Posted this on Face Book and got some candid and frank responses from a few intelligent people. Most are clueless or don't want to know or worse have not a clue why it is something important to know.

"I spoke with a young man last night for several hours. he was smarter than most folks I have met, graduated in the upper percentile of his class in college, yet he had no clue to what the letter A means nor did he know how to find out. He is a product of Memphis City Schools. What more could I expect?"

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Below are some of the response I got:

Raven Writes I don't KNOW either! How do I find out how to find out? I have no problem with doing the work!
7 hours ago · Like

Oliver Zulu Patten III What does the letter A mean, and how does that meaning impact one's life?
7 hours ago via Facebook Mobile · Like

Al Lewis He readily and truthfully admitted he didn't know how or why he was black, and that he was the descendant of slaves. When told that a slave was one of the lowest things on earth and after looking up what the word descend means, then he looked up the word slave. I asked why would he want to be lower than a slave? He looked puzzled and perplexed.

I asked him how he felt and what he was thinking. He said he was confused and sad? And as I stated he is smarter than the average person.

7 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Al Lewis Rather than tell you I will walk you through how to find out for yourself and then perhaps you will see for yourself how it can and has impacted you. You will need a good dictionary. Also you can go to www.redpilltraining,

That is what that site is all about. How to learn how to learn. And it's free.
7 hours ago · Like

Raven Writes so what is a "good" dictionary?
7 hours ago · Like

Al Lewis Look up the alphabet A, now you are looking for the etymology,, the source, the true sense of the word, not the definition. It should lead you to the word Alpha. Tell me what you got. Don't worry of you don't figure it out the first time, just write what you get.
7 hours ago · Like

Al Lewis I have to leave now to take my son to school. Will be back shortly. What really needs addressing is Oliver's question. That was the same question the young ma asked me until he did he exercise. Then he figured it out for himself.

In fact he said if after all this time he didn't know what A means how much more is it that he didn't know. As I said he is a very smart young man, smart enough to admit something it tales a lot of courage to do and that is to say, I don't know. That is the question, but first one must know that they don't know.
7 hours ago · Like

Q Richmond III A- not know from A to B, to know nothing; be ignorant.
7 hours ago · Like

Al Lewis Something you may want to consider is why is it in those schools, real schools that is that educate the future leaders and owners of business they teach this from first grade. yet in public school it is an elective at only a few schools and by that I mean one of two and that is only in high school.

In fact in those "real schools" they say if you don't learn etymology it will be exceedingly hard for you to learn to think critically and analytically.

Could that be why in MCS when a student makes a 19 on the ACT there is reason for celebration when in fact that is just 1 point over half. The thing I am most surprised about is why don't the so called Afro Centric thinking people push this discipline and subject? If they knew what A meant seems like they would be on fire to have their children learn it.
6 hours ago · Like

Leslie Settles Most people send their children to school to be taught. They simply have no idea nor can they comprehend what's going on. They, themselves, were only interested in getting a grade or "certificate." They didn't mind cheating to get a grade. No actual learning had to take place. They didn't care if they learned anything. It's the same with their children. As long as the report card "looks good" nothing else matters.
6 hours ago · Like · 1 person

Abayomi Esupofo That's true Al. I was taught about etymology in school. We learned that to define a word simply tells you how it's used, not what it means. Since most words come from dead languages so to speak, the meaning is there. English is alive and an...
See More

5 hours ago · Like
Abayomi Esupofo Lol. It's was dec 25, 1982. I was 11, it is an intermediate dictionary and I still have it! It was my step dad who bumped it up to collegiate. Even the ones they have now don't compare. It's almost best to buy a very old used dictionary. Things are watered down now.
5 hours ago · Like

Al Lewis Raven a good dictionary starts with at least a collegiate dictionary and that's the lowest one. The older the better also. Try the Goodwill, Salvation Army, Estate Sales or Amazon.

At all cost it must contain etymology brackets. Now hear me in that MCS as a rule did not and will not teach you or your child how to really use a dictionary. They tell you to go to definition 1. and then try to fit it into the situation and on to 2. and so on. That is insane and feckless.

Doing that still will not give you the meaning of the word. To define literally means to outline or to limit. That being the case the definers of any given word are in fact limiting your thoughts about that word. However, you can do what the lexicographers/definers did, learn to define for yourself by learning the science of etymology.

We teach an enhanced version of it every Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm at First Congregational Church at 1000 Cooper. The class is facilitated by the best in the business, Dr. Clifford Black.

There you will see 3 year olds who does know that the letter A certainly doesn't mean apple or B ball but their real meanings and because of just that fact you will never be able to convince them they are the descendants of a damn SLAVE!

This class is for young and old. Some parents seem to think it is just for children, but the Wednesday class was started for adults because the great majority of adults in this country don't know what A means either.

Now again think about it this way. If all or most of your life you never knew what the first letter of the alphabet means and it definitely has an origin and a meaning, just how many words that you BELIEVE you know the meanings of that you have no clue.

Simply words like I, me, that, this, the or nice most people are clueless of the real meaning yet they will engage in endless tautology and when they are challenged about their lack of understanding about the meaning of the language they say stupid shit like, "Well that's just semantics".

To someone who knows and knows how to know that would have just alerted them that they really don't know what semantics are, that they never looked the word up because if they did they would never write or say dumb shit like that. They are guilty of doing what most people do, that is hear a word used, probably erroneously, and because it sounded good to their untrained mind as soon as they thought they could fit it in they say it. Bad choice, especially when you are dialoging with someone who knows how to know.

And again an excellent resource is the web site It is chock full of information and exercises to aid you in learning how to learn and there are some excellent articles, forums and blogs there dealing with the subject. Trust me it is not boring, but you must navigate it to get to the essence.
5 hours ago · Like

Al Lewis Leslie, so true and maybe that's why this city as a whole is faring so poorly. To recognize and admit that takes courage, but you are one in a few. Please do not assume most people here think or know that. In fact that's all most of us got was taught, but the word teach simply means to point out, you then have the learn. As you just write that's a horse of a different color.
5 hours ago · Like

Al Lewis Did anyone find the meaning of A yet?
5 hours ago · Like

Kym Moore Alexander A=Alpha (first letter of Greek alphabet) = Aleph (first letter of the Hebrew alphabet) = ox, leader

trying my hand at this, professional studies have slowed my work lately
4 hours ago · Like
And still more:
Kym Moore Alexander A=Alpha (first letter of Greek alphabet) = Aleph (first letter of the Hebrew alphabet) = ox, leader

trying my hand at this, professional studies have slowed my work lately
4 hours ago · Like

Al Lewis Now Kym we are almost there, but where does the symbol Ox come from? what is its origin?
4 hours ago · Like

Al Lewis Here is a hint. In school they taught some of us about an object called the Rosetta Stone, but what is it? Where is it from? What is its significance? It all has to do with A by the way.
4 hours ago · Like

Anita Bradford Rosetta stone was a discovery that was supposed to be the code to unlock ancient hierogliphics (sic). Sort of the a code breaker if I remember properly.
3 hours ago · Like

Reginald Mitchell A means "AS" a GOD
3 hours ago · Like

Al Lewis Party true, but by unlocking those ancient hieroglyphics, what was discovered about them? What did it connect? And exactly what hieroglyphics were on the stone?
3 hours ago · Like

Al Lewis Reginald exactly where and how did you get that information and did you true it up for yourself?
3 hours ago · Like

Al Lewis And if you say that you must identify which God but that is not where this thread is going. I am looking for the origin of the alphabet A and we have gotten back to Ox so far, but it goes back farther than that. We are close but not there. No one has written it yet.
3 hours ago · Like

Brandon Imhotep Case of Race 2 i was shocked at how by the end of the symposium you and Dr. Black had the entire room hesitant to answer questions! I left there understanding the level of my mis-education!
3 hours ago · Like

Reginald Mitchell The orgin comes fro the Semitic peolpe living in Egypt...Peace and Love...Jappemalik
2 hours ago · Like

Ann Phillips The letter A or 'aleph. the ox, began as an image of an ox's head. It represented a glottal stop before a vowel. The Greeks needing vowel sybols used it for alpha(a). The Romans used it as an A.
2 hours ago · Like

Kym Moore Alexander Ok, the Rosetta Stone is an ancient text (196 BCE) that was discovered in 1799 by French soldiers in Napoleaon's army who were rebuilding a fort in Egypt. It has wtriting in 2 languages using 3 scripts, hieroglyphs, GFreek and demotic (the common script of Egypt). Once it was fully deciphered by Jean-François Champollion in 1822, it gave scientists a whole new look into ancient Egypt. Info found here, and here
2 hours ago · Like

Kym Moore Alexander Herwe is a link on how it was deciphered:
2 hours ago · Like

Kym Moore Alexander I'm lost on how to find the symbol as there are 3 As on the Egyptian alphabet.
2 hours ago · Like

Abayomi Esupofo Okay, let me try this. I originally thought that A=alpha(beginning)=Alef of aleph/olef(which has no sound as a breath or life force creator..1/1000) but noticed ox(literal)=(symbolic) lord, master= learn, understand= programmed/trained......that's it so far...
2 hours ago · Like

Craig Randolph Great use of FB Al! I attempt to teach some etymology in my French classes. I pipe in lots of stuff via my internet and overhead for my students. Those who want to learn learn. So many have lost that desire, that FIRE, by the time I get them. My truth! > It gets frustrating! Redpilltraining and Dr. Black's classes are totally different environments. Almost sterile compared to MCS schools and classrooms. You wouldn't believe the madness. Well, yes you would. You went back in the day! It's insane most days! Many students just come, some to disrupt and others to socialize. And many more suffer because of it! My truth!
about an hour ago via Facebook Mobile · Like

Al Lewis It is indeed an high picture or Hieroglyphic coming from Egypt.
It was indeed an ox head also. Now don't you think it would make a difference if as a child you learned in school the very characters you use to form the words you use to form the thoughts you think originated not in England, or Spain, or France or Rome or Greece or Phoenicia, but on the continent of Africa?

Talking about a contribution, well that's one for you, yet it is not taught in public school or most charter schools and most religious schools. If they had taught me this no way I'd gone for that I am a descendent of slaves bullshit!

Now again, that's just one letter, you'd have to ask the same question about B, C, D, E, F, G, H and so on. What it reveals is someone lied to us either by omission, through ignorance or on purpose. It really doesn't matter, the question is if they didn't know this or did not know how to know or knew and just refused to point out just how much more about this language, its history and the thoughts associated with is not known or not taught?

Better yet, why didn't you know something as supposedly simple as this? You see there were and are men who were taught this and they own massive chunks of businesses and companies and they came up with the concepts of nuclear power and quantum mechanics and control international banking consortiums and I just bet you no one ever suggested that their ancestors were some goddamned slaves and in many cases they probably were, but that still doesn't make them one.

If you are to get the gravity of this you will have to put side your ego that is right now trying to minimize this fact, it wants to be seen as knowing and right and paint you as someone who knew that also. That's right they put it in plain sight guaranteed that you'd never understand the significance of what you saw if you ever saw it. Thanks to Dr. Black who has this uncanny ability to connect abstracts that most never even know exists, pointed out to me.

From that foundation I have been able to see heretofore the unseeable, those vital contextual nuances guaranteed to keep a person and a people in everlasting ignorance simply because they believe that belief is knowing!

I'm through here, the book is closed if you want to learn more go to the site and call up Dr. Black.

Al, seems noone is interested enough to want to learn how to know those things that are not known by them at this point. I find it strange that people who say they understand consciousness have no clue about the alphabet.
the ox goes back to the bull in ancient egypt which represented power strenght and fertility, which was associated with Apis, Ra, sun god, creator god, sky god and the it traces back to god essentially. thats what i have so far-ox means master, lord or god

This is a thread that one can learn from.


It seems that when one begins to learn how to know then religion will be the first shackle to be loosened. I saw that in the discovering the true meaning of the letter A
Namaska JA.
And now you are getting onto the track and into the race. Remember the story of the cup that was running over (my cup runneth over)---in order to get something fresh or new into that cup, you may have to pour out what is already there...(B)
Indeed, one may have to unbound themselves from the binding back they have already suffered if you catch my drift?
Well Dr. Black and Bro Al. Where can we find these Alphabetic symbols and meanings online.
Doc has a CD with them all ion it, ask him about it Wednesday.



While doing some work, I found that in the latin language to be literate means to know the letters.  Interesting enough the "English" Alphabet derived from the Latin Alphabet.   

literate (adj.) Look up literate at"educated, instructed," early 15c., from L. literatus/litteratus "educated, learned," lit. "one who knows the letters," formed in imitation of Gk. grammatikos from L. littera/litera "letter" (see letter (n.1)).


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