Why are these people not talked about in the history books or in the schools.

click on the links for Data!

Father Devine---


                    James Ford---


                                       Richard Wright---



                                                             Harry Haywood----




Benjamin J. Davis---,_Jr.


Percy Julian (scientist)---

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Will do.

WOW! I was reading about Percy Julian and kept asking myself the question that Dr. Black tells me to ask. Why wasn't I taught about this person in school on any level? It's not just because he was some so-called black person that had a major contribution to science; but an important person who made a difference in the science field. Why isn't this person talked about period?



Mr. Porter, that question will cause YOU to make sure that what happened to you will not happen to any You that YOU help to produce in the future.


Here is more data and another media!


One thing that hits me is that (at least for Julian and Wright I haven't checked on the others yet) that they went to other countries.  It reminds me of a quotation, "a prophet is not loved in his own country in his own house among his own kin."

Namaska Bro. Jamaal

You CAN catch on and you are even quick about it once you allow yourself to see what is and has always been right in front of your eyes all of the time.


What seems to be going on is an economic marginalization.  I find this very interesting that there are people that somehow think that another person getting some basic power (I mean basic as in being able to feed themselves or meeting basic health and nutritional needs)  that that then takes power away from them.  Maybe that viewpoint is based of of insecurity, or just fear, I don't know, but Tupac was rapping about this and many seem to have missed it.  But I am glad you pointed this out to me because I think I see why I couldn't STAND certain things. But now I am starting to UNDERSTAND those things, and that at least gives me the ablility to percieve with new vision. Thanks Dr. B.!


@Jamaal---That, or, this that you are seeing is good but please, do not forget to address the central question about why these people are not to be found in the history books and why our children know nothing about their existence.
I have just started to research but perhaps they were all associated with Communist parties.  And... well I'll keep reading.

I just read about Dr. Julian. The article was heavily written in a way that would give some insight about pharmaceutical companies and their practices today. Also, their were details peppered in that seemed rather oddly place.


With as many barriers as Dr. Julian's was presented with, he prevailed in a might way. He never gave up in the face of obstacles, such as so-called racism and scandal; he possessed a tenacity in striving for success that would present itself as a model many children could benefit from. His family (parents) were paramount in his success regarding moving their family so that the children could be educated. This could be one of the many reasons he is not mentioned in history books and during the alleged Black History month.

Namaska Raven--

You are right about what u say COULD be reasons for why Doc Julian is not mentioned in the history books but this is not what I want U to see---Look at the total thread and it (the information to establish reason) might present an image for u to see......


there is some data to be found under the video tab on Richard Wright---please find and then review and give comments.



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