• There are none.


  • Just as so called black folks are deeply invested in the erroneous and fictitious label, so are so called white people. In fact it may be much more difficult for them to divest themselves of the lie than it would be for people of color to do so. 


    You see when and if any person of color that ever figures out that their so called race was created for them and not by them and that the very term itself has all kinds of references and inferences of inferiority interlaced within its framework they may logically decide to step from under the totem of race altogether.


    The same does not hold true for the term white. Quite the contrary, its inventor, by that I mean the man who coined the term caucasian, the one and same german who also coined the term negroid, fused all sorts of superior sounding, but equally erroneous qualities about the term and label white. 


    The ego would almost automatically gravitate towards the loftier, more positive characteristics infused in the latter. However, the term white or caucasian is just as much a lie as the term negroid or black is. A lie by any other name is still a lie. However I can see why it would be hard to step down from that air castle of make believe and ought to be world. 


    What really amazes me from both sides, if indeed there are sides, is how tightly, with all the opposing empirical evidence, that there is no such thing and white or black people and that the only race is the human race, people still cling to the erroneous, hypothetical, non scientific delusion that one group is better or worse than the other. 


    To believe that with no investigation is a virulent form of outright self deception or intellectual cowardice, take your pick.


    Namaska, to all that it fits.


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When you take away all the labels, all you have left is the person. What is the quality of each individual? Damn what you believe someone did because they have a similar complexion as yours. That has nothing at all to do with what you have accomplished, not one damn thing.

That is just as true for some redneck screaming he is superior because of Henry Ford's achievements with the assembly line as a negro screaming he is superior because Imhotep designed a pyramid. Neither has any claim to the respective achievements or any connection to the person who did his or her thing. That is trying to live vicariously through someone else and I don't care how you try to justify it, it is what it is.

So I ask why is it then necessary or is doing that too just a function of the ego that wants to think of itself as superior? In other words if I have to look to the accomplishment of someone other than myself to feel good about myself doesn't that indicate that I didn't think to well of myself in the first place? That goes for both camps, and again if indeed there are two camps.

You know what? I think that perhaps over the centuries some people figured out that to keep those at the bottom of the totem, both poor and powerless so called black people and so called white people, they needed something to occupy their crippled egos, so they introduced the concept of race and because both groups were so needy that the obsession has grown way out of proportion every since. Think about that deeply. It means what it implies.

Now just think if they can take a complete lie, an utter falsehood with no, not an scintilla of scientific basis or fact, and have your ass dancing your particular jigs around who believe you are, what else have they done to your minds and brains?

Similar insight/observation:

Finding out who you really are may be as simple as discovering who you are not. - Idenics

The question that I asked a person today was as follows; you ever wondered what it felt like to have been held in bondage/enslaved all of your life and then one day your enslaver told you that you were now "free"? Before I allowed the person to answer the question I qualified the question by speaking briefly of the period of time in America when Negroes were enslaved and how in 1865 the Emancipation Proclamation was proffered as a means of doing away with 'chattel' slavery. I also spoke, briefly, of the period of time when Negroes struggled for freedom and equality (1865-1965) but were faced with so-called Jim Crow Laws that held them in-check for many years and how in the face of this, some Negroes became empowered. I spoke also of integration and segregation and the apart-ness that Negroes had become accustomed to and how, at times, it was a life or death struggle to just live life within a system that was not of their design. By the time I finished speaking, the person really couldn't answer my question because they knew little of the history of Negroes in America beyond "slavery" and Martin Luther King. Everything else that they said was merely, for a lack of a better term, "heard-say". I find it amazing at times the lack of knowing that is displayed by Negroes who claim to be educated. Even mentioning some names of prominent Negro leaders of the past, even the mention of Frederick Douglass, was met with surprisingly dumb-founded looks. Man! How will people ever get past the notion of "race" if they really do not understand or know...anything! Is there a 'crash course' in...Negrology?
Yes there is a course but not a crash course. In other words, the study that u refer to cannot be done in a hurry. Trying to figure out (in a hurry) the negro, is impossibe. One of the main reasons for this problem is the fact of how long it has taken to create the monster. Dr. Negrostein put some real effort into the creation of this now-reality.
E. I struggled with that question for years. i thought there has to be another way. As far I can tell, there is not.

This may be a safe place to put this bit of information...

Thanks Sir. I continue to follow this thread and the above submission will move me further along.

The insight that comes to the one that learns how to comprehend "What's Going On" is part of the real power that comes to the ONE.



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