In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  Heaven, from the Old English word, heofon, means “home of God.”  Older meanings of the word heaven were sky or firmament.  Heave, from the Old English word, hebban, and the root word of heaven means to lift up, raise or exalt.  Heaven also happens to be the realm of the heavenly bodies.  The word Astronomy derived from the Greek word astronomia and means star arrangement.  The word derived from the words astron meaning star and nomos ,meaning arrangement.  The science of Astronomy deals with the study of celestial objects.  Celestial derives from the Latin word caelestis meaning heavenly or pertaining to the sky.  The word Astrology derived from the Greek word astrologia and means telling of the stars.  Astrology derives from the words astro meaning star and logy meaning study of.  In ancient times, the heavenly bodies were recognized as gods and much reverence was given to the gods.  The gods and their arrangement in the heavens were said to influence those on Earth.  In Astrology, a horoscope is a chart or diagram representing the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, astrological aspects and sensitive angles at the moment of a person’s birth.   In some languages the days of the week and even some months were named in honor of the gods.        

On the first day god created light, Genesis chapter 1, verse 3 reads “And God said, Let there be light and there was light.”  Sunday, is recognized as the first day of the week and comes from an Old English word, Sunnandaeg meaning “Day of the Sun.”  Domingo is the Spanish word for Sunday and is from the Latin word dominicus meaning “pertaining to a lord.”  The Old English word for Lord is hlaford meaning, master of a household, ruler, superior, and also God translating to the Latin word Dominus.  According to ancient history, the sun was a diety.  Diety means divine nature and derived from the Latin word deus meaning god.  Sol Invictus meaning invincible sun was the official sun god of the Roman Empire.   The word Solar as in solar system derived from the Latin word Solaris meaning of the sun from the Latin word Sol meaning sun. 

On the second day God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered unto one place.  The second day of the week, Monday, comes from the Old English word mondaeg, meaning “day of the moon.”  The moon is recognized as the heavenly body that affects the tidal waters on Earth.  Moon means month and derives from the Latin word mensis which means month.  The  “monthly” or the tides in the female body called the menstruation is said to occur every 28 days which is the same as the lunar phase of the moon.  The Spanish word for Monday is lunes, from the Latin word lunaris meaning of the moon.  Luna was the moon goddess in Roman religion and myth.   Genesis chapter 1 verse 16 and 17, “And God made two great lights; the greater to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also.  And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth.”

The Spanish word for Wednesday is Miercoles derived from the Latin word Mercurius meaning Mercury.  Mercury was a Roman God of tradesmen and thieves.  Mercury is also identified as a metallic element known as quick silver.  The Greek god, Hermes, was a messenger and god of commerce, and the son of Zeus and Maia.  Wednesday also happens to be a day of operation and trade for merchants at farmers markets.  A market is a meeting at a fixed time for buying and selling livestock and provisions and derived from the Latin word Mercatus meaning trading, buying, selling, trade, market.  The Spanish word for market is Mercado. 

Jueves is the Spanish word for Thursday.  Jueves derives from the latin word Jovis, meaning the day of Jupiter.  Thursday was influenced by Thor a god in Norse mythology.  The German word for Thursday is Donnerstag which translates to Jovis dies.  Jueves is a loan translation of Greek, dios hemera meaning the day of Zeus.  In the ancient Greek religion, Zeus is the Father of Gods and men and the god of the sky.  Zeus was known as Jupiter to the Romans and the Greek name for Jupiter is Zeus.  Zeus is the child of Cronus and Rhea.  Rhea and Cronus or Kronos were children of Gaia and Uranus.  Gaia or gaea derived from a Greek word meaning land or earth.  Gaia is the goddess of the Earth in the Greek religion.  Gaia was the great mother of all.  The heavenly gods, the Titans and Giants were born from her union with Uranus.  The Romans identified her with their goddess Terra.  Terra is a Latin word meaning earth.  Uranus derived from the Greek word Ouranos meaning heaven.  Genesis chapter 1 verses 9 and 10, “And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear:  and it was so.  And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas:  and God saw that it was good.”               

In Roman Mythology, Venus was the goddess of beauty and love.  The Spanish word for Friday is Viernes deriving from the Latin word Venus.  The Romans identified Venus with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty.  The Old English word for Friday is Frigedaeg meaning Frigga’s Day.  Frigga or Frigg is a German goddess of married love and wife of Odin.  Freya is the goddess of beauty and love in Norse mythology.  After the moon, Venus is the brightest natural object in the sky.  It is a thought the planet Venus was actually two different bodies and the Greeks had two names for the planet Venus.  In the morning the star was called Phosphoros or Phosphorus meaning light-bringing and also the morning star.  In the evening the star was called Eosphoros or Eosphorus meaning Bringer of Light or Bringer of Dawn.  In Greek mythology Hesperus is the Evening Star, the planet Venus in the evening.  Hesperus is the brother of Eosphorus also called Phosphorus and Lucifer.  The Latin word Lucifer means morning star or light-bringing from the words lux meaning light and ferre meaning carry.  Isaiah chapter 14 verse 12, reads, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!  How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” 

Saturday the seventh day of the week derives from the Old English word Saeterdaeg meaning day of the planet Saturn. This Old English word partially borrowed from the Latin Saturni dies meaning Saturn’s day.  In Roman mythology, the god Saturnus was the god of agriculture.  Saturday is also a day of operation at some farmers markets.  The Greek equivalent is Cronus or Kronos.  The Spanish word for Saturday is Sabado and the Italian word for Saturday is Sabbato.  Sabat is the Old English word for Sabbath and Saturday is observed by the Jews as the Sabbath, a day of rest.  Genesis chapter 2 verse 2 reads, “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.”

The month of March is from the Latin word martius meaning the month of Mars.  The Romans identified Mars as the god of war and the Greeks identified Mars with Ares. Mars is often called the red planet and it has been said that people often see red when losing their temper.  The astrological sign of Aries begins in the month of March.  Aries derives from the Latin word Aires meaning to ram or butt.  In nature male rams battle competing males during mating season by violently ramming or butting heads.  Military soldiers march off to battle during times of war.

The month of April drives from the Latin Mensis Aprilis, meaning month of Venus. 

The Month of May is named in honor of the goddess Maia, mother of Hermes.  Maia is a star in the constellation of Taurus.  The astrological sign of Taurus begins in the month of May.


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Comment by Adisa on July 18, 2013 at 11:26pm

I must do more work to determine the meanings of some of the planetary glyphs such as the sun.  I am thinking it represents the sun as the center of the solar system.  Mercury's glyph represents the winged helmet of Hermes. The glyph for Venus represents a mirror for the beauty of the goddess Aphrodite and Venus.  Earth's glyph represents the four directions, the four corners, the axis and the equator.  The moon's glyph represents one of the phases the moon.  The glyph for Mars represents the spear of the god of war.  Ceres was the goddess of agriculture and grain crops, the glyph represents a harvesting sickle.  My research into the glyph for Jupiter lead to the Z for Zeus and/or the lightning bolt of Thor.  Saturnus also known as Kronos were also gods of agriculture as this glyph also represents the sickle.  I have found different glyphs for Uranus but this glyph represents the individual said to have discovered the planet.  Neptune's glyphs represents Poseidon's trident.  The Hindu God Shiva is also shown to carry the trident.  I have seen variations of Pluto's glyph but I am continuing to look into the symbolism.  Which country's flag carries one of the symbols of the glyphs identified above?          

Comment by Adisa on July 18, 2013 at 10:50pm

Name of Planets in Greek in order:

Helios, Hermes, Aphrodite, Gaea, Salene (Moon), Ares, Zeus, Kronos, Uranos, Poseidon, Pluton

Planets in Latin:

Sol, Mercurious, Venus, Terra, Luna (Moon), Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus, Neptunos, Pluto

Days of the week in Latin: Dies Hebdomadis

Dies Solis, Dies, Lunae, Dies Martis, Dies Mercurii, Dies Iovis, Dies Veneris, Dies Saturni

Planets in Spanish:

Sol, Mercurro, Venus, Tierra, Luna, Marte, Jupiter, Saturno, Urano, Neptuno, Pluton


Comment by Tricyah on May 3, 2013 at 8:25pm
@God could Africa be me,the breath that is inside of me(fire or heat of the breath)dragon.
Comment by Clifford Black on May 3, 2013 at 5:52am

Adisa---it is important that you SAVE the information from this thread. Go back and make sure that you have all that you have done in order to get to this point and from this point forward do not waste ***'s time with that, that is not.


Comment by Adisa on May 2, 2013 at 5:28am

Reading one of my dictionaries and found near the beginning a section titled Special Consultants.  In this section of the dictionary, I found the subsection of Astronomy.  Under this subsection were several entries which apply to this subsection and I find not only Banking and Athletics but also Bible. 

Comment by Adisa on May 1, 2013 at 9:17pm

I see it now Dr. Black.  I missed it previously but found that Africa is Latin meaning terra or land. 

Afri (singular Afer) was a Latin name for the Carthaginians.[citation needed] It was received by the Romans from the Carthaginians, as a native term for their country.[citation needed] Afer was at first used as an adjective, meaning "of Carthage", "of Africa". As a substantive, it denoted a native of Africa, i. e., a Carthaginian.

Comment by Adisa on January 22, 2013 at 4:37pm

A "discussion" regarding heaven and hell led me to the following discovery.  Hell is used in the Old Testament of the King James Version of the Bible in place of the Hebrew word, sheol and in the new testament in place of the Greek word Hades. 

The Hebrew word Sheol means the Underworld or Hades.  Hades was the greek god of the underworld.  Hades was also called Plouton by the Greeks, and called Pluto by the Romans.    

Comment by Adisa on January 3, 2013 at 2:29pm

The Roman province of Africa (named for a people who lived there) was established after the Romans defeated Carthage in the Third Punic War. It roughly comprised the territory of present-day northern Tunisia, and the small Mediterranean coast of modern-day western Libya along the Syrtis Minor. The Arabs later named roughly the same region as the original province Ifriqiya, a rendering of Africa.

This exerpt indicates Africa to be an adaptation of an Arabic word. 

Comment by Clifford Black on December 12, 2012 at 5:34pm

@Adisa-No, Africa is not a Roman word---Go back to when you discovered that the word came from Carthage.


Comment by Adisa on December 12, 2012 at 1:05pm

Namaska Dr. B,

Would Africa be considered a Roman word? 

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