I watched the trailer with ken norton chasing a man who knew he was not slav,(slave). I to am concern for my brother, but when a people continue to label themselves and others, these terms that were coined to either may one feel inferior or somehow equal to the people who tried to oppress everything good (GOD), Self hatred becomes perpetual because just like crime "black-crime" has no color I have no color. I can agree that africa is where the first fruit was produce but I was born in MEMPHIS TENN. and that being so my brother is neither black nor white HE IS.

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Peace God. Thanks for the clarity. Sometimes one can sanction their own oppression and never even realize it. Francis Cress Welsing said the key was in the color. I disagree I think the keys are in the language. One of the most important words and concepts in the English language is context.

If one looks up the word they may find its origin means texture, literally to weave. The thought it is intended to project, to a serious student, is to try to understand not only the picture of a past event, but its texture, it's feel, its nuances. That is not an easy feat and one has to engage their imagination, fueled by correct data, accurate research and clear thinking, to get a better of understanding of past events recent and far.

If one repeats what they heard or even read without doing the obligatory checking for themselves then statements like, "Egyptians were black people, Martin L. King was an African American civil rights leader and that their ancestors were slaves will be made -------- erroneously!
Could what is being labeled as black self hate actually be lost identity? If one never knows self would not one always long for one's authentic self? With no sense of who you are would it not stand to reason to hate anything that reminded you that you were not? Is that self hate or hate of self?

How is it truly possible for the authentic self to hate itself? Can God hate God?
If one truly comes to know self how then would it be possible to hate that that is? There are some marvelous compositions in the make up of self. Se el elf, a magic trilogy, don't you think. Ego has been defined as a societal requirement of belonging. In other words ego is an assignment, a role issued to the players to be acted out by various individuals and groups. Just as a dysfunctional family pre-assigns roles, i.e. the hero, the rebel, the lost child, the mascot, so does society. The roles allows for one to "fit in" to embody the acceptable behaviors, beliefs and actions of the larger and dominant group.

Society also needs "the other", that being particular individuals and groups to use and as a comparison of what not and how not to be. This can be accomplished by using nefarious, diabolical albeit stupid justifications like skin color, language differences, beliefs and a host of other easily pointed out distinctions. However, "the other" are just as much a creation of society as is its conformers, it's rebels, it's cheer leaders and it's leaders. Having being dealt a bum hand and landed villainous roles the other often acts out of despair.

As the barriers of institutional poverty, ignorance, delusions of inclusion, forced criminality, mis education, and lack of opportunity at gainful employment or business are reinforced the other acts out in even more deviant ways thus reinforcing society's negative judgments, angst, and belief that the other are "unsalvageable" and thus unworthy or any true effort of helping. After all society needs to feel "special" about it's own perceived status and accomplishments.

It becomes a classic example of blaming the people, in this case the other, for a condition they neither created or wanted for themselves. It would be hard to think, in fact incredible to imagine that a child while growing up dreams and hopes that one day they will come to hate themselves and all the things that come with that false notion. It is not so much that they hate themselves as much as it is they never had a chance to know themselves. The issue then would be to assist them in finding the pathway to knowing self. The barrier then is society itself and that is us!

The real criminality lands smack dap in the laps of society itself. In a nation as rich with resources as the United States of America it is a crime against nature and nature's God to continue to allow these conditions to fester and grow. Until there is an admission of wrong doing and erroneous thinking by the culprits that created and allowed for these conditions to germinate and grow to the now near cataclysmic proportions there can be no real effective solutions. Perhaps it's not the children that are unsalvageable, perhaps it's society itself that is beyond saving? Maybe it time to drive a stake through the heart of the collective false self? Maybe it's time to pull back the blanket of lies and illusions, to show that the dice are loaded, the cards are marked and to uncover all three shells to reveal that there never was a pea under any of the shells in the first place?

What do you think?
Black Self- Hate
Black Self-Love
Human being self-love.
It takes a village to raise a village.
Life is the process...

For some reason, my mind leads me to thoughts of young so-called black men being loud and gaudy in their dress, vehicles and overall countenance.  It's obvious they want to be seen, but by whom, and why?

This is a subject that you may want to bring up in class where we can make sure that we are not discussing opinions and assumptive nothings. This is the best way to learn how to guide your male-child so that he will not fall into the traps that have been set for him by the game that is being played all around us.



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