Ulysses Jones, Jr. born June 7, 1951 in Memphis, Tennessee, died November 9, 2010) is an American politician and a Democratic member of the Tennessee House of Representatives for the 98th district, which encompasses a part of Shelby County, Tennessee.
In the state House of Representatives, Ulysses Jones is the Chair of the House State and Local Government Committee and the Co-Chair of the Joint Lottery Oversight Committee. He is a member of numerous House committees: the Calendar and Rules Committee, the Education Committee, the K-12 Subcommittee, the Elections Subcommittee, the State Government Subcommittee, the Local Government Subcommittee, the Joint Lottery Scholarship Committee, the Joint Tennessee Education Lottery Corporation Committee, the Joint Select Oversight Committee on Education, and the Tennessee Commemorative Women's Suffrage Commission.
Ulysses Jones graduated from North Side High School. He attended the University of Memphis and Tennessee State University. He works as a Battalion Chief for Memphis Fire Services.
Ulysses graduated from North Side High School. He attended the University of Memphis and Tennessee State University. He works as a Battalion Chief for Memphis Fire Services.
The Cooper-Jones Initiative was a project sponsored by Representative Jones and Representative Barbara Cooper that served the purpose in addressing the social educational gaps within the school system and the community. Through its support of "A Case Of Race" the initiative has been able instrumental in broadening the scope of education in the socio-economically disadvantage community by providing the logistics, laisonship within the government of the city and state of Tennessee and organizational impetus needed to present information to the collective. We will indeed miss Representative Jones and his marvelous presence at every occassion and event.

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