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Start out by investigating what is on the site under videos, you should be able to find W. C. Stone and Father D.


I have done some investigating on Father Devine and (Noble) Timothy Drew Ali, but have not heard of W.C. Stone. I look forward to discovering more on these individuals. 

Still waiting to hear more about W.C. Stone.


@ Dana, this is the thread that I told you about, please study.

W. Clement Stone co authored a book with Napoleon Hill Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. Og Mandino also came from this circle. I knew there had to be somebody brown skinned that was teaching this(Rev Ike). Thomas Murphy, Norman Vincent Peale, Zig Ziglar, Bob Proctor, Clifford Black, Robert Schuler, and Richard Bach all taught these same principles.

William Clement Stone once stated, “Regardless of what you are or what you have been, you can still become what you may want to be.” 

W.C. Stone, sold newspapers at the age of 6, owned his own newsstand by the age of 13 and at age 16 he began selling insurance with his mother and was making about $100 a week.  In the year 1919, Stone built the Combined Insurance Company of America (a company providing accident and health insurance coverage) and by 1930 he had over a thousand agents selling insurance for him across the United States.  By 1979, Stone's insurance company exceeded $1billion in assets.  

They were trying to show ALL, of those who have the capacity to SEE, how it can be done.


Nearly 11 years later, I find myself returning to this thread.  Regarding W. Clement Stone and I have identified close connections with a couple of others such as Napoleon Hill and "Og" Mandino.  The works of each of these individuals, including Rev. Ike, are still utilized by many and the information provided is still very relevant today.     

Oh my! I have not read it all yet. I had to stop to pen this! I have heard this once before, maybe this is the third. My mother instructed me to stop saying I AM sick or I AM starting to get sick. She informed me that sick= sic= (ex. a man with a dog...sick'em boy...and what does the dog do? Jump onto you and harm you). The second time, I was in Texas and before leaving the state, I decided to drive over to Dallas (Carrolton to Dan Dean's church) to see (and in my mind meet) Bishop Tudor Bismark from Zimbabwe. Funny thing is, he said it just like Rev. Ike has written  it in this book! I am sure I have it written (I always keep a journal) somewhere. Now, this is the third time! My attention is gotten! By the way, I did meet him as well as his family that was with him.


@K. Wade,

Namaska----travel thru this thread and after, see if you can find others that may be located under the blog tab


Excitedly on my way...

Interest here!!!!  I'm learning that there is information in nooks and crannies all over this site. 


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