Imagine my chagrin when I started to suspect that there truly was indeed something below the surface of things. Being a well read so called black man and I do mean well read, I was unsatisfied with the walls I was hitting. I have always deduced problems pretty well. I had no issue with admitting I was up against something I could not penetrate. “I must be missing something” was my constant thought. A sharp as I imagined I was I just could not find that pony in the room full of shit!
I had just finished reading two series of books by two extremely serious authors, Daniel Quinn and Derrick Jensen. My world had been turned upside down. Nothing else I read came close to comparing to the surges my body and brain experienced while reading the 6 books in their collection.
When I would try to engage people in conversation on what I was learning about this culture and this world they mostly just stared at me with blank looks on their faces. The few who ventured to put aside their fears and bias would often give right back in to them and retreat back into “Ought to be world”. So in early August 2003 when my good friend Thurman Northcross offered to pick me up, I could not drive due to broken ribs, a broken scapula and collar bone after flipping my SUV 5 times, and take me of all places to dictionary class, I was excited to no end. Not because it was a dictionary class, just how exciting can a damn class on a dictionary be? Little did I know. I was excited because of who Thurman told me was teaching the class, Cliff Black.
This was August 2003 and I had met Cliff in way back in May of 1994 and his work so impressed me I started my quest into knowing more about the origins of words then. The problem was I ran into some snags that I just could not overcome on my own. I had seen Mr. Black around time a few times, but for some reason he didn’t appear to want to engage me and I was full of questions.
I don't think so----regarding as to why the geometry of the round table is a circle.
I am going to attempt this one. The round table may be a circle based on the etymology of circle
Circle: c.1300, from O.Fr. cercle (12c.), from L. circulus "small ring" (cf. It. cerchio), dim. of circus "ring" (see circus). Replaced O.E. trendel and hring. Meaning "group of persons surrounding a center of interest" is from 1714; that of "coterie" is from 1640s (a sense also found in L. circulus). The verb is from late 14c. Related: Circled; circling.
Based upon this etymology, I recall saying or hearing, that person is not in our circle or that person is not a part of their circle. Meaning that person does not have the same interest of the group. I also recall hearing from the "conscious community" that is not in my cipher, relating to the circle thus not having the same interest.
Namaska Adisa,
What you are doing with the word will allow you to gain insight into the story so that you will view the message/passenger/essence----also when you trace the origins of the title "Sir" and once you understand about the letters C/Z/S it can help to understand 'Round Table' and what it means.
Sir: a variation of Sire. Sire: title placed before a name and denoting knighthood, from Old French, sire, from Vulgar Latin, *seior, from Latin. senior "older, elder" leads to Senior. Senior: Latin senior, older. Leads to Senile, French and Latin, of old age.
C: Gamma in Greek derived from symbol of the Boomerang
Z: Zeta in Greek derived from symbol of the Arrow
S: Sigma in Greek derived from symbol of the Tusk
I am seeing weapons used to hunt, the boomerang and arrow and something hunted with the symbol of the tusk. A circle or group of elders or seniors skilled in hunting or surviving.
Adisa---There are those that think of sigma as the an aspect that leads to the mouth where if something is placed into this opening it must be masticated or chewed and so when you "chew on it" you are thinking about that, whatever it is.
From the tusk, the Hebrews developed a symbol calling it shin, their word for tooth.
This reply by Mr. Lewis is some of what you can learn about if you learn how to see what is happening in the story.
I have never read the story. I will read the story and fit the puzzle pieces together. I have looked up the words sir, sire and knight and I have learned more by doing this.
Doing allows one to learn and this will cause one to know how to DO more.
For the few. this thread is a keeper. Al, this possibly is the one, to start the bonce.
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