Neo-one: So God, why are you so needy?

God: Listen child, I am the Supreme Architect of the Universe. What do you mean, needy? Have you bumped your head or something?

N-one: Well, you make your followers fall on their knees and praise you and beg you and tell you how great you are, and every single Sunday you make them come together and holler and shout to your glory. You mean to tell me, you really need that many reminders?

God: Look child, I don’t think that you are seeing the real picture. People from all over your planet swear that I’ve told them this and I’ve told them that. They write tons of books about what I am supposed to have said, when in fact, I have been so busy running the universe, I really have not had time to talk to scatter brains. When do I have time to talk to a bunch of dummies that cannot possibly understand what it is that I need to actually talk about? I am busy maintaining the proper relationships between planets, stars and everything else that is out here. Running around behind some nutty humans and fixing the list of problems, that they create for themselves, is one thing I have no time for.

N-1: So, are you saying, you don’t need all that praise and glorifying?

God: Now why in the universe would I need praise? Look child, I know I’m God, people are the ones who need a reminder.

N-1: A reminder? What kind of reminder? Last time you sent a reminder to this planet, people had to deal with plagues, floods, famines, and all kinds of misery. I think we’re just fine down here without any your reminders, Lord.

God: No, no, no, you See, that’s exactly what I am trying to convey to you, talking to a dummy that does not understand is truly hard work. Listen son, you’ve got this all wrong. Let me try to explain some-things to you. Ever since you were born into this particular existence you have been receiving images of whom and what I am. The images have been force-fed into you, by your parents, your preachers, your holy books, religions, and what you call culture. You never constructed an image, for yourself, of what God is, or, for all that really matters, is not. Humans because of how they must be created are too young to understand at birth. As an infant entity you simply accept the images that are given to you by others. Then, as you began to grow older, the brain begins to pull these images together. You are being programmed into the thoughts that you will imagine. Until you have enough mental strength that will allow the capacity for you to develop a personal concept of what I am, you are at the mercy of others. Once you are able to start to think, for and with your-self, you can then begin the journey that will help you to KNOW THYSELF. Until you are on this path of self- development, for the self, you are constantly in a position where you must believe and trust others. Now that you are older it becomes the time when you must stop doing childish things. It is childish for you to confuse what I am, with what you believe that I am. This is a source of much confusion for your species.

You see, right now, you are imagining me. You are imagining me as a nice old white man up in the sky with white hair and a halo. You are imagining me sitting on a throne surrounded by pearly gates with a big book in front of me. “He knows when you’ve been a good, he knows when you’ve been bad. Please!

N-1: Okay God, now you are starting to scare me. What do you mean, I’m imagining you?

God: I have always wondered if your heads are screwed on tight enough. Do you people honestly think that the Supreme Force of the Universe is running around keeping tabs on every one of your species? Do you really think I care that much about a bunch of lowly humans? The only thing you folks do is run around destroying one another. Personally, I really don’t care what you do, just stop begging me. I have given all of you the potential and the power to accomplish what you will. What more do you want me to do? Do I have to do everything for you people? Let us get back to your imagination. I am not responsible for the way that you have learned to perceive me. That kind of perception is just an illusion.
Neo-One: What are you getting at, God? I do want to understand!

God: Again, let us return to your imagining. You see, the way that you folks perceive me is just an illusion. Understand this thought! There is no white man up in the sky, no book, no throne, and no pearly gates. That’s not the Power, it never has been.

Neo-One: I’m listening.

God: Remember when I told you that you were imagining me? Well, you imagine a lot of things everyday. You imagine the errands you’ll run today, what you are going to do tomorrow, next week, and even next year. You plan and scheme and peer into the future: all with your imagination. You create an image of what you want things to be. You do all of this inside of yourself, and then you try to turn that image into a reality.

N-1: Yes God, I agree with what you are saying. You don’t have to point out the obvious.

God: Apparently young man, I do. You see, there’s only one being with the ability to imagine. Only one force has the ability to think, to create a reality, to make something happen. There’s only one being, in the entire universe, equipped with a mind. You folks call it God.

Neo-One: So... are you saying… you mean…. I am, I mean we are….?

God: What I’m saying is this. All of your life you’ve been thinking that you and I are worlds apart. You were led to believe by the most ignorant of your species that all the power is somewhere outside of your self. What I’m saying is that right now, this very moment, the Power that you imagine IS your self. I’m saying that right now, I’m talking to my self, because YOU ARE this thing, that you are calling GOD. It is not outside of you, it is you. You are a copy of the universe, with all of the power, all of the force, and the capacity to create and to be your own reality.

What I am saying is that the second coming did not happen just once. Every time one of you is born, that is the second coming. That is me ‘Becoming’ into human form. So imagine on, Lord. Just do me one favor, this time, instead of vesting all of your power and all your strength in some cartoon that lives in the sky, imagine God as it really is. This time, imagine your self. Because that’s what self is, it’s the God inside of you.

Neo-One: Stop it God, you’re scaring the be-Jesus out of me! You know that they’ll burn you at the stake for that?

God: Child, you have always been afraid to know the truth. That’s why you assassinate everyone who tries to tell you. I sent Jesus down there, Huey Newton, and Malcolm X. I have sent you so many people that it would take the rest of eternity to name them. Every single time I send a savior, man eliminates it!

Neo-1: Well God, this stuff is pretty heavy and I think I need a drink after that one. By the way, can you loan me a few dollars? With the price of gas being what it is, I’m kind of broke these days.

God: Broke? What do you mean by broke? Everything works as it is meant to work. Everything is as it is, nothing that came out of me is broken. Well, except maybe that one mistake I made with creating your species.

Neo-One: No, not broke as in shattered, but as in having no money! You know, low on the funds? Cash-depleted?

God: Ahh, money! Here we go again with the illusions that you’ve imagined into existence. In your language, money means law and that is the one thing you humans have plenty of, too many laws in my opinion. But, who am I?

N-1: No, not law God. I mean pieces of paper that let me own more things, and control more people and resources.

God: A piece of paper? You mean to tell me that you people have invested that kind of power in a piece of paper?

Neo-One: Where have you been for the last two hundred years God? Not only do those pieces of paper carry power, but people kill each other over those pieces of paper. Sometimes they wipe out entire villages and nations for it. But, most of the time, they lie and say they’re killing in your name.

God: So they blame me? Why in the name of heaven would they blame me? I don’t even have a bank account on earth. I don’t even have pockets. And why would I need something as ridiculous as money, when I am supreme ruler over all that is, was, and will be?

N-1: Well, they say that if we don’t give you ten percent we’re sinners and that we’ll burn in hell for eternity. Of course they have to take their cut off the top for the Cadillacs and all, but the rest goes to you, they say.

God: That’s funny because I never received a quarter from those people. Really it makes me no difference. Maybe you can see how everything that you people have created, including money, laws, your races, and your religions are all simply illusions.

Neo-One: What????? Are you kidding me? You don’t mean… Well, I’ll be damned… I mean, err, I’ll be. So all this stuff about who’s right, who’s wrong, whose black, brown, yellow, or red, who’s righteous and whose unrighteous is just…?

God: You got it kid, illusions.

Neo-One: Well, thanks God. I can’t say I understand it all right now, but with the power of God, I’m sure I can figure it out.

God: That’s right. And from henceforward I give you this commandment: Man, know thyself, and in knowing thy self, know the power of God.

Neo-One: Thanks man, err, I mean… God.

God: Back at you, Lord.

Copyright 2009
Al Lewis
Clifford Black

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THANK YOU! Powerful. Deep. Gripping. One of the best posts on this site. And what every child should read. I can see it in a video. Perhaps a series of penetrating conversations. I'll take this over the fluffier conversations with Neale Donald Walsh any day.
Wow! I love this one! This should be widely publicized, and used to teach children. I love Emenike's idea! A series of conversations would be awesome.
God - Neo 1, it’s been a while since we chatted I was so enjoying myself the last time we met.

Neo 1 - Yeah, lot’s of things have happened since then. I got a little older and some other things have transpired. I do have some more questions I want addressed.

God - It seems that is the preoccupation with your race.

Neo 1 - What? You mean so called black people?

God - Don’t be silly, why would I create a race of anything named for a skin color. I don’t operate like that. Asking questions. Your species likes to ask questions. I suspect you know the answers to most of them. By asking me though you think it lets you off the hook.

Neo 1 - Quite a clever response. I wouldn’t expect that of you.

God - What? Being clever or the fact that I exposed human self deceit.

Neo 1 - Do you have to be so direct?

God - Well yes and no. It is all about choice you know? I mean rather than investigate and do the work for yourselves many of you pretend to contact me and then give the answer you already have planned. I often wonder why you bother to even ask me in the first place?

Neo 1 - Really?

God - Really! Anyway what’s on your mind.

Neo 1 - Well this time I want to ask so more practical questions instead of the deep metaphorical ones.

God - It’s your nickel spend it as you please.

Neo 1 - Whoa are you saying this is costing me?

God - Nothing in life is free not even freedom.

Neo 1 - Strange that you mentioned that word or concept because that is where I wanted to start.

God - And?

Neo 1 - You see all my life I have heard that word and all sorts of images popped up in my head. Initially I thought if I were ever free I could do anything I wanted to. But as I grew older I came to understand that there are limitations to what I could do no matter what.

God - That my friend is the beginning of wisdom. Good for you, but do go ahead. This is fascinating to me. So few of your species ever really ask me what freedom is. They just hoop and holler about one day they will be free. I, in turn, wonder just how, when and where that is supposed to happen.

Neo 1 - You are kidding me right?

God - I do have my moments, and I think you know where you think I am are going with this , but I am not. So let’s start at the beginning. What is freedom?

Neo 1 - To me?

God - No, not to you, why do you humans always attempt that trick when you are put on the spot. To you? What do you mean to you? Did you create the concept?

Neo 1 - Of course not and are you getting salty about it?

God - Of course, I am. Did you catch that?

Neo 1 - I think so.

God - Well?

Neo 1 - Well what?

God - Answer my question.

Neo 1 - I have to think about it. Ok, I did the etymological work and I got to love and friend, but that doesn’t explain freedom, the concept.

God - Yes, knowing the origin and thus intent of words is vital and language, by it’s very nature, can be so limiting. That is not to diminish your research. That is a wise thing. Sometimes concepts as important as freedom get hidden in enigmas and the language will only serve to confuse you. You will need a basic understanding of symbols and pictures to really stand under the concept of freedom. There is a language older than words you know?

Neo 1 - Yes I am aware of that. It comes to me in dreams sometimes. Sometimes I see it in pictures and trees and animals. In fact that was the technique I had to use to see freedom.

God - Good, go ahead.

Neo 1 - Well I had heard all these vague explanations of what freedom was and I started to see them in either or and black and white, literally. So called black people.

God - So called? I see you met Mr. Black

Neo 1 - Yea, about 15 years ago, but it took a while for me to start to catch on. You see as a rule most so called black people I know described freedom in turns of freedom from something. Freedom from bondage, freedom from oppression, from poverty, for having to work so hard and so long, from ignorance. Most so called white people described freedom in turns of freedom to. Freedom to own property, freedom to go where they chose, freedom to believe and so forth.

God - Good observations. Of course not all people even so called black or so called white describe it exactly the same way, but still a pretty astute eye.

Neo 1 - So which one do you think is the best description?

God - Neither.

Neo 1 - Neither? Well, I didn’t see that one coming. why neither?

God - Why don’t we pause here for a minute. I do have pressing business in a new galaxy. I mean it isn’t anything that can’t be addressed, but I must attend to it.

Neo 1 - Is there anything I can do to help?

God - Not unless you know something about the mathematical equation of the 4 major forces and their quantum relationship to the 13 dimensions.

Neo 1 - You mean Strong and weak nuclear energy, electro-magnetic force and gravity right?

God - I see those lessons with Mr. Black are paying off. You see I have a white hole spewing all sorts of matter in this new galaxy and it must be tuned off.

Neo 1 - A white hole? I mean know a little about black holes, but what is a white hole?

God - well being that you are still trying to figure out freedom don’t get too caught up on that one. Just put it like this. If a black hole attracts all matter into it with such strong gravitational force that nothing can escape it, not even light, where do you think all that energy and matter goes?

Neo 1 - Wow! I never thought about it like. But like you said that has nothing to do with freedom.

God - I never said anything of the sort because it has everything to do with freedom. Meanwhile give it all some thought while I’m gone. We will pick up where we left off when I return.
God - Well I’m back. That didn’t take too long did it?

Neo - 1 - It’s been almost 2 weeks, what would you call that?

God - The same thing Albert called it, relativity.

Neo 1 - I see you have a sense of humor. Now that’s funny God has a sense of humor.

God - It pays, especially when dealing with your species. I mean you must admit you present a special challenge.

Neo 1 - How so? And while we are at it let’s talk about your great experiment, you so called greatest achievement, humans or man.

God - Ok let’s talk about it. Where do you want to begin?

Neo - 1 How about you best, but most flawed creation. If you are God, and everything works in your creation, how did man, your crowning achievement come to be so defective?

God - New One, I like that name, none of my creations are superior to any others. None are on top. That is your greatest illusion and your biggest lie. I made all things equal and especially man.

Neo - 1 - But how is that possible when I see the inequities in men, some are born maimed, twisted, feeble minded.

God - Neo - 1 What you see are nature’s selection process. I am Nature and Nature's God. We are one and the same and yet we operate on somewhat different principals. Nature is the law, it is the rule by which all things must play even if the rules appear chaotic such chaos is within the boundary of nature in fact nothing, absolutely nothing in the multiverse is outside the rules and laws of nature. That is the nature of nature. I call into being all things seen and unseen. I am the thinker and doer, nature is the matter or mother. In other words I have the conception, bit nature conceives. I am the invisible, it is the visible, yet we are one, the same.

Neo - 1 - is that some kind of metaphysical answer or something.

God - No that just is.

Neo 1 - Ok God, or Lord, or GAOTU or whatever you are and I do so want to know exactly what is your real name.

God - Son, slow down. I will answer to whatever you choose to call me. It is that simple I am everything, but trust me you have not the vocal ability nor can you conceive to conceive what my name is. It is too massive a thought for you to comprehend, yet it is elegantly simple and that explains the paradox you have created for yourself.

You think that by attempting to name me it gives you some special dispensation of my powers. Since none of your species have ever been able to do that some of your people have mislead people as if they and they alone knew my name, as if knowing it gives them an edge over everyone else, and that it was so secret only a few knew what it was.

I say to you none of your species could ever know. I say to you it is not that important. Get over it Neo - 1 you can never own me, harness me, harvest me, control me, or displace me. Your incantations and rituals can not summon me, because there is no need to summon me. None of you have a special or favored connection to me. None of you are in my favor or out of sorts with me. That is a great non secret I just revealed to you, but you will reject it just as you have most true statements about me and my nature.

Neo 1 - Wait, wait a minute. I need some time to debrief and integrate what you just told me.

God - Take your time man. You asked and I am not holding anything back this time. Well I may have to share something with you in what you call metaphors or allegory, but thats just because your range of consciousness has its own limitations. Some of you are more capable of seeing beneath the surface, but only after the many distractions you love to covet are removed. That takes lots of work and no matter how many people I elicit to share this with you only a small few ever come close to comprehending what it all means.

Neo 1 - what do you mean by that?

God - Come on Neo 1, think, think hard.

Neo 1 - Are you referring to great thinkers like Jesus, or Octavia Butler or Malcolm X or Nietzche?

God - those are a few, but there are more. Your species calls them deep or dimensional thinkers. In your language I think a more befitting phrase would be contextual expansive thinking. They not only think deeply, they think outwardly or expansively. It is an art form rare for humans, but Neo 1 you are capable if you can but dodge your pre-disposional beliefs.

Neo 1 - yeah, Mr. Black suggests that also and it is difficult.

God - As it should be.

Neo 1 - Why so?
God - I think you already know the answer to that question. So why don’t you share with me your thoughts on why so.

Neo 1 - Well, it’s strange that you should ask because I have been thinking about that a lot lately.

God - Do proceed.

Neo 1 - Ok, so the first question I would have to address is why would I believe in anything? And the answer would have to be because I was not sure or didn’t know so I would create a belief.

God - So what could be problematic about that? In other words what happens when there is evidence that what you believe may not or is not true?

Neo 1 - I see where I think you are going with this.

God - I am not going anywhere with it. You offered the explanation I am just asking a few questions.

Neo 1 - OK what I have observed from a huge segment of the population is when a commonly held belief is disproved many of them hold on to that belief sometimes for hundreds of years in spite of the evidence to the contrary.

God - Why do you think that so Neo 1?

Neo 1 - I don’t know, I really don’t know.

God - Of course you do and I know you do. Speak your truth Neo 1, it’s welcome here.

Neo 1 - What comes up for me is fear and sadness. Fear that all that I believed may be in error and what will I replace it with? Sadness that the people who led me to those beliefs were wrong.

God - Good, now take a deep breath. You have been holding that in a long time. It takes a great deal of courage to admit something that bites at your core and it will take an even greater courage to understand that the core you think you know that is you in fact is not you.

Neo 1 - Wait a minute. What are you insinuating?

God - Neo 1, let’s get something straight. I never insinuate anything. I told you I may use techniques to match your level of understanding, and that is only because I must be real careful with your delicate psyche on how I introduce truths to you.

Neo 1 - But why?
God - Humans are so married to belief and illusion that they experience them as real, even though the very word belief is a state of none reality. To believe something is not to know it. At best belief should be, if anything, a temporary position until something is known.

Neo 1 - Is there anything better to replace belief with?

God - What’s wrong with just saying, “I don’t know?”

Neo 1 - Nothing actually, I just find it hard to actually meet people who will willingly admit that they do not know. For almost any question rather they have any information on it or not, they will offer an opinion or a belief.

God 1 - Same thing and I have noticed that peculiar trait among your kind also what makes you do that?

Neo 1 - Looks who’s asking the questions now. I thought you knew everything? After all you wear the title of God and here you are asking me, a mere human, questions that have bewildered the sages for eons. Why do men behave as they do?

God - Neo 1, what makes you think I have all the answers?

Neo 1 - Listen, I just assumed since you created this mess at least you would have some answers to this riddle called man.

God - You seem angry. What is that about?

Neo 1 - At the risk of drawing your angst oh holy one. Yes I must admit I am a tad bit angry. Pissed off in fact.

God - Angry at what and whom?

Neo 1 - Actually at you!

And it is said to be crazy to talk to one's self!  I can definitely visualize this conversation in video format.

"Running around behind some nutty humans and fixing the list of problems, that they create for themselves, is one thing I have no time for."  Yet most will not even accept this truth, they blame a devil for evil a god for good have no accountability for their own actions.  This touched my center!

"Ok, I did the etymological work and I got to love and friend, but that doesn’t explain freedom, the concept."

Just thought about the saying, if you love something set it free!

Adisa, we have developed an etymology exercise for the words love and freedom,but it would be best that we go over the process in person.



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