It's easy to pick out the people who belong to "our" culture. If you go somewhere, anywhere in the world, where the food is under lock and key, you'll know you're among people of our culture. They may differ wildly in relatively superficial matters in the way they dress, in their marriage customs, in the holidays they observe, and so on. But when it comes to the most fundamental thing of all, getting the food they need to stay alive, they're all alike. In these places, the food is all owned by someone, and if you want some, you'll have to buy it. This is expected in these places; the people of our culture know no other way.
Making food a commodity to be owned was one of the great innovations of our culture. No other culture in history has ever put food under lock and key and putting it there is the cornerstone of our economy, for if the food wasn't under lock and key, who would work?
-Daniel Quinn, Beyond Civilization Humanity's Next Great Adventure
What does this excerpt have to do with the word, "Lord"?