Rubin speaking at the University at Buffalo in March 1970


How is it that this Brother and hero is never mentioned in Febuary during black history month


please research



also why is there no mention of Abbot Howard "Abbie" Hoffman




Neither of these Brothers thought of themselves as white


Brother told me


July 14, 1938(1938-07-14)
Cincinnati, Ohio,
United States

Died November 28, 1994 (aged 56)
Los Angeles, California,
United States
Occupation high-profile American social activist
Author, DO IT!: Scenarios of the Revolution
entrepreneur, businessman

Jerry Rubin (July 14, 1938 – November 28, 1994)


Also investigate why Abbot Howard "Abbie" Hoffman is not spoken of in what is called black history.

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This being the month of February it would seem that the information about these Brothers would be extremely important.

I hear Marvin in the background singing "what is going on" "who really cares"......(B)

WHY HAS NO ONE LOOKED AT THIS POST---I AM STARTING TO WONDER WHAT IS THIS FEBRUARY STUFF REALLY ABOUT--CHEVY AND MICKEY D's and beer commercials/yeah, i guess that is what this is alllll about!!!!


Because of no interest (even during the month of February) I have come to realise that this is not that important to most people but I am still looking for that one person that MIGHT want to KNOW!!!!


I never even heard of this brother along with many others you have mentioned, but I truly would like to know. I am still skeptical as to what sources are trustworthy to pull from but hopefully you can guide me on that. As for so-called black history month I have never been too excited about that because its seems that the month served as a pacifier to keep the "slaves" jubilant. This should be lifelong not every month but I am still deprogramming before reprogramming. I want to know......

I see Rubin did have a slight affiliation with the Black Panthers, i.e. Bobby Seale as  initial members of the "Chicago 8"

I think one reason (and maybe the main reason) that this person wasn't mentioned was because although Rubin did not see himself as "white" society had to uphold the illusion of "race". So the vehicle in which Rubin was using to transport his spirit is what the primary focus was. Just like when we we hear of certain crimes on the news one of the first questions that come up is, "Was he black?" or "that sounds like a white person did that".

Nick, Don't worry in regard to what source you should trust---follow the pointing finger and I am sure that YOU "will know".


I think that I detected something that is suggesting that you did not do everything that I am asking of you in this post---Look carefully there is another name for you to research---it is there---look again.


Sorry Professor....I am at work so I am trying to fit in what I can in spurts. I also see that Abbie Hoffman used comical tactics that helped sway more of the youth to politics. He also put the spotlight on what was called the "October Surprise" which leades me to a pointing finger

i was introduced to this persona while reading dick gregory's "no more lies" book... i looked up his name because i was unfamiliar with him or his resume'

Very real black history.


Dick Gregory mentioned Rubin in his book, "No More Lies"

seeking info now


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