if you find  this  interesting:  Go to forum---Scroll down to end of page under education---click #4---find philosophy: Originally posted by Clifford Black---click eraticwisdom---and find whole article.

Is it ethical to allow humanity to continue, or to replace our species with machines?

This is getting tougher. Why does humanity deserve to exist? The recorded history of the experiences of Homo sapiens is the development of an unsure species at breakneck speed.
In an environment more accustomed to the snail-like pace of biological
evolution, Homo sapiens with our cultural
appeared on stage with all the delicacy of a three
year-old child.

Humanity is worth only as much as it reaches its potential, and our efforts are hindered by a combination of our evolutionary and cultural histories (nature and nurture). The majority of our innate tendencies
are animal-like, seeped in primitive, volatile emotions that are aligned
more towards a raw need for survival than rational or ethical action.
The evolution of our central nervous system has favored this type of
visceral behavior for much longer than we’ve been human such that even
when tamed, these tendencies produce violence, discrimination and
divisive, selfish egos.

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This has a familiar ring. Maybe it was this thought that I received (was it in time or newsweek) from an article called a manifesto by what was his name (they said that they were putting him out of his misery). Anyway, I will assume that you liked the post and if so I hope to see some inference on FB. PEACE LORD!!!
I do not believe it is a question of ethics to allow humanity to continue, but a question of evolution. Humanity will never be replaced by machines because as human beings we are co-creators with the divine source of all creation.

In my worldview there is an infinite intelligence that set the Universe in motion and this intelligence is still in the process of creating. Evolution is simply God creating. As this divine intelligence continues to evolve (create) humanity can and must evolve with it. To grasp this idea simply imagine that there is a divine impulse that causes everything to grow and evolve. What is inside of an oak seed that causes it to grow and become a mighty oak? It is the divine impulse of God seeking expression as an oak tree. This impulse is the divine spark of God and it exist within each human being and it is constantly seeking expression through us as us.

When we come to this understanding we must then take responsibility for evolving humanity forward. Our purpose as human beings is to recognize our divine gifts and talents and use them to assist God in making the world a better place. Machines will never have the ability or the capacity to express human emotions like love, compassion or empathy which is what drives the human race forward. It is this unique aspect of our humanity that fills me with hope and optimism and it is what drives human beings to seek solutions to life's greatest challenges.

Under final analysis you will find that Humanity (which is actually God in expression) always finds a way to survive and evolve because the Divine Impulse of God is at the soul of the evolutionary process.
Peace Lord.
I see you!!
Michael, I grok you and all throughout the evolution of life there is a balancing process called extinction that occurs. Humans are no more immune to this than the Doo-Doo Bird. All throughout creation certain species of humanoids have in fact become extinct. There is no evidence that humans are at the top of the food chain or in fact God's greatest creation. That's all speculative and relative. Humans are as subject to the original laws of nature as is the say the muskrat and and at the present rate humanity is violating those laws. There is a consequence for that.

Shortly I will post a link that may offer you some more information, if you don't already have it, on a short history of humankind.

Until then,

We need only to observe, with an open mind, a clear ear and xray vision the events of BP in the Gulf of Mexico to deduce that something is vile and contemptible about this species. By far the great majority sits idly by and allow themselves to be lived to become willing or unwilling participants supporting the very construct that enslaves them and that is murdering the eco-system of the planet. Any cursory historical research will reveal that this species has far outlived its usefulness in the community of life.
Ernest, what is really weird is if you could somehow study humans from a macrocosmic level you'd discover they behave a lot like cancer cells. They eat and produce far too many of their own to the point where they literally start to eat their host. When it yields all it is ca[able of giving what do you think the results may be?

A few of those cells my be lying dormant and still carry the original program and when activated reveal a propensity to want to behave within the laws of the original program. The problem with those cells is the other hybridized cells see them as "different" and will thus mount some from of attack, or even signal the aberrant cells of their existence, however like Doomo in the Revised Three Little Pigs, these cells embrace the rules of the predator and also have the power to code switch as not to eat their host, just eat that which is eating it. In other words maybe the planet needs some super antibodies?
So They Say!!!!!!!!! About the cure that is!
check---double check---recheck and then check one more time and make sure to separate the 4

looking back is known as retrospection and the good dedective learns how to be inspective so as to become a better detective and to DO real detection in order to investigate What's Going ON.


After hearing this weeks radio show that is hosted by Bro. Al Lewis which can be found by clicking onto the blogtalk radio tab on the menu-I felt that it may be appropo to reread this thread. Everyone should listen to the show and also look at the video about dark skin girls on the video page.





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