Tiger mothers- Raising children the chinese way


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Comment by Adisa on August 12, 2014 at 5:01pm

I have conflicting thoughts about the information in this thread.  However, it confirmed a thought I had regarding the ability of young people.  Young people learn many things on their own without input from anyone else like learning to roll over, push and pull up, crawl, walk etc.  Despite the innate abilities, many grow up thinking I can't or it's too hard.  Those thoughts must be introduced.  As I read more about the author and some of her writings, one of her thoughts reminded me of the movie Akeelah and the Bee.  I can recall the conflicting thoughts I had about the character Dylan and his father Mr. Chiu and the seeminly relentless pressure he placed on his son.  I thought the father seemed a little uncaring or is that what someone was counting on me to think?  I have to ask myself the question, is it more uncaring to not focus a young person who is under your guidance, who will then be release into a societal construct designed to be uncaring and relentless in its purpose?      

Comment by Clifford Black on January 24, 2011 at 11:57am

@glorified & Quitah,

NAMASKA to both of you---It can help just to be able to know that there is a support system in place and that you can count on each other for the aid that is sometimes needed in order to deal with the madness.....(B)

Comment by Quita on January 24, 2011 at 11:22am

@ glorified... I have been guilty of allowing my children to tell me "how much is too much;" I hate to admit that education is not their top priority and I have done all that I know how to do to instill it in their mind that it should be. In a few years after graduating high school, as they are attempting to "be " like "normal" teenagers...they will be so far behind that it will be scary.  I hope one day they wake up and realize that like is not a game. I do have one that does listen and I will cultivate his growth...and train him up tough like a tiger mother.

Comment by Glorified on January 23, 2011 at 4:39pm
More of us need to take lessons from the tiger mothers. This screwed up economy will not make concessions when hiring the best and brightest among us. The current free education system in the US is harming our children and risking our future. In a number of instances, parents, leaders, and churchs are contributors to our demise by not making the time to spend with young people for what ever reason. This lacking allows television's marketing strategies to infiltrate the talented minds of the lest among us. Our children are dicating to us how much is too much as it relates to being challenged to be the best. What happened to the time when our focus was, "Each one Teach one"? Assimmulation of this western decadent culture has taught our children to place more value on the individual, rather than group efforts. It appears we have forgotten our history of vigilance and prosperity through education. A coworker shared the fact that his son completed the Toastmasters International courses before he finished high school. He spoke with pride and adulation of his son's success as I thought to myself , "My people will perish for lack of knowledge". Young gifted and black use to speak of the promise of our future generations, I can't recall the last time I heard the phrase. Again, more of use need to embrace this tiger mother's concept of excellence.
Comment by Clifford Black on January 19, 2011 at 11:24am

Namaska Bro. Dave,

something one can be sure about------"WHEN ONE LEARNS HOW TO 'KNOW' BETTER, THEN THAT ONE CAN START TO 'DO' BETTER"!!!!

Comment by Dave Jones on January 19, 2011 at 2:02am

I agreed this type of training would benefit the kids and the family long term, but in this culture most parents have never suffered to gain the appreciation of the struggle to be better we focus more on pain that comes with the pursuit of trying obtain excellence. Its sad but we give up in our minds way before we try. 

Comment by Clifford Black on January 13, 2011 at 3:03pm
This was once the way colored people would train up a child!!!!!!

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