There was a program that aired on CNN concerning race. It was worth watching to see the children's reaction to it. It just happened to be about race in the United States. I deduced from viewing it that it may be a wise thing to de-label oneself especially if the label is false and ladened with shards of inferiority.

What was noticeable was even the children see black people as something to be avoided. The only way out of this enigma is to throw off the cloak of inferiority and adorn a cloak of truth. That is not metaphorical, that is factual. It is a paradox because the more one anchors themselves to an inferior label the more they are viewed, treated and behave as inferior people, even though they may not be able to see it for themselves.
That is where one can benefit from a having a good guide, someone who has been through this, to help them see themselves. An authentic guide will not tell you what you see in the mirror, quite the contrary he/she will just point your self deceptions out when they invariably surface. They will encourage you to accept what is as exactly what it is and not what you want it to be.
That is what a good detective does. They collect the facts and read them for what they are, not for what the want them to be. If detectives did that they would never solves any cases. If you continue to do this you will never solve the riddle of how language was used and imprinted on your brains to motivate you to think and act as an inferior being. Moreover, you will never be aware of how you are doing it.

 Is it possible? Not only is it possible it can be proved, but one will have to lay down their pre-dispositional notions and beliefs to see it. Otherwise you will be stuck forever trying to talk your way out of a paradigm you didn't create in the first place.
Think about this, if since 1865 this group you call black people still control less than 2% of the wealth of this rich nation, where you have very few companies that employ over 300 people out of 35 million, when a great deal of your babies are prison bound, when even more of them are ill educated, isn't it obvious you didn't get something right? Isn't it possible and as a consequence even probable that you missed something vital? If the conditions we see, read about and live are as they are and you can honestly say this is the right course, no problem, but if you care, if you really care, what is wrong with laying everything back on the table, your every thought, your every belief, even your blackness, for re-inspection, for critical analysis and examination?????

Those are the questions, are you willing to sift through all of what happened to detect where we went off course? If so you will need use of the methodologies, techniques and tools of a detective, but in this case you will also need the tools of a historian and the mental alchemy of a psychologist to discern what happened and how to right the course. The last question is are you willing?

Views: 43


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Comment by Lumumba Ali on January 3, 2011 at 10:25am
Starts with the ME change... not the WE... those damn We's will mess you up everytime. :)
Comment by Aaron (Al) Lewis on January 3, 2011 at 10:13am
Maikia, that's quite simply actually. Have you ever consdiered that there is no "we"?
Comment by LaSanta Jones-Teil on January 3, 2011 at 9:58am
Time after time I have heard in theoretical contexts on why we as a ppl are and have been in the condition that we are today, from blaspheming Christ, not knowing ourselves, being oppressed, and adopting to education and culture that does not fit us. I am still waiting on the 'magnificent revelation' of what we ARE NOT doing to avoid this. When we lack INFLUENCE, we lack CHANGE
Comment by Lumumba Ali on January 2, 2011 at 8:07pm

Think about this, if since 1865 this group you call black people still control less than 2% of the wealth of this rich nation, where you have very few companies that employ over 300 people out of 35 million, when a great deal of your babies are prison bound, when even more of them are ill educated, isn't it obvious you didn't get something right?

Yes indeed....this media, education, and most lecturer sessions teaching this theory is not asking me what the problem is, theyre telling me what the p[roblem is. If I was never taught to think for myself how can I come up with answers for myself.   Yes we are doing something very wrong.

Isn't it possible and as a consequence even probable that you missed something vital?

Yes it is, the vital thing I missed was "Yes I can". I learned math but didn't learn how math reflects life and how it applies to life. If i would have known the equation in what I'm doing and practicing would equal this economic deprivation then I could have changed what I was doing so it could come out to something else... something stronger, something thats leaves legacy.

 If the conditions we see, read about and live are as they are and you can honestly say this is the right course, no problem, but if you care, if you really care, what is wrong with laying everything back on the table, your every thought, your every belief, even your blackness, for re-inspection, for critical analysis and examination?????

What is wrong now is,what do I do with all of this information I have that made me comfortable with who and what I am, what do I exchange all of this "black" thought with now, hummmm, I do practice dialectical historical materialism(or was i), but in that ideology all of what I am did make sense, but now its falling apart...Am I a sellout? (but to who) Am I practicing integration since I now see no race? (what race) What about the love and embracement of this culture that I hold so close? (hell what is culture...truly what is it)


Those are the questions, are you willing to sift through all of what happened to detect where we went off course? If so you will need use of the methodologies, techniques and tools of a detective, but in this case you will also need the tools of a historian and the mental alchemy of a psychologist to discern what happened and how to right the course. The last question is are you willing?


Comment by Aaron (Al) Lewis on January 2, 2011 at 7:57pm

Brother Ali, you have already made my year.  I learned that I must always question myself and my reality to see if it is real.


You wrote:

"Yes it is the vital thing I missed was "Yes I can". I learned math but didn't learn how life applies to it. If i would have known that an equation in what I'm doing and practicing would equal this economic deprivation then I could have changed what I was doing so it could come out to something else, something stronger, something thats leaves legacy."


That's one hell of a revelation. Now how can we transmit this thought so as others can see how they were miseducated, not just say it, but know it? 

Comment by Aaron (Al) Lewis on January 2, 2011 at 12:11pm

At the conclusion of his book, "After Dachau"  author Daniel Quinn concluded with those very words, "No one cares."

Do you think perhaps the construct, this collective story, banks on wearing down one's ability to be vigilant in care? 

Comment by Clifford Black on January 1, 2011 at 1:38pm

As I sit here pondering WHY are there no replys to this thread and I wonder why are people not taking advantage of this site, it dawns on me that Marvin warned everyone in his song with the question WHO REALLY CARES!!!!!!!


Comment by Clifford Black on May 17, 2010 at 10:26pm
The children will expose the truth and if you listen with care they tell you where the ignorant inferior IS in their lives. We are looking at watermelon seeds and the fruit can not LIE!!!!!
Comment by Clifford Black on May 17, 2010 at 10:22pm
Maybe paradox is not quite the total. Maybe we can include dilemma and please let us not forget eNIGmaS

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