Those are the questions. With a new president the country has been buzzing about race. Is the race issue over? Have African Americans finally arrived? You may have seen or heard these and other issues discussed on TV or radio. CNN is doing a part 2 to race in a few days.

They trot out the so called experts and they espouse all the power words, and phrases guaranteed to up the viewership. However, race remains a complex sensitive issue on our national and local landscape. Have you ever wondered why?

Tell me how did you get to be white or black or yellow or red? How long have you been white or black? Where did the concept of race by color come from? Who started it? In fact what is race?

Most conversations around this issue start at the end or in the middle. The assumption is you are what you already think you are. Well, what if you are not? What if you are something else and didn't know it?

What is culture? Who defined it for you? What is your heritage and who defined it for you? Where did you learn about these things? How do you know any of it is true? These are just a few of the questions from the buzz words around race. Upon close inspection and examination how they are used in present context may not stand up to logic and truth.

What if they didn't? What if this race issue was just something made up? What difference would it make? Before you answer that think about it and think about it deeply. Those are just some of the topics and issues we will address straight forward in the Red Pill II training. Let me assure you we will address some issues and facts that can be life changing if you look deeply enough.

To be or not to be, that is the question.

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Prolegomena is something that needs to be said or established beforehand. That is, to gain an understanding of something of complexity before you can move forward to the next step. That has never happened, to my knowledge, on the issue of race. In fact everything comes in a box neatly defined and wrapped up in vague confusing language of questionable origin, presented to a needy and exhausted audience hungry for truth, understanding and closure, but only to be fed more confusion, more dependence on definitions and theory and little truth.

That is why the subject is so attractive, yet so repelling. One may step into this hot cauldron with good intention and get attacked for their inquiry. Others may wonder where does this all end? While others still wonder how do I step out of being either the perennial victim or the easy scapegoat?
I will be broadcasting more about the Red Pill II this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. The internet radio show is, The Underground Railroad. You can get it at .
I find it strange that a topic that is talked about so much (race) is not generating any real response.
Mr. B.
Clifford Black said:
I find it strange that a topic that is talked about so much (race) is not generating any real response.
Mr. B.
Mr. Black, what a surprise and pleasure to see you posting here. I am only guessing, but I would think that many of our targeted audience have been bombarded by "mountains" of misinformation and well intentioned, through erroneous, notions on the subject. Perhaps they are suspect that The Red Pill II will be more of the same. That particular notions brings about some amusement because my involvement in working with you over the past several years has shown me one thing at least and that is a person, be it a he or she, expert or laymen, opinions all have equal weight and value and that adds up to zero.

I would think that a topic with as much energy and as charged as race would bring mega discussion and just perhaps many of our members here are skeptical and cynical about this entire morass of confusion. If that be the case they are in the right place and will be attending the right training.

Even our illustrious president has factored in on this subject with his comments from Africa about imprisoned free people being prepared to be transported and sold into servitude. What I am saying is even he got it all wrong and that is something that can be proved. However what is even more fascinating is why do people think he is an expert on the issue of race and the imprisonment of free people of color from the continent of Africa?
Maybe the deafening silence, in a semi-public forum, on this subject may be indicative of the shadows that exist around this "issue." I can only imagine the eventual joy that will be experienced when all realize the magician's trick. No more need to feel the angst in the pit of the stomach when the "issue" arises. Oh, joy!


Clifford Black said:
Clifford Black said:
I find it strange that a topic that is talked about so much (race) is not generating any real response.
Mr. B.
While we on the subject of race what about the notion of white privilege? Is there such a thing or is it something someone just made up? I copied this:

White Privilige -In critical race theory, white privilege is a set of advantages enjoyed by white people beyond those commonly experienced by non-white people in the same social, political, and economic spaces (nation, community, workplace, income, etc.). Theorists differentiate it from racism or prejudice because, they say, a person who may benefit from white privilege is not necessarily racist or prejudiced and may be unaware of having any privileges reserved only for whites.

Now what stands out for me is the word theory. What is a theory? Has it been proved or is it just a strong belief or opinion? I dare say to make my reality on someone else's opinion sets me up to be thought for instead of thinking for myself. What do you think? Before you answer that you may want to find out what a white person is. For that matter you may want to know what a black person is also.

Anyone care to take a shot at it?
Happy to be here. Let me be the first to say that this training will not deliver any of the usual misinformation. The classes are designed so that people, who really want to know, will learn how to find answers, to the many questions that are being asked. In other words people learn how to find answers for themselves. This process is mathematical so the data can be checked, also since the information is based on an action of self-determination then if the data is false the learner will have to look into self to determine where the lies are coming from.

Aaron (Al) Lewis said:
Mr. Black, what a surprise and pleasure to see you posting here. I am only guessing, but I would think that many of our targeted audience have been bombarded by "mountains" of misinformation and well intentioned, through erroneous, notions on the subject. Perhaps they are suspect that The Red Pill II will be more of the same. That particular notions brings about some amusement because my involvement in working with you over the past several years has shown me one thing at least and that is a person, be it a he or she, expert or laymen, opinions all have equal weight and value and that adds up to zero.

I would think that a topic with as much energy and as charged as race would bring mega discussion and just perhaps many of our members here are skeptical and cynical about this entire morass of confusion. If that be the case they are in the right place and will be attending the right training.

Even our illustrious president has factored in on this subject with his comments from Africa about imprisoned free people being prepared to be transported and sold into servitude. What I am saying is even he got it all wrong and that is something that can be proved. However what is even more fascinating is why do people think he is an expert on the issue of race and the imprisonment of free people of color from the continent of Africa?
I am still waiting on someone to show me the qualifications that allow the President to say that the information that he is passing on is correct.

Clifford Black said:
Happy to be here. Let me be the first to say that this training will not deliver any of the usual misinformation. The classes are designed so that people, who really want to know, will learn how to find answers, to the many questions that are being asked. In other words people learn how to find answers for themselves. This process is mathematical so the data can be checked, also since the information is based on an action of self-determination then if the data is false the learner will have to look into self to determine where the lies are coming from.

Aaron (Al) Lewis said:
Mr. Black, what a surprise and pleasure to see you posting here. I am only guessing, but I would think that many of our targeted audience have been bombarded by "mountains" of misinformation and well intentioned, through erroneous, notions on the subject. Perhaps they are suspect that The Red Pill II will be more of the same. That particular notions brings about some amusement because my involvement in working with you over the past several years has shown me one thing at least and that is a person, be it a he or she, expert or laymen, opinions all have equal weight and value and that adds up to zero.

I would think that a topic with as much energy and as charged as race would bring mega discussion and just perhaps many of our members here are skeptical and cynical about this entire morass of confusion. If that be the case they are in the right place and will be attending the right training.

Even our illustrious president has factored in on this subject with his comments from Africa about imprisoned free people being prepared to be transported and sold into servitude. What I am saying is even he got it all wrong and that is something that can be proved. However what is even more fascinating is why do people think he is an expert on the issue of race and the imprisonment of free people of color from the continent of Africa?
I saw part of Anderson Cooper's interview with the president tonight. What I found most interesting was how they projected Ghana into the equation. They were talking about the enslavement of African people and how it was trough certain locales in Ghana that these people were imprisoned and prepared for a journey abroad. They talked about the indignities they suffered and showed so called black people from the USA crying real tears about being in this spot.

They even showed a woman who was so touched she moved there to be closer to her I Amness. There is something contextually wrong with this picture, not just what the president and Cooper were saying, but this woman's statement requires further investigation. In fact the entire segment requires honest scrutiny and thought. Did anyone pick up on the contradictions and erroneous assumptions? Did anyone else detect the under tow on the unintended consequences from all of their statements? It is vital that one learns how to do this with a critical eye and discerning ear least their babies suffer in the future as their parents continue to struggle in the present.

I also suggest that you read the blog posted by Mr. Black for it addresses some of the fundamentals of piercing the thresholds of your own pre-dispositions. This aint work for the wimpy folks.
Hello Mr. Black. Nice to be chating here. A few questions first.
1. Why does one "need qualifications"?
2. Why must qualifications be "proven" or experience be "proven" before acceptance or engagement occurs?
3. I find Mr Obama's skills quite fascinating.

Thank you.


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