The Vitakkasanthana Sutta (MN 20) (The Removal of Distracting Thoughts) is a discourse contained within the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism.

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Vitakkasanthana Sutta---Go to wikipedia and place what you see on the right into the search and find what is being said about thought and how to change what you are thinking.


Seems as if it is simply stating modified behavior practices substituting the unwanted for the wanted. For example: a person (bhikku) is currently a smoker wanting to stop smoking: whenever they want to take a puff they instead chew gum or go for a walk, subbing out the unwanted. Below is a paraphrase of the five steps.

THE FIVE THINGS OF VITAKKASANTHANA SUTTA: Five Strategies For Removing Distracting Thoughts

1.       When the mind has become filled with hatred or illusion by dwelling on a bad object, the aspirant (bhikku) should replace the bad thought with a good ("skilled") thought.

2.       If thoughts still arise that are negative, evil, unskilled or unwholesome, the aspirant should reflect on the consequences, ponder on the disadvantage, examine the danger[s], and scrutinize the drawbacks of such thoughts.

3.       The aspirant should pay no mind and pay no attention, or even forget such thoughts.

4.       Go to the root and remove the unskillful thought.

5.       Clench the teeth and subdue and beat down the (evil) mind by the (good) mind.

Sid do you have the pdf, that was created, relative to self. If not, I will send to you.

Mr. Black


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