Click the link that is found in "Nefer's" reply to this post and follow the pointing finger and if u have not figured out what that is at this point then -TOO BAD-SEE YA!!!
I watched the movie Spook by the Door and now I am going to read the book. I watched a few interviews of Sam Greenlee and I'm disappointed that this information and people such as Mr. Greenlee was never presented to me before. Listening to Mr. Greenlee and from learning how to accept information, I can clearly see that the so called white elites were not the only people skilled at the art of misdirection. On the football field we used to say when standing around a pile of players, always keep your head and eyes on a swivel, because you never know who could hit you, teammate or otherwise, if you were standing around and not paying attention to your surroundings.
Comment by Clifford Black on November 28, 2011 at 10:07am
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