This is an interaction that can help those who are in the process of learning, TO LEARN how to learn:


Hello good people,


Here are a few inquiries to help us get started-------PLEASE RESPOND 


*How do you know what you think you know? What techniques and methods did you use in order to true, for yourself, what you know? What does it mean to “true” something?


*What is the difference between knowledge and belief?


*What does it mean to say that “knowledge is power”? In what way is knowledge power?  How does knowledge empower the knower?


*(How) does belief empower the believer? Why are we so often instructed to believe others (e.g. teachers, parents, preachers, politicians, and other “authority” figures?)


*What is autocracy, and how is it accomplished?



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*How do you know what you think you know?

I don’t know what I think I know, I know what I know I know and therefore I am able.


What does it mean to “true” something?

Truing is a mathematical process used to derive coherent sets of data for various reasoning processes.


What techniques and methods did you use in order to true, for yourself, what you know?

Techniques I use include etymological tracing and contextual awareness. Methods I use include psychological distinction and analysis and energetic imagery tracing. 


*What is the difference between knowledge and belief?

Knowledge is the foundation from which action can be taken.  Belief is a particular set of acts that can cause an aspect of the mind to react.  Belief is a technology of the knower. 


*What does it mean to say that “knowledge is power”?

It doesn’t mean anything.  It is an equation that allows for an elemental thought to come to be.


In what way is knowledge power? 

In and Through Being.


How does knowledge empower the knower?

Knowledge can be a foundation from which the ruler of the foundation operates.


*(How) does belief empower the believer?

Through the same process as it does the knower.  The distinction between the to is the knower has choice and the believer has little to no free will.  I add this is not because their free will has been taken away or manipulated, it is primarily due to the unwillingness to be the cause of creating power from nothing. 


Why are we so often instructed to believe others (e.g. teachers, parents, preachers, politicians, and other “authority” figures?)

I no longer receive this instruction through my channel. 


*What is autocracy, and how is it accomplished?

Autocracy is the facilitation of power.  It is accomplished through locomotion.  Through locomotion the Will of the facilitator may come to be.

E-LA---What your replys are telling is that you are doing work and you are learning---as more do this work, more will happen and maybe you will begin to hear less of the elephant manure that seems to be the main ingredient for existence today.


Ah-ha we are still here---and so now if we can connect what I think may be our last post ---which is called class---connect to this class 1 and continue from here as we are going to get to more lessons---

Peace Lords!!!


Some of those people that are just getting started---I would suggest to you-that you let this thread be one of your starting points.

Read and think about the post and then follow the thread and now you should address the questions and over time it will appear for you what you are doing.


How can one know when something might help with mental development if no action is taken to accomplish the act of learning.


I'm waiting on that answer myself Baba.

*How do you know what you think you know? Through research, I know what I know. The research tools that I have begun to use are etymology and learning to really read. These are brand new concepts for me. Previously, I accepted most of the information given to me without question.


What techniques and methods did you use in order to true, for yourself, what you know? One technique can be a series of questions analyzing the scenario. Again asking questions like who? what? where? and why? using the information can lead to recognizing discrepancies or inconsistencies within a body of material.


What does it mean to “true” something? To true something means to lay it on a level surface/foundation and build upon it so to speak. The best example I can come up with is the one Dr. B used of Harriet Tubman being a runaway slave. Slaves do not or would not run. A person who recognizes and appreciates freedom runs.

Raven you gave me my ha ha ha for today and each time I manifest a ha ha I am probably going to be aroung for one more day---Thank YOU Lord!!


Namaska D---the fact that u are trying to address the questions shows promise. If you are interested in knowing how to learn how to do the things that are being talked about stick with the site and come to class and I will point to certain things that might be able to help.


Hope to see you in class and I am glad that U are here!!!


knowledge - gno - to know where as belief goes to faith and leads to truth. we must begin to mentally process what has happen to cause one word to mean much more than it's roots. " We must continue to search".
How do I true something? How do I properly use the dictionary?


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