Just watched the latest of the sequel and decided to do a little research on the history of the films. The original movie was based on a novel of three human explorers from Earth who visit a planet orbiting the star named Betelgeuse. Betelgeuse is the 9th star and 2nd brightest in the Orion constellation. The name is said to have derived from the Arabic word Yad al-Jauza, meaning hand of Orion. However, the Arabic word Abet, means armpit and is the actual location of the star in the Orion constellation.
What caused me to look into the history of the films were the different locations between the first and most recent two films. I can remember the scene in the original movie that denoted the location of New York based on the character seeing the Statue of Liberty. The most recent two films take place in San Franciso, California. The first thought I had before even looking into the history was connected to the Sun, as it appears to rise in the East, New York, and sets in the West, California.
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