easier for the sentinels to controll the larger growing population of energy and now most of the human beings have no clue to what is really going on. Just because they have physical eyes does not mean that they are actually capable of seeing.
The Great Forgetting, is what comes to mind. Is it possible to have a great remembering?
Curtis Mayfield asked this question in 1970, "If you had a choice of color which one would you choose my brother, if there were no day or night, which would you prefer to be right?" Imbedded in that question is an even deeper question, in fact it's an enigma within a paradox. That is the work that has to be done to overcome this physically superficial, psychological abyss. Can you grok it?


Goddamnit! And if there are no short cuts to short circuit the program people get stuck into loops of ignorance?
No wonder they keep doing the same shit expecting different results and when that doesn't work what do they do? The same shit!!!!!

This is really frightening and appears as if only a few will figure this out. What happens to them even after and what happens to the stupefied?
Sam here.If only a "few" figure it out ,then it is only a few who will be capable of "seeing".I have to be all right with that and stop fighting to make" them" see.I waste much creative energy trying to change or short circuit the "program".That shit is so tight I can't tell the original program from the virus.And do I spend more time waiting on The One ( that's done every day at your local Church,Temple,Mosque, and Shrine) or get busy and rewrite the Program. BE....COMING

Now that's Frightening
You are going through the process that those who decice to travell the path must go thru. You are Be-Coming to the light that is there for everyone to see, if they will let their eye open up for real.
Peace BE.
As I was sharing on another site, I have been bitten by that ignorant bug again. My feelings about "white" women have clouded my judgement. AGAIN!! You see, I, a so-called "Black" man was observed in my class (all urban, all so-called black/minority students) by a so-called "white woman". What she wrote about my performance was so subjective and negative that I am still boiling. When my Principal called me in to discuss what she wrote he smiled as I read iher comments. I tried to remain cool but I wear my feelings on my sleeve. He is a so-called man of color aka "Black" and asked me to correct some of the problems she saw, if true. First of all, it showed me that I see through a total different lense and I have a totally different perspective. I felt the lesson had gone well because the students were engaged and I was teaching without a lot of meaningless corrections of behavior. I was shocked at what she wrote. Why are they always the experts? I'm a calm, quiet and "feeling" man but I m ay have to express myself. If she were a so-called Black woman I don't think I would feel as bad, or would I? The fact that she was so-called white made me "feel" a certain way. If her remarks had been good would I feel better or worse? I am not sure! But I do know I a certain distrust for "white" and particularly, white women. I guess I still need to do some work. I hope I would feel the same if she was purple but I doubt it! (smile)
Craig, the really hard part may be if the issue is distrust or something even deeper. In fact when you think about it, distrust is not a feeling at all, it is a judgment. And you may be correct in your assessment. So if a so called black woman had done the same analysis and the distrust was not the issue what do you think the difference in your feelings would be?

Brother this is hard work you are doing and there is no need to feel ashamed. Most so called black people will never get to where you are with this so don't give up. This can be your jumping off place. Again think about how race has been defined and its hierarchy, white superior, black inferior. The imaging is automatic. You don't have to be consciously aware of it and dig this, there are very few people in this country who have not been impacted by these thoughts. The thoughts and impressions have been projected and imprinted constantly, daily, hourly by the myths, media, educational system, religious institutions, parents, relatives, civili rights leaders, the NAACP, SCLC, Urban League, PUSH and the list goes on.
Spoke with Dr. B about this last evening on the radio show. IMJ, I need to do some more reading, freshen up my brain and get back into the mix. I judge my hard drive needs to be purged because I go to the same places everytime with certain people, places and things. Talk about imprints!!

As you know I am a Navy veteran and I am going to take tomorrow off. One of my oldest friends/acquaintances is on Facebook. He's always been a heavy brother. He grew up in Harlem and we met back in the seventies. I mentioned I was proud to be a veteran and he owned that he was not. That got me to thinking! Why am I proud? Not why he isn't? He mentioned he wishes he hadn't been such a coward back in the day. I believe it bothers him that he didn't get kicked out. (smile) We both played the game pretty good. He hated the Navy and the oppressive military system. Even though it was f-d up, I learned to deal with it and made E-6. We both had similar judgments about white men, officers and the system. We both got honorable discharges and are college educated. Did we conform? Yes! Is that wrong or should I be ashamed? I can't be. Here we are some 35 years later and nothing has really changed. I can't go back and not be proud of my Navy time but I can move forward and be better informed. I am an educator now, in another f-d up system. The imprints are there. I can't get a new hard drive, don't have the time or financial resources(smile)! But like technology, I can get better, become more powerful, faster and more efficient. We are like technology! Many applications mean nothing, if we don't know how to use them. I'm here to learn!!

Time to take it to another level.
Im glad I came across this post. My question is what's really going on?

Namaska Ari,

"What's going on"? is a fair question, now think of a chess game and then maybe understand, this is the GAME OF  LIFE!


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