• 1962Jamaica gained full independence from the United Kingdom, more than 300 years after the English captured it from Spanish colonists in 1655.
  • Figure out how this information is relative to the american revolution.
  • B.

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Wow! I was able to travel back to the 15th Century a little before the fall of Constantinople.

The core of my research centers around global expansion, global trade, religion and global domination of 

Melaninated people.

How did I arrived in Portugal and during the time of the rise of the Ottoman Empire in the mid 1400's from Jamaica and the American Revolutionary War.  It was a journey which lead me through many twists and turns, first I researched the wars before the American Revolution, thanks to Dana Kayode.

Researching the Frencch Indian War ( 7 year War), I discovered, the 7 year war was the last of 4 Colonial wars.  What??? I asked, what other Colonial Wars?  The Colonial Wars ocurred between 1689 -1763.  The French Indian War was the final Colonial war (pre-Revolutionary).

Colonial War I:

King William's(William III) War:(War in the League of Augsburg)  Britain, Holland and Spain against France


Colonial War 2: 1702

Queen Anne's War (The War of Spainsh Succession)  France and Spain against Britain and Holland


Colonial War 3:

King Georges's War ( The War of Austrian Succession) Britain battled with Austria against France and Spain


Colonial War 4: 

In Europe the war was called the 7 year war and in America or North America it is known as the French Indian war.

The players were: France, Sweden, Austria, Prussia and England.

Location: Where was the war fought??? It was fought in North America, present day Quebec and US. The British fought against the French in North America and It was also fought in Europe and India.

Who were allies?  France, Austria and Sweden fought against "Great Britain" (England) and Prussia.

Why? England battled for domination in North America, the Caribbean and India. It was a war for control of the colonies, Outposts and trade routes in the "New World" and Colonies and Outposts in India. Who won and what was gained/lost?

France lost to "Great Britain"

France lost colonies in North American except French Quebec, colonies in the Caribbean and India.

Britain paid a high cost for winining, it was heaviliy in debt and the East India Company was near bankrupt.

Britain created taxes and customs to recover the cost of wars fought in North America and India, which, sparked the American rebellion, the Revolutionary war and the birth of a nation; Britain's child, "The United States of America".


**** Out of time...not finished.  It all ties back to the fall of Contantinople.***

@PAM--Happy to see you and those young ladies are Heaven.


Very interesting.  Someone mentioned Steve Jobs earlier and these Colonial Wars remind me of all the patent battles going on this year:  Oracle vs. Google, Yahoo vs. Facebook, Apple vs. Samsung, etc.

Also Constantinople is a perfect location for trade on routes between Europe, Africa and Asia.

This also reminds me of the movie "Captain Blood" which I think was based off of Captain Morgan.

Speaking of the same thing done over (throughout history and time) there is a movie trailer here: which you can see for yourself.

Very interesting information Pamela.  Here is what I was able to find as I traveled back in time.

The Anglo (Anglo-Saxon, English Saxons, English)-Spanish Wars (Wars between England and Spain) began in 1585 and ended with the Treaty of London in 1604.

The second Anglo Saxon War began in 1625 and ended with the Treaty of Madrid in 1630.

The third Ango-Saxon War began in 1654, which led to the Jamaica becoming an English colony in 1655.  General William Penn, the father of the founder of the Pennyslvania colony also William Penn, was one of the leaders of the attempt to capture Hispaniola in the West Indies.  Hispaniola later would become Haiti and the Dominican Republic.  William Penn, son of General William Penn was granted a tract of land which included Pensylvania in return for the debt owed to his father by Charles II of England.

The fourth Anglo-Saxon War began in 1727 and ended with the Treaty of Seville in 1729.

The fifth Anglo-Saxon War began in 1739 and ended with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748.

The sixth Anglo-Saxon War began in 1761 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763.  The Treaty of Paris in 1763 ended the Seven Years War also the French and Indian War.  The Seven Years War, French and Indian War led to the Stamp Act of 1765.  The Stamp Act of 1765 began the series of events leading up to the Revolutionary War.   

The Discovery Channel has a program on now and will rebroadcast at 11:00pm Central... The topic is prerevolution, it discusses how booze built America.

Boardwalk Empire an HBO series, shows what you are talking about in an entertaining way as well.  Thank you Pam, I will make sure to watch it.

Hey, there's a good movie on Action MAX, called Hawaii. It was released in 1966.
It will show again on 9/27/12 at 3:30am and 6:30 am.
It deals with the subject of Jamaica and English colonies.
Thanks Pam. I will put it on the schedule.

@Pam & Dana, happy to know that you are on top of the moment.


Following the Battle of Plassey in 1757, Britain annexed the Bengal Presidencyto its empire. After the British gained control, the former monopoly on opium production held by the Mughal emperors passed to the East India Company(EIC) under the The East India Company Act, 1793.[12] However the EIC was£28 million in debt as a result of the Indian war and the insatiable demand for Chinese tea in the UK market, which had to be paid for in silver.[13][14] To redress the imbalance, the EIC began auctions of opium in Calcutta and saw its profits soar from the opium trade. Considering that importation of opium into China had been virtually banned by Chinese law, the East India Company established an elaborate trading scheme partially relying on legal markets and partially leveraging illicit ones. British merchants carrying no opium would buy tea in Canton (now known as Guangzhou) on credit, and balance their debts by selling opium at auction in Calcutta. From there, the opium would reach the Chinese coast hidden aboard British ships; it was then smuggled into China by native merchants.  


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