This is a word that has been shouted from the executioners rack in England, to the gallows in South Africa, to the mountain paths of North America, to the islands of the Caribbean, to the plantations of the American south.

Great orators have stood at podiums and exulted its properties, and millions of men and women have died in defense of it, but I have never heard any of them share exactly what it is. Don't you find it odd that a concept that you may have to die for is a concept that you may not even know the meaning of?

Don't you think it strange that people were hosed, bitten, paraded, jailed, beaten, bombed, hung, shot and burned for a concept that was never throughly explained to them?

What is freedom? Where did the concept come from? How many times in civilization has a real effort to attain it happened? Where or what are its best examples?

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Al and all,

Two things. First, the essence and origin of Freedom is The Christ Principle. The Christ Principle is the awareness, written on the Soul, awakened by the Will, of our Oneness with God. This is the ultimate meaning of the concept of freedom. If I KNOW my oneness with God, I also know that, in Reality, I can never be hurt, there is no death and, centered in that awareness, there is nothing to fear.

However...few of us possess that degree of consciousness (Some, in fact, may argue that _only_ Jesus achieved that level of consciousness.) In my view, however, even the _idea_ is a gift, and I aspire, more and more, to live in that Reality.

My second thought is that, at a very different level, what one might call a practical level, the idea of freedom has everything to do with the concept of Privilege. I have had the experience of attempting to operate at the margin of "normalcy." Specifically, in 1985 I built a studio building in the back yard of my home in which to conduct my business. What I learned was that the idea of living and working in the same place ran counter to what "the powers that be" consider acceptable. Zoning laws, property tax classification and financing options _all_ assume certain parameters that, when exceeded, render all bets moot. My experience suggests that if you want to do something even slightly outside the mainstream, you better have a lot of money and know some powerful people. And it probably helps to be white.

Warm regards to all,

John Mutrux
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Brother Barry,
Usually I would have a problem whenever the work is done in such a way as to make it easy for others---what I am talking about here, is, when we post the etymology for all to see it prevents others from doing the work for themselves---but in this case, in the way that you have done this, it is appropriate. I will (asap) send to you an etymological exercise that I think you will appreciate.
Barry, good work and now the real work starts. In order to understand the concept of freedom the epistemological work must be done lest people who read your post will believe they understand the concept. They will not.

BTW, when the question was first put to me a few years ago I did the same thing. It still took me about 5 more months to figure it out. Remember etymology is the only the start, a good start, but now, as I was taught, you have to learn to put the abstracts in place.
So learning to put the abstracts in place means? And how does it relate to Free Will?
What do you mean by Free Will? Also, are these questions being asked in regard to the discussion about Freedom?
Steven, when you learn to pull the abstracts together you get the full picture; the question then becomes moot. Without freedom there can be no free will. The absence of one automatically cancels out the other.
I would think that "freedom" is the ability to be, think, and act as you please without someone else dictating your reality, as long as your actions do not harm others. I have no idea as to where the concept of "freedom" originated, but I do know that the exact premise of "freedom" will vary from person to person, depending upon their levels of mental, physical, and spiritual attainment.
Namaska Brother Williams,
What I need to know (if u would help me with this) is this. What do you think that the people who were marching (to washington and other places) in order to beg for their freedom felt about the concept, that they were calling freedom? Have you in your lifetime had conversations about this concept (Freedom). If you have had conversations with others maybe you can share some of the discussions.
I believe that the concept of freedom that the people who marched for freedom to Washington, Birmingham, etc, were not only marching for personal or individual freedom, but they were also fighting for political freedom, which is the freedom to vote and determine how those who governed them governed. Unfortunately, "freedom" is not a concept that most people in my age bracket deem a topic of discussion, but, with those that I have discussed this topic with, personal freedom, for the most part, was what I got in response to my inquiry into their concept of "freedom". Though, in conversation with my wife, we came upon a central theme in bondage that embeds itself in the very crevices of the minds of those who are not free, and that central theme is "fear". Ultimately, from the conversation that we had, we have determined that "freedom" is not a lack of fear, but a refusal to be bound by the tenets of fear. In doing so, practicing the very essence of that which dissolves the crystallized manifestation of fear and leads to self-knowledge. It is fear that holds one back from exploring the depths of the self.
Gene, Mr. Black and all members of the Red Pill, freedom is indeed an abstract concept, but it can be grasped in one is willing to put in the work to grab it. As to those people who were (parading) as Mr. Black likes to remind me, the word march comes from the words Mars a war God, well I don't think freedom was their aim.

No one can grant or offer you freedom. The very thought that a person or people assume that it (freedom) is something to be given or granted is in fact anti-freedom. If it can be given it can be taken away. It think it may behoove all of us to research exactly how the quest for freedom got highjacked into the so called civli rights movement. They were and are not one and the same.

Brother Gene, I am honored you chose to visit and join our site. As we were conversing via the internet on strategies of helping young people and parents we are relative to I thought this may be a good jumping off place. As I write efforts are being forged slowly and methodically to position ourselves to address the poisonous pedagogy being heaped upon our young people.

I invite you to attend our live classes, if you can, every Wednesday night at 6:00 P.M. at First Congressional Church on Cooper. If you elect to attend and you get there little late, come into the back way, call me at 378 2312 and I will come down and let you in. We are on the 3rd floor of that building.

Additionally we are preparing our third installment of an enhanced Red Pill Training (TBA) this time in Memphis. The last 2 were in Denver, CO and Chicago, IL respectively. There is a nominal fee to attend, but we offer scholarships and if a person invites 5 or more people the cost is greatly reduced. I am posting that for everyone's benefit.

Man we are creating something great in this city and I want to see the reaction of the naysayers when they see what I saw today at a program for a few of our young people who have and are studying under Mr. Black. However, we cannot do this alone. We need the help of intelligent people like yourself and others on this site. We are not looking for followers or joiners, nor do I particularly like or trust people that need to be led. We are looking for thinking, energetic people
who love learning, understand power and see God in themselves first and foremost.

That's our complete agenda, period!
I really enjoy watching a succesful straitback and more 'a five in the corner'. Geometry is a beautiful thang!!!
I would love to attend, and have been meaning to ask for the address and time for the Red Pill Training classes. Thank you and I plan to be there this Wednesday.


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