This post is an open note to MY-SELF (Steve).  As a beginning, I must first qualify this transmission. It is NOT a response to any of the nonsense that has been expressed about racism that seems to be rampant regarding the movie Avatar. What some perceive as racism relative to the film (story) is, “I think”, a figment of imagination running wild.  Pointing a finger for a relative, let me say how marvelous the feeling was when I was seated in the theater, looking up at the screen and one says to another “I SEE YOU”.  At that moment I found myself standing, looking around, excited, questioning myself, did you hear that?  I was alone in the theater because I was with no-one else.  The chill, that I felt as it was racing through an old and ill body was the only thing that, at that moment, I would be able to communicate with.  The reason for the dynamic was an abstract thought that I was having about something that I had read in a novel some years prior to the moment.  The title of the book is “COVERT ACTION” written by ‘Dick Couch’.  The story is unimportant to this note.  But I remembered the page in the book, where there, I first came across the words “ISEE YOU” in a greeting between a Turkana warrior-solider to another of his clan.  Shortly after reading this story I remember having had a thought about an old ‘star trek’ episode that I had viewed some years back.  I began an investigation into the Blue People of ‘Star Trek’ and I found that this was also to be found in ‘Star Wars’.  In other words, seeing the movie ‘AVATAR’ caused abstracts that were stored in my brain to come into focus.  What I find strange is that the commentators and critics of the movie ‘Avatar’ seem to know absolutely nothing about the Turkana People of East Africa.  The New saviors are having discussion without knowing anything about different stories that make up the plot.  I do not have the time to write all that I am thinking about this issue, but if the little that I am pointing toward can help someone to learn something about how the recognition of language and in this case a greeting of respect and acknowledgement can allow one to perceive a better understanding then this IS worth the time.  There is so much to learn and such short time to accomplish the act.  The seeing that is possible is made easier if the information is great enough to cause the abstract to form the picture.  The plot of Avatar was developed from stories that originate in a number of places including but not limited to the Amazon, Madagascar, West Africa, India, China and the list goes on. BE CARFUL WHEN THE SAVIORS COME TO SAVE.  BE MORE THAN CAREFUL AND VERY CURIOUS ABOUT WHAT THEY WANT TO SAVE YOU FROM.

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Almost eliminated this and then I read it and it is telling me that this is important and so I hope someone finds and reads.


I saw this thread sometime ago, but did not have any questions or comments at the time.  Now having more time to my thoughts and re-reading this, I can now grasp the three words, "I see you."  Neytiri was finally able to acknowlege Jake Scully the real living soul behind the mask of his avatar.  I never knew or understood the real meaning with the word(s) Re- Spect, but I had a fondness for the word, now I have learned that when asking for respect one is saying look again and SEE ME.

You have made it to the next step in the ladder, so, PASS ON BROTHER.  And now, YOU are flying at higher altitudes. Namaska Adisa-ISEEU

Dr. Black, Thank you for not eliminating this post....Namaska I SEE YOU !!!!!

Space Shuttle Enterprise, with Star Trek and NASA staff

The NASA Space Shuttle Enterprise at the Palmdale manufacturing facilities with cast members from Star Trek and NASA staff. Shown, from left to right, are: James C. Fletcher (NASA Administrator), DeForest Kelley (Dr. "Bones" McCoy), George Takei (Hikaru Sulu), James Doohan (Montgomery Scott), Nichelle Nichols (Nyota Uhura), Leonard Nimoy (Spock), Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek creator), an unnamed official, and Walter Koenig (Pavel Chekov).

The naming of the space shuttle after Star Trek's lead ship is only part of the series' extensive cultural influence. The first American series to feature an interracial cast, it drew public interest to space travel, birthed a new language, and spawned five successor series, thirteen movies, a plethora of merchandise, and a multi-billion dollar industry.


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