Walter Ellis Mosley (born January 12, 1952) is an American novelist, most widely recognized for his crime fiction. His books:
Bernie Sanders is in A People's History of The United States. This means I have even more questions!
Comment by Adam White on August 29, 2016 at 1:25am
Dr. Black, Namaska, and thank you again.
I am 20 minutes in, and paused to comment.
First observation: Bernie Sanders has read Howard Zinn. There was a passage that was near word for word same as a Bernie stump speech. I am now going off to check their connection, because I need to be sure there isn't a plagiarism issue; or perhaps, that's an intellectual property mechanism of the elite class?
And Howie, Bernie, and I should be allowed by mind and freedom therein to share these ideas even in such instances where the words are duplicated.
Sometimes I learn out loud, as I just did there. I hope my sisters and brothers here have similar moments.
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