Emancipation Proclamation

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Emancipation Proclamation (Blacks Law Dictionary):  An executive proclamation, declaring that all persons held in slavery in certain designated states and districts were and should remain free.  It was issued January 1, 1863 by Abraham Lincoln, as president of the United States and commander in chief. 

In law, person means something other than what it means in common everyday use. 

Proclaim is from latin proclamare meaning cry or call out, pro meaning forth and clamare to cry out.

Emancipate from latin emancipatus meaning declare free.

According to Wikipedia, "The proclamation did not compensate the owners, did not itself outlaw slavery, and did not make the ex-slavs (called freedmen) citizens.  Also according to wikipedia, in ancient Rome, "the Romans were relatively liveral in freeing slaves, and granting them Roman citizenship.   

Is it not strange what can be learned by doing a little detective work.


People proclaim all kinds of things every day and not one of these can be considered a law and old Abe's proclamation was not worth it's cost for the ink that it was written with.  Is it not very strange that most of the people who talk about this document have never bothered to read what has been written there.


If only people of color are to be considered as slaves how could it be that other emancipation acts existed prior to 1863?

Only the ones who do the work will gain the insight that is needed to walk the path toward FREEDOM.


Town crier

Just in case-try THIS link, trivial bits of data will become important and will allow you to piece the puzzle together so that you can get the "picture".


When you take the time to investigate this small bit of information make sure that you can see this as it is said>As in England, town criers were the means of communication with the people of the town since many people could not read or write. Proclamations, local bylaws, market days, adverts, were all proclaimed by a bellman or crier.  Change the word many to the word "MOST" and you will comprehend something that needs to be understood about 'PROCLAMATION'.


I recall hearing about the so called freed slaves aka negroes, coloreds, blacks, african americans having to carry freedom papers on them to prove they were free.  Wonder why no one shared information regarding protection papers and who needed them?

An Emancipated Slave from New Orleans.  Could this be the slave that Ole Abe freed?


Could be, about abe, but you are going to have to fight with yo relatives about it.


I can hear it now "They trying to steal our history!"


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