The New Music and what is now being called culture is more than a little scary when it can become so ingrained into the electrical impulses of the brain to the degree that nothing else can be
recognized. Something has gained the capacity to disable the force that
must be used (BY THE INDIVIDUAL) for cognition and that is a dangerous position to find
yourself in. If one is not aware that this is happening to them-then
that is the definition of TRAP.

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Is this really music or is it some inplant with another design altogether? I watch the young people's reactions to it and I swear it looks like a possession. Their bodies start moving in non rhythmic unnatural ways. It is as you suggest a cacophony of unnatural noise.
Watched a kid movie with my nephew "Josie & the Pussycats" and the villian was transmitting mind control advertising messages for corporate agendas through music.

Music has always had the ability to effect congnition. The root word in music is muse. My dictionary that I'm using is limited as far as studing the words muse. Sounds are a part of music.  I know that sound has a powerful effect on the body. Sound can  be used as healing properties as well as a dismantling cognitive properties.

In all the baby developmental magzines there were articles on what music to introduce to the fetus ad well as for the early development of a child.  The first sounds a devloping child hears in the womb is the biorhytm of the whole body. The heart beat is a replicated rythm in music across the globe. In the womb- movement sounds and touch are part of early stages of cognitive development. There are indigenous healing arts incorporating all  three. There seems that enviromental injustice happens and people know that a transgression has happened.  

The cognitive slumber induce by anti-culture provkes the need to escape by not feeling, thinking, not connecting with individuals, or to continue to look at the lights/ digital sound of the video game unaware and inactive and the growing need to seek numbness. 

I would say the boiling frogs of different cultural generations are in different transparent pots. Each generation observes the other vis a vis in disbelief that they see the other boiling in the pot but because the temperture was gradually increase the biorythms of the generations are decreasing. The sound of the younger cutural generation boiling pot dashes the flavor of music that consist  of sounds that causes cataplexy in spurts/unrythmic movements these movements are communicating signals  to the previous cultrual generations. Yet still there has been an overearching theme in each pot the frogs in the boiling translucent pots inability to escape their own translucent pot but have the ability to see other frogs in other translucent boiling pots. Somewhere in this dynamic you have frogs of a cultural generation that are still reproducing that escaped the gathering the frogs for the translucent boiling po. As of yetstill there has not one frog had been able able to jump out the boiling pot because at that point all biorythms have ceased. 
Now my question to you is what signals are taking place and not being recieved by the cutural generation in the translucent pot that responds to music in unrythmic movements with spurts of cataplexy?  

Marquita Bradshaw  June 11, 2010      


2pac had a song called, "Trapped," and he saw the trap/s and was trying to warn people of it/them.  Regardless of whether he was able to get out or not, it seems many were just nodding their heads to the beats and not listening to the words--or if indeed they were listening, they were not comprehending--and if comprehending, were neither motivated nor courageous enough to work toward betterment.


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