To all Ning participants: Please allow me (if u would) the priviledge to distinguish between the government of the USA and America. When I refer to the America that I AM relative to, I am talking about Blackville in Arkansas. Jackson Park, Hyde Park, Lawndale and Lawerence Hall in Chicago. I am talking about 103rd or the crack in the world in Los Angeles, Fillmore, Hunters Point and Portreal Hill projects in San Francisco. I am refering to Oakland and Emeryville and 147th in Harlem. I am talking about McClemore and Bellvue and the Flamingo on Beale St. in Memphis TN. I am talking about those places in the Islands and in Mexico that I have known as home. Please try to leave me out of the soveregnty and acceptance needs that other people seem to complain about with so much certainty, because it is not applicaple to my existence. I need to know that I am in the presence of others that are not hung up on the non-sense that is the by-product of centuries of the forced acculturation process. I am doing my best to associate with FREE Persons who happen to have been born and live within the national borders and territories of governments that have been created by those who would try to control existence on this planet. I am fed up with humanoids trying to determine for me who and what IAM. I am more than happy to finaly have the opportunity to make contact with those like myself, and, just maybe, share water with PERSONS who can think for themselves.

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I think it safe to say a slave cannot make that declaration. The water is cool and sweet this morning.

I feel that this is as good a place as anywhere on the site to place this link. It is a reminder of why the subject of race and tolerance are not worth my time, the data that is to be found within the pages of this creation is worth knowing.  Take the time to learn what is here.!!!



COLONY (Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1856.) A union of citizens or subjects who have left their country to people another, and remain subject to the mother country.

subject (n.) Look up subject at Dictionary.comearly 14c., "person under control or dominion of another," from Old French suget, subget "a subject person or thing" (12c.), from Latin subiectus, noun use of past participle of subicere "to place under," from sub "under" (see sub-) + combining form of iacere "to throw" (see jet (v.)). In 14c., sugges, sogetis, subgit, sugette; form re-Latinized in English 16c.

I must first say I agree and respect this post. 

@Ari Hotep---Please take the time to download and read the above link, it will be important.


When I first became aware and really looking for answers, I heard about being sovereign and claiming my nationality.  However, the individuals always seemed to be so vague, wanted money or required that I join their particular group.  I was very intrigued and thought this must be why since I have been born I was identified as being a negro, black, Afro-American, and African American.  What was being presented was not clear enough for me to go all in.  I am grateful that I went through that process, because it led me here.  I can now honestly say and feel comfortable saying, I am part of the planet and no one group has ownership of a particular area.  I know I feel this way because now when I hear other people saying this is their country and/or land, I can now hear how ignorant it sounds. 

@Adisa---Some things are best not discussed in front of the choir--it is obvious that you are learning!!  Wait, and we will talk when we are together.



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