The question that was asked in dictionary class was . Where does someone get instructions for constructing their lives. Great question, while I have been thinking about that most people would suggest read the bible. The bible can be one of the books for constructing one's life. The problem is peruser has to know how to read.

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Brother T. P.,

In regard to what some people say about reading the bible, those who are quick to say this, relative to the question, are just running off at the mouth. And people learning how to understand philosophical axioms, will be next to impossible until they are ready to admit that, in fact, and in deed, they cannot read.
Yes sir...indeed.
Since many of us are born and raised in a construct that was already in place (ie. family), when do we actually begin to construct a life of our own? I submit that from the earliest developing of the mind, that the construction begins. Merely by mirroring the environment in which we live, we begin to put in place many of the pieces to will lend itself to the construction of our lives. At what point do you seek instruction as to the best methods to use in the construction of your life? Not a simple question, when based on evidence that the construct from which you've evolved (?) was faulty and constructed on maybe a false foundation. Does this change the question? No, I think not, but what it does for me is to cause me to investigate any instruction that might have been given to people I am relative to, in the construction of their lives. Moral codes and philosophies of life? Is that what were looking at or for? But then the inability to read would definite hamper one's attempts to construct a building, let alone
Consider that since this construct was created its very foundation was predicated against the original program, the way we were meant to live. That would suggest that this program is insane and if that is so the people of this construct,this world view, would have to be insane also.

Very few books have instructions on how to get back to the original program. Many have warnings, though coded and especially the bible, indicating that you should beware of this system of living, but if you tried to live by what some suggest are instructions you'd be even madder than you are presently.. In fact if you follow the time line of the history of civilization it was thousands of years before humans even created savior religions. One would have to consider what happened to convince them they were lost, flawed and defective in the first place? To prove to you that not all people thought and felt that way when ever indigenous people who were not affected by this culture were asked the question were they saved their usual reply was and is, "from what?"

You see they never viewed their world or the planet as their enemy or some hostile place that was out to get them. They lived as one with their world and the planet. The people of this culture, both east and west, that we call civilization, have been alienated from the planet and themselves and have spent trillions of dollars, fought countless wars, wrote and read hundreds of thousands of books trying to recapture what at one time was an innate thought, but can never, even with all their technological achievements and accomplishments get back and live in concert with the planet and each other.

Yes, we, civilized people of this particular culture, have been driven deliberately insane, and it might serve you to know what insanity really is. Oh and by the time the great pyramids were built you had been insane a few thousand years.


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