Try this on. It aint funny, well actually it is when you think about it.
We think in pictures, not words. Words are a link of characters that form images that are imprinted on the brain. The word God can only be traced back to the old high german word Goth or Guth or Gotten, that’s as far back as you can take it and it meant to invoke or call out. The word God is a title not a name.

Words, by their very nature, are finite they have an ending, that is why you define things. They give some kind of mental structure to a thought. However the word define literally means to outline or to limit. God is a CONCEPT and that is limitless. Words cannot even began to adequately describe what IT is. In fact any attempt to do that actually limits God via the fact that God is and God is implicitly limitless.

Any text doctrine, dogma, cannon, or any other treatise that attempts to define/limit that that is is a futile, feckless, ineffective, vain attempt at the IMPOSSIBLE. It will only generate spurious arguments, control, war, fragmentation and confusion. Now look at the world today and deny that is not what has happened all under the banner of God. Everyone proclaims they are right, no one admits they are wrong.

Of course every now and then events happen to prove the elect, the morally right, wrong. Jesus attempted to with his words about every man can get to God himself, Mohammed, brought great truth, Copernicus did when he proved that the earth was not the center of the universe, Galileo did likewise, Darwin, Newton, Columbus, Einstein, all have debunked the ignorance or insidiousness of some religious orders and bodies. many suffered greatly for this.

So along comes some people who you cannot define, who knows the language well enough to protect themselves intellectually, and who can filter out the lie as soon as it is projected. They are what some call “day walkers” they walk on and by the water and water is simply knowledge. These people are not foolhardy enough to think they can enter into a debate about God. Why would they? Anyone who does is telling me they don’t think too much of THEIR God. You know why? God can take care of itself! If it cannot then it is not God.It is a fantasy. God needs no protector.

I am assured that God will prevail as it always has. It is what it is. I am not so assured that humans will. I nor anyone else can name it or claim it because God CANNOT be possessed. It is like living in the atmosphere. You are not only in it, it is in you. I don’t need a book to tell me that. That is an objective epistemological reality. All babies in the jungle know that.

That is why I can make fun of God, the devil, that punk and anything else I choose. If God as powerful as it is can’t take a joke from my insignificant grain of sand on a beach as vast as the quantum multiverse ass, then that aint much of a God. God most have a sense of humor. My God girl it made George Bush and allowed him to be elected president, twice! God has got to be laughing its ass off on that one. Better yet it made so called white folks and so called black folks who would then describe something as complex and beautiful as the human body as a white or a black or a red or a yellow. That humans would forego and dismiss all the intricacies of the human mind and focus solely on the physical features of all humanity, then God was either playing a joke on the universe, you know just having a little fun with some odd matter and molecules or civilized humans are indeed INSANE. So I am just having fun with what God has fun with...humans.

Mr. Mann

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watch-out John G. Jackson
I also like the peice on Hawkins, will INVESTigate that one.
I have been saying for years that "God" is a title and not a name. Lol! I would say that humans are insane. Seeing ourselves as seperate from everything in an interconnected multiverse is insanity!
As I read this post I am wondering about the inference that it implies. I want to think that this would suggest that Jesus was not the creator of the concept that is known as race. There was no God in the heavens involved in this invention so now I am wondering how do people know so much about the concept. Why do so-called black people invest so much mental energy into what they have come to believe is the reality of race. People are always telling me how God is the creator of reality. PLEASE HELP ME deal with this bit of confusion.

In a letter to his brother-in-law in 1861, Alfred Russel Wallace allegedly wrote:

"I remain an utter disbeliever in almost all that you consider the most sacred truths. I will pass over as utterly contemptible the oft-repeated accusation that sceptics shut out evidence because they will not be governed by the morality of Christianity ... I am thankful I can see much to admire in all religions. To the mass of mankind religion of some kind is a necessity. But whether there be a God and whatever be His nature; whether we have an immortal soul or not, or whatever may be our state after death, I can have no fear of having to suffer for the study of nature and the search for truth, or believe that those will be better off in a future state who have lived in the belief of doctrines inculcated from childhood, and which are to them rather a matter of blind faith than intelligent conviction." 

This brief writing fits perfectly with what has been discussed here.  I have "foolishly" attempted to have discussions with individuals asking them to explain how their god is limited to that of being a he.  I'm sure you all know how that conversation, if I can call it that went.

@Adisa---heh-heh, I am not This can be some funny shat.


I like to think that im a part of a low vibrating force.That do NOT understand this planet I have been sent to be apart of ,alien.Learning to adapt to thoughts and a way of life.(peace and love)


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