Answering questions about Thinking Truth



This is an attempt to address a few of the questions posted by LottaLox in regards to the blog post Thinking Truth.



Lox states: I don’t understand the concept of white privilege. Then the questions:

1. What does white privilege mean?

2. How can I find out about it (white privilege)?

3. What does thinking or truth have to do with my being a black woman and thus my    race?

4. Where can I find a source of information on this subject?



  1. To tell the truth, I also, do not understand the concept of what is called white privilege; therefore, I can not give any insight into what it means.  What I have gathered over the years is this: It (so-called white privilege), appears to have been a creation of the imagination. The intention of the creators of this concept was to construct a behavior that would possibly give their children an advantage, relative to the absolute control over, and of, a large number of people. Anyone who thinks that race is a reality will be under the control of those few who inherit control of this construct, this is what was believed would be the outcome. What had to be created was an illusion that could be turned into a reality. In order to make illusion become real, one utilizes the vehicle of words and language.  This process allows for the development of a program that thru compulsory education can be easily materialized as an institution.


  1. The best that I can tell you about finding some information on the subject of what you call white privilege is for you to ask someone who thinks that they are a white person and ask them the question that you pose. Also you can try to do an epistemological search on the information that you receive. You may want to watch old movies.


  1. The answer to this question is predicated by what you are willing to do in order to gain the data that you will need so that you begin the process of learning how to see the answers that will become mental presentations for you to think about.  Most of the answers that you are looking for will come from inside of you.  By the way, how did you acquire “my race”?  How did you become a black woman? Whose reality is this that you are talking about?


  1. The only thing that I can think to tell you, that might possibly help you with your search, is for you to research thinkers like those that we have posted on the site, such as, Bobby Wright, “Popa John H. Clarke, Father Devine, Amos Wilson, Linda Myers, Naim Akbar, J.A. Rogers, Robert F. Williams and there are many more posted on the red pill.  ps' Popa=pope

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@ Dr. Black English seems to be a language that has derived or deduced. As i'm reading this i'm thinking who were the masterminds that tainted this language. Did culture dictate language or did language dictate culture? Are there languages that don't have as many negative concepts & connotations as English and if so? What is the state of their culture? How do i teach my children English and expect them not to use or act out some of these concepts and words? How can we add to or clean up this language? So many questions... so much to know... Im really starting to innerstand why to focus on language! Respect!


The more work that you learn how to do and then DO, the closer you will come to the point in the journey where you start to feel as if you are getting to HOME.  Think as if you are playing baseball. Study how the game is set up, how the ground is mapped and eventually you will know!!!!Be sure to study the thinking blogs in order to understand how you were able to travel to this point of reference.


@Dr. Black Will DO! Thank you!

As Roy Wood, used to say to me, "this is a hard row to hoe".

I missed this blog. Thanks for reposting it. What I can attest to is that at times I  have held similar sentiments and had no clues the message was in the words of the  language I spoke. Those words created a path I wasn't aware I was being led down because I didn't know how to know thus I could  not see  just how close I was "being played", in the common street vernacular. How many of us from young people are taught to create our own filters as to sift out concepts that define us in a negative light?


Language to us is like water to fish The fish, because it is born into it, assumes it knows all about water until the water is polluted or stagnated and it can no longer navigate and breath. How long do you live in the use of the language until you discover it was the culprit all along. I didn't know a damn thing about language and until I was quiet enough to really listen to my thoughts and read the thoughts of others that I began to suspect something was not adding up, it was not congruent. 

If it does not add up then it is non-cents (of no value),  And I think you are saying it IS not congruent!!!!


@Al Filtering this language is good advice. Learning other languages is one of my goals also. Language is a great communicational tool but, its master programmingl I can see clearer!
B. indeed it is a major delivery system of deceit and that's on me for not knowing. The programers do what they have always done. I am no longer upset about that. Once I got a clue to what was it was then on me to learn it better than the programmer. If I keep doing what I am doing I can program the programmers and they will never even know it. That's what day walkers do.
@Al & Dr. B I saw some of that Genie at Case of race 2! It hit me the next morning what you all did and i messaged AL instantly.That was my 1st time seeing a room of people from different backgrounds, hesitate to raise their hand because they "dont know". I left there feeling so mis-educated!! I thought i was going to hear about "slavery and racism" but ended up seeing a slick seed planting, light shining or water leading moment!

@Brandon---learn about the race that is an event that takes place between the tortoise and the hare.


@Dr. Black You keep telling me/us that its "going to take some years to figure this thing out" and i take heed!

That is what you are looking toward regarding 'how long'. And it can only be done in some years if you concentrate and apply yourself every day of your existence.



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