To repair or to repay? That is the question.


For years there has been a call for reparations to and for so called black people with little thought by the masses of what they are seeking and what they are actually saying. Take into consideration that just because one does not know the meanings of words they invoke does not mean that the true sense of the word is not being activated. Sometimes one can believe they are saying something with intellection when in fact their words may be projecting hidden meanings of inferiority.


Take the word reparation. How many have ever done an etymological trace and study on what the word really means? How many just applied contextual clues to what they believe it means? How many just repeated it after they heard it applied to the "Negro Dilemma"  or delusion?


Here is the actual meaning of the word:


late 14c., "reconciliation," from L.L. reparationem (nom. reparatio) "act of repairing, restoration," from L. reparatus, pp. of reparare "restore"


 Next let us look at the true sense of the word retribution: 


late 14c., "repayment," from L. retributionem (nom. retributio) "recompense, repayment," from retributus,pp. of retribuere "hand back, repay," from re- "back" + tribuere "to assign, allot" (see tribute).


To ask or litigate for reparations is literally implying that one or a group has been broken since the request or demand is to be put back together again, or restored. There are many legal and logical factors why gaining reparations will never happen on its present course, but that a subject for another note. 


The more effective and confluent word, that would project a much more healthy thought to the brain would be retribution, meaning to repay. In fact much is owed, but many of those captured, kidnaped and imprisoned people, notice the word slave is omitted as to avoid the same consequence on the brain, were never broken. Thus there is no need for repair and the bran doesn't record defeat or inferiority 


The more effective and confluent word, that would project a much more healthy thought to the brain, would be retribution meaning to repay. In fact much is owed, but many of those captured, kidnaped and imprisoned people, notice the word slave is omitted as to avoid the same consequence on the brain, were never broken. Thus there is no need for repair. 


Language is the major delivery system for thought and when employed by masters of deceit who understand the power of language it has, can and does control the thoughts of hundreds of millions of people. People of color either inherited English as a delivery and thought system or it was forced or put upon them. Those that still choose to accept it as it was forced, inherited or given will always be the victims of its hidden intent and meanings. They can continue to allow other’s thoughts to manifest through them or they can learn to comprehend the language and think in a way to analyze what is to their best benefit and interest or what, as in reparations, is not. Is there choice? Only for free thinking people. The problem is how would you know?


It would be both wise and prudent, at least the author thinks, to be repaid and concentrate one's own efforts to repairing themselves. That way one or the group will have no concern or worry that the physician is performing an abortion rather than a birth.


And that brings us to the last question. To be or not to be?


Al Lewis


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Comment by Catherine Lewis on August 24, 2011 at 11:34pm
I feel like such a "negro!"  I was using a definition of the word retribution based on some biblical something that I made up!  I decided to look the word up while in class and was taken aback by the meaning - recompense!  Imagine that!  That is exactly what I want, recompense, payment.  Gotta love learning!
Comment by Aaron (Al) Lewis on August 24, 2011 at 4:13pm
Here is a hyperlink that I found dead on.

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