If, by some far stretch of the imagination Memphis, TN was selected as the new operations and manufacturing center for say five major I.T. companies paying high wages and employing 30,000 people. Now say it will take 5 years to complete building the structures that will house these companies. Do you think the educational requirements would start to shift to accommodate the workforce these new businesses will need? If you said yes you are correct. 


Certainly, they would have to import from out of town initially, and certainly Memphis and its education community, public and private schools, as well as its colleges and universities are not prepared for such a task, but that is not the issue and we will not be discussing if they are prepared. The question is would there be a massive attempt to to educate the students here to be a viable workforce to fulfill all the jobs that would be available? The answer is a commanding yes! And, that’s what I want to talk about, education and opportunity.


Memphis, TN, and its patriarchal form of living has assured itself a place in historical mediocrity. That patriarchal lifestyle assures the great majority of its children sub par educations. You see education and business and business opportunity are directly linked. If you have high tech, well paying jobs the schools will eventually design a curriculum to prepare its students for those jobs, if you have mostly low paying, stack and pack, warehousing jobs, why would a system exert a lot of energy and money to teach skills that will never be used?  That does bring up the question of what happens to all that money since it certainly isn’t used to maximize the education of your babies, but that’s for another forum also.


There is a consequence when you teach young people to think critically and analytically and they have no opportunity to exhibit those skills. One of those consequences is anarchy. When people, especially young people, who have not realized their own mortality, that’s why they send the young to war, see the reality of how they have been used and ab-used they have a tendency to strike back. When those same young people have learned how to think critically they can strike back in some remarkable and destructive ways. There is nothing this construct fears more than an intelligent underclass of young people. That is why it works so hard to keep them dumb.


As long as the youth doesn’t know what has happened to them, as long as they are not aware that the condition they live in was and is planned as to limit them the opportunity to think and thus diagnose their own condition, society will sit smugly by and let them self destruct. After all there is a surplus of young people with nothing to do and this society sees that as non productive and the shadow mantra for all civilization is, “One must be productive or die”.  It views productivity as the Holy Grail, it is the fuel by which this particular culture lives on and it has taken that concept even farther, productivity to the max, damn the consequences and outcome, exploit everyone and everything until it and they are used up and all gone. And oh as for those unproductive young citizens use them as a commodity and resource in forced labor camps called private prisons.


Which brings us back to education and your children. Unfortunately Memphis will probably never be chosen for any significant number of high tech, high paying jobs and its educational system, especially compulsory government education, that you like to call public schools, will never significantly improve for reasons mentioned previously and more, you now have the dumb leading the dumb. No way is this society ever going to arm the underclass with the ability to out think them, that would be insane and suicidal. And again when brilliant people have idle time and especially coupled with youth, danger brews in the minds of bright exploited people and they have a tendency to fight back because with the ability to think they start to see and perceive their condition in a different light. They see it’s been a war all along and that they are behind enemy lines!


Al Lewis

Copyright May 2011

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It is truly amazing what a little meditation can do for an indiviual!!!!!!!


Since we are now standing in the light that has come to shine directly onto the education situation in 'The City of the Dead' and the state of Tennesee-Thanks to the devotion of Brother Al Lewis-this may be a good time to go back and look at a question that was presented back in May---even before the present shining, for some number of years, some of us have been trying to get others of us to look at what is being done and at what is NOT being done relative to the education and the miseducation of children who are relative to this existence.  Maybe there might be some interest coming into manifestation.  Check out the Blogtalkradio Show on Sunday Morn At 10:OO-There is a tab on the menu-bar for the show.


It speaks volumes about the conditioning of a people have suffered when they sit by and do nothing while their children are under attack

 It is a frightening and disconcerting thought that few people in the state of Tennessee have offered any push back to the admission that their children were deliberately dumbed down so the state would receive no child left behind funding.

 I think this deserves investigation, not the dumbing down part, Mr. Black has been offering empirical evidence of that for decades now, no, I am speaking about the lack or action and response to a situation that will with a certainty disadvantage an already disadvantaged group of people. 

 Please join me this Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. CST at and let's have meaningful dialogue about it


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