How do we learn how to stop leting the ANGER of others disturb our own PERSONAL well being?

Are some of the folk that are around us, sometime just hanging out in close proxiimity in your environment, just MAD at eveything (nothing in particular), angry about what has happened in some past history and yet they know nothing about past events. Can this mental activity cause a disturbance to be felt and received as if it were an electrical impulse, Could there possibly be a frequency that is being transmitted simular to a radio wave. Are we capable enough to handle the equipment that allows us to transcive signals that are being sent out from amplifiers that do not even know that they are switched on. Wow, as I think about the questions that I might begin to ask myself about the anger of others, it starts to really get interesting. Please do not get this in a wrong way because if there is a legitimate reason for anger I am with it. I am just wondering, do we sometimes find ourselves involved in emotional disruption about NO-Thing. If so, why?

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In order to overcome situations where others' anger take control of your personal emotions and actions, one must become more familiar with who they truly are and feel totally comfortable in their skin. Often, people are easily influenced by others because they aren't aware of their personal strength. One must take control of their life and only tolerate what they desire. It may be difficult at times, but the more you allow the anger of others to influence your being, the weaker you become.
I would think for me to first learn to discern the difference between the two and to understand what anger is and is not. Some people are well outfitted at taking the impetus away from an issue by igniting a spark that in turn ignites anger in an audience. The more informed an audience is the less likely its members will get triggered by the trickster.
Emotions are important in that they add value to the experience of being human on this planet. They act as guides and warnings if we pay close attention to them. If we are emotionally literate enough we can use them instead of being enslaved by them.

There is great work being done by scientist and doctors on the function of the brain that is dispelling a lot of the theories of emotion that many psychotherapists employed as models of mental health. It appears that the brain in the great regulator of our emotions and sleep, diet and bad habits play a great role in how we emote.

Apparently "Talk Therapy" is not all it has been made out to be.
In my eyes the the most direct and effective way to prevent others anger from affecting us, is to learn not to place expectations on issues, elements and people that we can't "control". We are so often disturbed by others actions and personality traits, without recognizing the idea that we have no "control" over them. I have conditioned my mind to accept the fact that people will not always act according to my own standards nor will they always display methods of control of their own emotions. If I fail to set an expected behavior from you, then it becomes far more difficult for you to diappoint me or influence my behavior. Prepare yourself, to not be surprised by what others do, no matter how odd, unusual, consistent, inconsistent, flagrant, inconsiderate, disrespectful or curtiuos, because these are all possibilities you could be faced with.
Then you can (if u will) send me a private message and be sure to include WHY you may be uncomfortable with the answer.
We have to know who we are and what our purpose is, first of all. We also have to realize that if we allow another person to disturb our "PERSONAL Well Being" we are giving that person control over us. I have learned not to let anyone have that much control over me. It really doesn't matter especially when we know that we are not going to do anything about the situation anyway. So now we are angry and ineffective "what a waste". So the answer is real simple just accept people for who they are and stop looking for PEOPLE to define who you are. The bottom line is "You Can't Control Who Comes In Your Life, However, You Can Control Who Stays. Those that are passing through take the life lesson learned and move on.
Karen, did you have to learn the hard way. Oh and by the way, Go head on gul.
That is a good question and I am still figuring that one out! Because I, not as often as I had in the past, was triggered by just about everything. Sometimes what I showed as anger at someone else's anger, was actually saddness because I simply didn't/don't want them be angry with me. And I judge, it also strongly depends on whose anger I take on. For instance, my mother will become angry with me for whatever reason, and I will at times regress to a little girl. I start to feel afraid and sad and then, I mask my fear and saddness as anger right back at her. So now we are both triggered and so much time and energy are wasted. But not too many other people get to me as she does. But anyway...though I do the work, it still is a work in progress.
Anger is a brain controlled reaction to a threat. That is all it is, no more no less. It is simply the body's way of being prepared. When that process inflates beyond its purpose, to protect one from harm, then there may be something more at work. Yet it is still a electro chemical reaction that bypasses our neo - cortex or at least the latest brain studies suggest that. However, that doesn't mean you cannot re-engage logic. So I'd have to ask how does one control their emotions after they have been triggered.

The acting out on anger impulse can be habit forming almost like a drug and that is what I think the question mostly begs. How do we stop acting out from anger. To deny anger is not the absence of it. I have has limited success at it, but things are changing for me.
when a person becomes aware enough to learn how to control the emotion rather than being controlled by the emotional imblance that can erupt from a particular situation then we are looking at the intelligence factors that are involved in real (r)evolution. So mote it be. HEH heh UMM :)
First of all we have to distinguish between the feelings/emotion of anger and the actions that can result we we experience those feelings. They are two different things. For the most part we can decide how we will respond to the feeling when it comes. We can't however decide to feel it or not. Our feelings/emotions are a response to something in our environment. So, to answer the question, one might feel any number of emotions when someone acts angry; how one acts can be hisor her choice.
Are those of us, who are in need of this information, starting to pay attention!!!!!


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