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Exactly what is white privilege? Is there black privilege?
i do believe that within the paradigm of what Wise is discussing yes there is white privilege. That paradigm being the debate as to whether or not the systematic enslavement of one race of people has contributed to their present day plight.
So white privilege, could be a creation,..a false reality,..if i'm understand what your trying to say white privilege is.
Mr. Wise's views are tainted as is his logic. He is just as indoctrinated into this race thing as the mother he claimed surprise about when he discovered she held certain views about people of color after she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's .

I have studied the concept of white privilege, attended quite a few of their workshops and found their foundation to be flawed. They present it as if so called white people, and I do mean so called because they cannot truthfully say what a white person is, are the only people in America with privilege. I have debunked that myth many times. White privilege is an just as much an illusion as white people. In fact if yo look there is a conversation between Tim Wise and myself on our forum under race. I thought it most revealing.

As to the question of did the kidnapping, imprisonment and oppression of a whole lot of different people, there was not one race, gave some others an advantage, well that's not privilege, that's design.
There is a Jungian concept called shadow that means those things about a person's personality and make up that they reject, repress, deny, disown, cast off, and project upon others but find it most difficult to see, own and accept about themselves. Actually Carl Jung discovered the concept while in Africa while interacting with some of the indigenous people there, especially the women. Don't you think it strange that the exact thing happened to Blumenbach?

I am adept at the practice of shadow work, that being I have been trained and trained myself in the various methodologies, techniques and modalities available for exposing and embracing these energy patterns. Mr. Wise is a classical example of how it works. Until he does some serious integration work with his own stuff I'd be loath to accept anything he says, other than what's provable, as valid.

it may be useful to watch the above mentioned video. it is important to understand nonsense in order to figure out the reality.



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