The Strange and Peculiar Story of the Enns and the Sannus

The Strange and Peculiar Story of the Enns and the Sannus

Once upon a time a longtime ago in the second ice age before the second bottleneck there lived several groups of people. One group stood out in particular for their ferociousness, cunning and brutality. They were from Ennsland and were appropriately called the Enns. All the countries and tribes and clans around them were terrified of them because they had superior war making technology and would use it with little to no provocation.

They had a strict hierarchical system of government, headed by a King who took guidance from a religious leader called a Bulshator. They believed in a Sky God, they called Hekrasy.
This God had real peculiar habits and he apparently liked confusing his subjects. They never quite knew how to appease him because he was so fickle. He provided tablets of writings, at least that is what the Bulshator told them, and the rules were often contradictory and in direct conflict with each other. Of course to make sense of the rules the subjects had to employ the discernment of who of all people, the Bulshator and at that he enjoyed enormous power in the Enn’s empire.

The Enns, though powerful and cunning, were by nature a lazy lot and rather than use their bodies to till the soil for farming or do any other hard manual labor they used servants, under threat of violence, to perform these tasks.

They often beat their spouses and of course their children proclaiming both women and children by the proclamation of their great God Hekrasy to be under the dominion of males.
Because they could and would justify committing all sorts of heinous acts under the auspices of Hekrasy’s will they did all sorts of heinous things to each other as well as any neighboring countries and tribes they encountered. In other words these people were insane.

They would molest their children, boy and girl alike. They would force them into working in the tar pits at age 5 until driven to an early death at about age 11. Rarely did a child conscripted to work for them last beyond 12 years of age.

Their hierarchy was legendary and no way would you, if you lived there, ever be able to move up in status other than with what their rules allowed. If you were born a worker you stayed a worker. If you were born into the merchant class that was all you could do, sell things and if you were captured or sold into captivity that was your lot for life.

They exacted their control over their citizens because of one peculiar quirk, all their people had to work for food. In other words the Enns did something no other species of animal had ever done in the history of the planet earth. They stored their food under lock and key! If one wanted to eat one had to work as they were directed to get food.

Conversely, there were a several groups of people who lived in relative obscurity deep in the rain forests over a thousand miles away. Though they sometimes skirmished with each other they didn’t know the concept of war by attrition. They lived by group consensus and remarkably knew no such thing as the subjugation of people. Their aim even in war was simply to draw a boundary and let their competition know they were there by an occasional raid into their territory.

These differing groups were the least laborious group in any age after each bottleneck. At most they used 15 hours per week hunting and gathering food. The rest of their time was spent in any activity they chose. The remarkable thing about them was food, all food was free and all they needed to do to get it was to do what every species on the planet had done, go get it. If they wanted a particular fruit they went into the forest and picked some and ate it. They would do the same thing for a root or any other wild edible plant that grew in that region. If they wanted meat, and they did, they would organize a hunt and kill the game they wanted to eat, no more.

One such group, in fact the group of these people that this story is focused on, are the Sannus tribe of the deep interior of the rain forest. They had lived according to the original laws of nature, the first rule, that law being the law of the way and the way is the law of reciprocity. They took and they gave back in direct proportion. They never hunted more than they could eat, never killed indiscriminately, never enslaved any one, never demeaned any gender, never sexualized their children, always cared for their people from cradle to grave, had no crime, no suicide, no abuse, and no PTSD!

Perfect, no, but a sustainable life where there was no poverty because either everyone had or no one did. Well as fate would have it one day a search party of the Enns ventured into the first groves of the Sannus clans. They used as guides people from the region who had copied their, the Enns, version of empire and control and greed and who had enslaved their own people and set up their own form of hierarchal rule and who accepted payment from the Enns to aid them in capturing and imprisoning free, or the wild savage people they chose to name them, and taking them back to Ennsland where they were sold into captivity.

They took hundreds and hundreds of the Sannus people and their Elders wondered what had happened to them. They sent guides and they saw the coffles of prisoners being lead away never to return. Many of the people that were captured fought back whenever there was a chance and many were slain. Many jumped off the mountainous passes to their deaths rather than be imprisoned, but being overwhelmed by sheer numbers and modern weapons of that period the Sannus captives that remained alive submitted to their condition, at least most of them did.

Over a period of years, and then decades and finally centuries a strange thing happened. More and more, bit by bit, piece by piece the Sannus began to think and behave a lot like the Enns.
Having to adopt think in and speak a new language, the old images of their homeland were gradually replaced by new words and thus new images.

Not quite understanding the full implication or meaning of most of the image invoking words pf the Enns, the Sannus were at a distinct disadvantage. Little did they know that over the millennia the Enns had evolved the science of imprinting images onto the brains of their captives and could thus make them erase most thought of their essence and replace any new thoughts with utter nonsense. Their utter nonsense of course.

Next they started to breed the Sannus with other captured people looking for characteristics favorable and suitable to their aim of docility and loyalty. Over a period of a few decades they had a nearly finished product. What was left of the independent spirit of the Sannus was only carried in a very few individuals and the minute they revealed themselves they would be singled out and made examples of by beating beaten, starved, broken, battered and finally murdered. Word got around and it worked. This new breed they named Sanis.

Mothers, if they suspected any rebellion in their children, would immediately pounce upon them to squelch any desire they had to act as a free person. Even so the core thought of freedom is a hard thing to frighten away so the Enns had to devise more effective ways and means of control. So they brought in their high priests to imprint the image of Hekrasy, their great sky God upon the brains of the new race the Sanis.

They invented a book of alleged laws and rules of Hekrasy, albeit contradictory, and only shared those rules and laws that fit their aims of control with the now enslaved Sanis. They trained up the especially docile Sanis to be sub –priests, not really trained at reading, but at repeating what they had been told to repeat by the main priests to the servants. Fear was the chief tool coupled with shame, a shame that would be internalized and become toxic. A combination so vile that the Sanis would now be catching hell in both worlds, the here and the hereafter, if they disobeyed their captors.

More and more the Sanis gravitated towards the mindset of the Enns. There was a great disagreement between the Enns and suddenly the Sanis found themselves released from the working farms and quarries of the Enns. They knew about the struggle, but had no idea of what the outcome would be. The one thing they were certain of was if they could but effectively emulate the Enns then success would certainly be theirs.

And thus began decades of attempts at social equality, the Sanis to become as good as the Enns. They did everything in their power to act like, look like, think like, be like and even believe like the Enns. Why they were more Enns than Enns themselves.

In just a little over 150 years and after emulating almost every institution, custom and style the Enns had created including but not limited to, fashion, religion, entertainment, educations, fashion, and social the Sanis went to court, guided by a few well wishing Enns of course and were granted concessions and accommodations. They were allowed access into some of the public institutions and a very, very few private ones and they claimed victory. In fact they started a gigantic celebration that was to last well over 46 years.

What they didn’t do was to pay attention to the slow demise, helplessness and hopefulness of the great majority of their people happening right before their eyes. In fact the disease they suffered, it was later diagnosed to be a disease, was so succinct, so complete, so enveloping, so blinding that the Sanis now even defined success as to how well the very people that had captured, imprisoned, enslaved, and controlled them said was success.

Suddenly the Enns saw that no matter how many wars on conditions they declared to help, if indeed that was help, the unfortunate masses of Sanis, who had gotten inflamed and thus set aflame a great portion of the Enns properties, nothing seemed to work. The numbers of Sanis grew and the numbers of problems grew proportionally with their growth.

Odd things happened like horrendous amounts of murders and crime that spilled out of the Sanis communities, if indeed they were communities, into the Enns communities. They had by now elected Enns to the helms of leadership these great metropolis and even as a king, some think to take the blame they had charted the course on in the first place, while they withdrew to their safe conclaves. But that didn’t work. The now criminal element of the Sanis had even gotten organized in some cases, but not all and started an all out assault on everybody every where. No one was safe. In order to numb their pain the Sanis had started the practice of chewing on a fruit that produced an euphoric effect, but also made them very aggressive, as if they needed anything to bolster that.

In fact these groups bared a small resemblance to the original Sanis clans only this time with a malevolent intent, kind of like the Enn’s intent when they captured them years ago. Anomie was becoming the reality of the day. Talking heads were hired to dissect the problems and they reported back there were lots of problems; on that everyone could agree.

And thus they found themselves on the brink of self-destruction, imploding and everyone looked for someone else to blame and what did they do? Why they blamed it on the children of course, the least likely to have the ability to defend themselves, but even that would have been for naught.
Having no one else to blame and no solutions they reverted to trotting out the same techniques that never worked and started to blame each other when they didn’t work and what did they do then? Why they did more of the same of course.

This has to be an insane people, acting in an insane manner, creating insane conditions in an insane land. That is what happens when you mix the Enns with the Sanis. You get Ennsanis or Insanity!

Copyright 2009 (TRPT)
Al Lewis and Clifford Black

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Does anyone see any parallels with any group you are aware of in the story? If so what group might that be? What are the comparisons? Please respond as I'd like to know what and how you came to know.
Al, cliff... your bad men..... and this a great thing. Craig Scott.. im indebted to you for letting me be around those that think and teach.. This is my first response to any thread at the Red Pill.. Im glad i am here.

Of course i see the parallel between the Sannus and Africans...Ennis and Europeans.. Sanis and AA .... They were easy... what else u hide in there?

Ralph, what about the Romans and Germanic Tribes? What about the British and the so called insurrectionist in the British American colonies? Or what about any indigenous group that succumbs to a civilized group? Good look out nonetheless.

Most glad you are here.
brother Al, well u know how the sanis are ....real hard to see outside of their particular circle.. comfort level?

so what does the sanis do with its information? he never will be sannus again.. though he may look like one.. he will never be an enn though he tries to act like one..

can a large number of sanis survive on its own? what happens to the sannis when the enns are destroyed./loss of controlling power? (i do see this happening and i want to live till 150 to see 99 more to go) . this i think is critical...lots of brain power in here.. what will the sannis morph into? what can they morph into?
Just pointing----somewhere among these pages there is information on gerontology and geriactrics that may be of some help to you (Bro. Ralph), regarding your move toward longevity and life span. Please feel free to contribute on this subject and also check out the reluctant vegetarian that you will find on this site and on the radio show every Wednesday at 9:00am (also check archieves). Will address the question about morh-ing as it develops. Happy to know that there are a few intelligent Ka-els and Jor-els still alive and well and finding this Neo-Haven that has been constructed for their protection and for their peaceful development.
Peace Brother
Ralph, a good start would be to study what other successful formerly oppressed people did with the information and then analyze it.

As to never being Sannis again I want to direct you to another post on this site. Go to the main page and click on photos. You are looking for a copy of a dictionary page that has a definition of Caucasians. Please read it and think it through. I think that will address your question about what if the Sannias found out they were not. You see the same man who defined what Caucasians were is the same person who named so called black people Negroes and attributed certain inferior characteristics to them also.

Man, if only you were here. In our class on Wednesday nights we have had an ongoing dialogue and study about exactly what you are suggesting. So far it is not faring so well for the Sannis/Negro. To much ignorance, in the true sense of the word, and emotional baggage is brought into the equation.

However certain ones of any group may find they have the capacity to be what they are if they can cognize who they are. They can, after study and realization, re-cognize others who are what they are. But this is new group altogether. This is a group of supermen Nietzsche may have been writing about.
Wow! This was definitely thought-provoking, and I see LOTS of parallels! The Aryans and Dravidians of India...the Native Americans and Spain(Christopher Columbus)...Africans and the Europeans...the list goes on. Al and Mr. Black, you guys are on it! Thank you for this one!
Peace #3,
I am pretty sure that I know who I am talking with,and, if you have a little time I have a mission for you. If you have the time, would you find the names of Chris Columbus before the history recorders changed the name into an anglo-western version or translation of the oringinal Nom"S or Nym's And BTW this is not a MI (Mission Impossible).
Peace Bro.Gene!
Definitely, Bro. Black. The original name in the 15th century Genoese language was Christoffa Corombo. In modern Italian, Cristoforo Colombo, in Portuguese as Cristovao Colombo(formerly Christovam Colom), in Catalan Christofor Colom, and in Spanish, Christobal Colon.
Thank you!!!!!! And now if you would let us all in on why this information is not taught (since it is correct) in the school system. And I am suggesting that if u do not have the correct name or nom you cannot establish the real mean. Subsequently, without the correct measurement as a foundational premise, there is absolutely no way to get pertinent information about the subject matter. I am asking that you make your response as a forum post. BTW ----I See U.
Peace Lord!
I will definitely make my response a forum post.
The reason that they keep this information from us is because the system has become exceptionally good at keeping the truth from the people, in order to keep them in mental bondage to a system that does the exact same thing as the murderer that they celebrate on Columbus Day. If we were to begin to re-cognize the parallels in how Corombo did the Arawaks and how we are treated today, they would have an uprising on their hands like never before. Also, they have to continue to perpetuate the image of America that is pristine, and take attention away from the fact that America operates in direct contradiction to everything it says it stands upon. The Christian beliefs that they claim that they wanted to us to "free" the uncivilized inhabits of the New World are the very same beliefs that they used to justify the decimation of a peaceful people.


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