Place the word that you see above into the search @ wikipedia or maybe yahoo or google and see what can be learned about this substance.
this is one of the most important facets of the Banana
Bananas are an excellent source of vitamin B6 and contain moderate amounts of vitamin C, manganese and potassium.
the mineral life force that comes to one who is paying attention
can be used to take control of the life span that one travels.
Check in the forums under environment. You are looking for "Need to know about" it is the link dealing with what is known as the Black Farmers. Please start your research about this matter and learn as much as you can if You are interested in YOUR survival.
I have some great information about the mystery behind the banana being genetically modified by some great mind(s) in one of my pdf's. I was going to post it, but i have so many pdf's that i can't find it right now. I have been studying and working in hydroponics for the last 2 years and will gladly follow the pointing finger....
Namaska B, I grew a few vegtables this past spring using hydroponics. I am growing some lettuce indoors using aquaponics but plan to grow on a much larger scale this upcoming growing season. I have been going over a design that will recirculate the water using gravity and water pressure only, no pumps no electricity.
Here is information i was talking about...
A Fruit that Really should not Exist
I’ve included this last little tid-bit in the riddles section simply because I think it’s interesting and just because it may give you something to think about in your everyday life, something that really is most strange. Most people are completely unaware of this fact but there is a fruit that is eaten by millions of people all around the world everyday that is quite remarkable and in all reality, simply shouldn’t exist. I’m talking of course, about the banana. Bananas are actually the most mysterious fruit in the world because bananas have no seeds and what makes this even more mysterious is the fact that they are found in almost every country in the world.
Now that may not sound so odd at first but let me fully explain this enigma to you: Firstly, banana plants are not trees; they are actually a perennial herb. The trunk of the plant is really nothing more than the plants outer leaves. The real stem of the plant doesn’t actually become visible until it pushes out through the top to produce the large purple flower that will eventually develop into the fruit. Then, having finished its perennial reproductive cycle, the plant dies. The problem here, is that in the reproductive cycle of the banana, seeds are completely absent from the mature fruit! A new ‘seedling’ (known as a ‘sucker’) can only ever be generated from a piece of the plants rootstock and yet bananas are found in almost most every place on earth, even on quite remote and isolated islands. How in the world did they all get there? The seeds certainly weren’t carried across the oceans by prevailing winds. To fully appreciate this anomaly first consider that the only other seedless plants that exist anywhere in the world are things like seedless grapes, naval oranges and the many genetically modified varieties of commercial vegetables that can now be purchased, the point is, any other seedless plants that exist, anywhere in the world, are all that way because they have genetically modified! And yet here we have the humble banana, which is also the only food in existence that contains exactly the correct requirements of vitamins and minerals for mans metabolism completely. It is the only food that man can live on healthily, by itself, with complete nutrition, it is found all over the world and yet we have no knowledge of how it could possibly have come into being. It seems highly improbable that the worldwide distribution of a seedless fruit that is perfectly tailored for sustaining man would have just somehow ‘happened.’ It is extremely unlikely for such a plant to have ever been produced by nature all on its own and many people believe that somehow, somewhere, sometime, someone in our far distant past genetically engineered bananas into the widely dispersed and remarkably nutritious plant that we find everywhere in such abundance to day. These people cite that bananas are living daily proof of an ancient culture that spanned the entire globe in remote pre-history. Botanists also now tentatively agree that the spread of the banana plant appears to have radiated outward from the Pacific region. The Banana plant incidentally, is not actually a fruit or a vegetable, but it does reach a height of around 30 feet at maturity which makes it the Worlds largest herb and the tallest plant in existence that does not have a woody trunk.
Earth's Forbidden Secrets Part One
Namaska Brandon---this is very interesting and without question should be investigated and learned.
Amazing, never even gave it a thought about not having seeds. I will continue to LEARN about this fruit. Thank you for this information.
How many of us have read this?(If not-Click on the above link)
At this time the crowhouse link seems to have problems, in the mean time check this out https://buelahman.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/earths-forbidden-secr...
This is going to be a thread that we hope will develop into a much needed research window giving the capacity to learn how FOOD can possibly Help us with our lifespans.
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