See if this works.

First off, Inception is a really good movie. Someone who knew a lot about a lot had to have put that together. I saw elements of Jungian Depth Psychology, Quantum Physics, The Space Time Continuum, both the general and special theories of relativity, Alchemy, M-Theory, Super String Theory, Neuro-Science, Dream Sequencing, Brain Control and elements of the tetragrammaton.

There is one statement in the movie that struck me especially hard and I am paraphrasing, "The deeper the trauma the deeper the catharsis." It was at that point that I connected another abstract, another piece of what has been puzzling me lately about so called black people. 

To my deep sorrow, regret and shame I finally admitted that I am relative to a group of people that have been deliberately driven INSANE! 

Make no doubt about it I am referring to so called black people, Nubians, African Americans, Moors, the sons and daughters of the kings and queens, Negroes, Post African Americans, Niggers, Niggas and Colored People.

It made my heart more forgiving because I see now the antidotes they and myself have been applying to this horrific wound of otheration. That being evaporating your identity, erasing your memory of self and imprinting almost every model of re-sanity with models and information laden with hidden meanings and inferior tags. Even statements like “We are descendants of kings and queens”, when placed under the microscope of etymology and epistemology coupled with deductive, inductive and reductive reasoning comes out to mean you are still thinking as slaves.  

I liken this condition to a colony of fleas from a flea circus placed in a deep bucket with springs attached to their feet. The springs, so they think, are designed to allow them to jump high enough to get out, but if they would only look at the manufacturers specifications of the springs they would see that though the springs were designed to provide the momentum to jump higher, they could never produce the tension to get out that bucket. Little do the the poor dumb ass fleas know that there is also a giant spring attached to the bottom of the bucket that produces energy with every jump they make for the circus master to heat his business. 

Every now and then, every once in awhile an anomaly occurs. Every now and then one flea stops jumping  and notices his or her own insanity (catharsis). That is one definition I can agree that describes the condition of un-wholeness, doing the same thing expecting different results. That one flea, Dr. Black, Malcolm, Martin, Bunchy, Huey, stops, and feels the vibration of the bucket. They read the instructions on the springs. They perform analysis of the circus master and their fellow fleas. They sneak off, because they know if they tell the other fleas, “This shit yall doing aint working”, they are going to tell boss, I mean the circus master, well boss after all, that some nigga, I mean flea thinks this whole thing is a set up. 

So Intelliflea sneaks off in a corner and puts two sets of springs on his shoes and jumps and jumps and on the third jump clears that bucket and lands on the rim. He looks down and says, “Hey  yall stop, it’s a trick, you are not only wasting your time with those springs, but your every effort is designed to produce more for boss!” Of course you know what happens next?  One fleas says, “I’m the son of the kings and queens of Flealand” and another says, “I have more flea juice in my body than all other groups of fleas on the planet so that makes me special”, another says, “Our fleas were the first fleas”, and still another says, “One day by and by we will get to flea heaven and things will be right--- then.”  But their asses are still in that bucket in spite of all of those wonderful salutations and wishes.

Then one young flea asks out loud to no flea in particular, “Look how long have we been jumping trying to get out of this bucket?” And then one old flea says, “Some of our ancestors been trying to get out of this damn thing since they kidnapped them off of a wolf 400 years ago.”  “So”, the little flea asked, Exactly what  all have you been doing to get out?”  ‘Why we have been doing more of the same and if we just try harder doing more of the same one day we will make it.”

And if you ever get a chance to look in a  flea bucket you will see them still there jumping their little flea asses off. Meanwhile, those one’s that got away found them a wolf. I mean that’s what fleas do. I’m just talking about fleas that’s all.

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Another thought comes to mind.

Some oppressed people often choose bad or incorrect formulas as a means of escaping or overcoming their conditions. Other’s, after choosing what they thought was the correct formula, often find themselves adopting the same techniques that was used to overwhelm them. Take the case of Israel and Palestine. That’s a great example. No matter what the excuses are the end result is Israel looks and acts a lot like the dominating forces that they so often claim they were persecuted by.

Violence is usually the first tool one people imposes upon another when in conflict and they want their goods and women. Violence is an effective tool, but an expensive one because sooner or later the violence has to subside unless the goal was the mass murder and commit genocide on the people you invaded. That’s what happened in the western hemisphere when the Spaniards and later the Portuguese and Dutch and French and lastly the English got here. Over a period of only a few hundred years they wiped out entire gene pools, millions upon millions of the indigenous people who lived here. Gone, eliminated, killed, evaporated, massacred! Never forget that!

If the country’s or group’s goal is to occupy, settle and exploit the people and the land or to just conquer and oppress them they need different weapons of control. Here is the basic and fundamental delivery system, LANGUAGE! Search the annals of history up and down and then research what happened when one group invaded another and was successful in occupying them. Almost invariably if their plan was occupation and oppression the first thing they did was to compel the teaching and learning their language upon the occupied group. Once that becomes possible it is a lot easier to force their thoughts, morals, values, fears, mores, customs, traditions, styles, cosmology and beliefs on the occupied.

Once you force a people to accept your language you have effectively committed genocide, the murdering of the jinn, the genie, the genius, the conceiver, the thought within a people and replaced them with your thoughts. It then becomes a lot easier to convince them that the very God you prayed to to conquer and control them will now be the God that they will pray and worship to deliver them. If that sounds like a contradiction, a measure of insanity, well it is. If you overlay that thought on any other group except the one you are relative to and if you are a reasonable person you will see clearly how it works. If, however you are caught up in someone else's belief system, their worldview you are in fact seeing yourself through the eyes of your oppressor and you will always look inferiority from that vantage point!

Ever notice that the religions of the oppressors start with the premise that you are not good enough, that you are not worthy. I other words God created every creature on the planet to perfection but man, flies eat shit to perfection, fleas bite dogs to perfection, lions hunt to perfection, they are all in harmony, they are perfectly what they are. They don’t wipe out their food supply, don’t pollute the eco-sphere, do not even wage war against each other. Humans on the other hand, supposedly God’s greatest creation, are fucked from the get go.

Is that God really that smart or just that dumb? You grok?
I am going to wait before I jump into this conversation. I want to see just how many people are going to do the work that it will take in order to discuss what appears here to be the crab syndrome. More times than not, people get caught up in the crab rather than an examination of the syndrome.
i love this post it reminds me of Jonathon Livingston Seagull (which I read while sitting in line, before purchasing) You should right a book of children's stories. I'm going to read this to my children I'm sure I will get some interesting feedback.
Have u read the three little pigs blog post. See what u think about it---look for it under the blog page.
yes i will read that one to them as well.
This tread should be edited and elaboration is necessary
Jut got home, but when I was on this last retreat I woke up at 4:44 a.m. in the middle of the woods with a thought on my mind. God, if you want to refer to IT by that title, made lions perfectly lions, he made termites perfectly termites, he made crocodiles perfectly crocodiles. In other words no matter what they do they never go beyond the original program of their species.

However when it comes to humankind, especially man there is a prevailing thought they are not perfect. The great religions start with this premise that man is defective, flawed and not good enough. God, in its infinite wisdom who created the vastness and density of an intricate universe fucked up when it created man, at least the story goes. My epiphany came as a realization that I had been bamboozled by a story designed to make me feel inferior with religion as one of the major the carriers. Man is perfectly man, he only became defective when the construct told him he was defective.

When he left the original program and created what has become civilization he stepped outside the nature of man. That would be tantamount to the the lion waging war against the robins, the crocs worshiping the turtles, and the termites growing trees. As ridiculous as all that may sound that is how ridiculous civilization looks compared to the original ways mankind lived.

This is the construct we reside it. It is an idea, a story that has been evolving or devolving for at least the last 12,000 years. You are the ones that keep enacting it, thus regenerating it and IT is what is defective, NOT YOU!

It, the story, uses and perverts anything it can lay hold of. It took religion and turned it into a guilt and shame delivery system where you would now repeat the insane thought that you are not good enough when every other species, plant and animal alike, is. Something's wrong with that thought. As long as you believe you are a defect, that you are broken, that you are weak, you will forever be dependent on forces outside of yourselves to repair you and those forces have no problem with selling you the solutions, the elixirs, the promises, the salvation.

If you refuse to think for yourself someone else will gladly do it for you and yes I am suggesting that the great majority of people hovering in perpetual limbo in this construct have abandoned the process of thinking for themselves.

The great prophet Yeshua said, 'Physicians heal thyselves".
but constructs are so comforting and comfortable that we fall in love with them. where would we be without the good ole faithful constructs, free? then the drama of living will cease to exist. we all wish and hope and pray for freedom, truth, and liberation, but when faced with the opportunity, when standing on the edge usually turn around and go right back to what we know. what we fear IS our power. To truely walk in one's power comes a high level of accountability. It is fear the binds us here in this reality and over time we have nurtured it fed it and it's like our own little pet monster and it is a monster of our own creation. Darkness if comfortable it is walking into the light that is painful. I postulate that man likes the drama of living because man as created heaven outside of himself as well as hell. But this earth plane is the only hell i know.
please qualify who you are referring to when you say we.
Whose difinition for humanity are u referencing.


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