In order to gain understanding (insight-inner vision),that may be needed,so that one might survive the 'character' that is conveyed in an old O-JAYS tune, it may be important (to) learn the etymology of the word that is used to name the month of January. 

It is suggested that you go to forum. then click-in and find the education tab.  once at edu. click on learning resources and go to the etymology site, Once you are in place the word January into the search----after completion, inform us of what you find out regarding information that can help you protect yourself from the BACKSTABBERS.

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You may also learn why 'New Year's' Day is a time of celebration and how it is relative to the zeitgeist.
Would that be similar to genius seculi? Could there then be a spirit of the times for the Negro? If so what is it? I would love to think that one day a guardian spirit of the century would come into existence on the side of truth. It will take a few Gods to usher that in though.
The spirit of the time of the late great negro is 'THE END'.
It is indeed wise during times of transition to have the ability to look both ahead and behind at the same time. Oh and I did do the exercise so I am not just speaking out of my ass. I also learned that Rio De Janeiro means river of January. I never knew that. Now I understand why January was named the first month of the year. You need guardians at every turn.
Now we are engaged with the operational aspects of learning and this was not ever taught to us in the government school system....
When I took a look at it; took me to Janus the Roman god with two heads. Then I went one word down and I seen janitor . Now I have to go in and read the story so I can really see what the words are suggesting. Also, I need to know what is the difference between mythology, folklore, fable,and allegory and other words that relate.
Learning is a marvelous thing~~!!!
Speaking of what does pansy have to do with free thought?
late 13c., Ieneuer, from O.N.Fr. Genever (Fr. Janvier), attested from early 12c. in Anglo-French, from L. Januarius (mensis) "(the month) of Janus," to whom the month was sacred as the beginning of the year (see Janus; cf. It. Gennajo, Prov. Genovier, Port. Janeiro). The form was gradually Latinized by c.1400. Replaced O.E. geola se æfterra "Later Yule."
Rio de Janeiro
lit. "January River," named by explorer Amerigo Vespucci because he discovered it on Jan. 1, 1502, and so called because he incorrectly thought the bay was the estuary of a large river. See January.
New Year's Eve
c.1300; "þer þay dronken & dalten ... on nwe gerez euen." The Julian calendar began on January 1, but the Christian Church frowned on pagan celebrations of this and chose the Feast of the Annunciation (March 25) as its New Year's Day. The civic year in England continued to begin January 1 until late 12c., and even though legal documents then shifted to March 25, popular calendars and almanacs continued to begin on January 1. The calendar reform of 1751 restored the Julian New Year. New Year's was the main midwinter festival in Scotland from 17c., when Protestant authorities banned Christmas, and continued so after England reverted to Christmas, hence the Scottish flavor ("Auld Lang Syne," etc.). New Year's gathering in public places began 1878 in London, after new bells were installed in St. Paul's.
CRAIG: I hope that as you continue to do the work that we are doing, (the methods), this can be used to help some of the kids that you mentor!!!
Rio de Janeiro
lit. "January River," named by explorer Amerigo Vespucci because he discovered it on Jan. 1, 1502, and so called because he incorrectly thought the bay was the estuary of a large river. See January.
New Year's Eve

Yeah, just like some Englishman discovered Victoria Falls.
I also did the work on why January is an imprtant word, it also took me to Janus,god of doors and or the beginning of the year,and the Sanskirt yana way in Buddhism "mode of knowledge" "vehicle" to carry ,anything through or by which something,as thought,power,information,or the like is conveyed,transmitted,expressed,or achieved


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