Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome- As pertaining to Blacks in Fraternities,Sororities,and the Professional Work Place. Part 2

 This is the dialog that took place on this topic.

  • Robert Chism The MAJORITY of your "LEADING BLACKS" (not black leaders . There is a BIG difference) in the community and the workplace are affiliated with these organizations! Those who are not affiliated have been infected with the sickenss! And a SICKNESS it is!
    What hazing REALLY shows and TEACHES is a big part of the SICKNESS that infects us as a people! 
    I suspect that is why there is so much division and abuse going on among us right now. It is amazing how the "so called have gots and educated among us are some of the cruelest to our people! I am also convinced that this is part of the reason that so many NAME BRAND NIGGAS feel like that so much has to be proven TO them and BY them in our SICK and DYING communities!
    Membership may have its priveleges ,but it has its problems , too!-Redd Velvet
    Saturday at 9:06am · 
  • Robert Chism Has anyone noticed that so-called black people are the only group of people who will not let this go????? I mean 50 years old and still walking around with your pledge jackets on? I saw a cat with an omega jacket on that had spring 78!!! Are you serious? When the movie"Stump The Yard" was released it was nuts how all the grown and gone from college folks wore their "colors" to the theaters. All the barking,hissing,and cueing was ridiculous!!!! And all these grown folks with the license plates,and frames on their car to let everybody know they're so-called greeks? Most of these negroes can't get their own history right,but they can tell you about Africa,or better yet Greece? All they know is Egypt,or so they think they know(pun intended). Half of them don't know what A means,but they'll tell you A is ALPHA or that Omega means End lol. But they hold themselves up to be the crème de la crème of so-called black folk.
    Is this is the only way they can feel that they are important in society? Maybe it's a power trip that they have yet to come down from? If you pay close attention these same so-called professionals,are the same supervisors and managers that you never ever happen to run into on weekends at the mall,in restaurants,or at the popular night spots. I wonder why???????????- Me
    Saturday at 9:07am · 
  • Kevin Williams i dont understand it either....i know people in their 30's decided to join..."i always wanted to be a" QUE" nigga please......and it's funny when the white kids wouldnt let the black ones in their fraternity they started their own right??? why werent the fraternities "AFRICAN" frats....i asked a guy this once he said "that would be ignorant"
    Saturday at 9:15am · 
  • Donna Wooten Harvey Okay ...Redd are in my head rhis morning! There is sk much more I would like to say about these "organizations" with these uplift kneegrows..but I will keep my opinion for now because I know it will piss off a great number of my ffriends on here. some of these kneegrows live, breathe and eat these organizations and are quick to jump and say "my fraternity /sorority does not participate in that type of foolishness. BULLSHIT! They all take you through 'some form' of BS as initiation and you continue with the BS when you get in....if you get in. This is truly a "C'mon man!" moment!!
    Saturday at 9:17am · 
  • Robert Chism Are you serious? He really said that?????
    Saturday at 9:18am · 
  • Juju Bushman ‎...i've heard it before too Rob.
    Saturday at 9:22am · 
  • Donna Wooten Harvey IgNorance knows no boundaries.
    Saturday at 9:22am · 
  • Redd Velvet Donna Wooten Harvey PLEASE do not denigrate NEGROES ! Negroess are PROUD people who KNOW who they are . The people to whom you refer are AFRICAN AMERICANS aka the NAME BRAND NIGGERS! Negroes are the people that our parents and grandparents TRIED to raise us tp be!
    Saturday at 9:27am · 
  • Gary White Come on man, I was just sporting my Sigma hat and jacket yesterday. I think that if you have did something in life that you are proud of why not show it to the world. When I was pledged it was a lot of ignorance but if you had a good D.O.P, ( dean of pledgees ) then you were protected from the fools. Now I do know a lot of people my age that still think their in college and just can't let it feet hurt every day so want be anymore stumping. what's that saying, when I was a child I did childish things and you know the rest.
    Saturday at 9:28am · 
  • Kevin Williams ‎"white man winning nobel prizes and doing business deals in the fraternity.... N1ggers jumping up and down with candy cane and doing all kinds of silly sh1t with their hands"- UNCLE RUCKUS... most people dont realize there were a lot of pearls of wisdom in UNCLE RUCKUS racist rants
    Saturday at 9:29am · 
  • Robert Chism Now I know there are a few LURKERS!!!! There always a few lmao,who will read this and say"he probably wanted to pledge and was scared or just mad because he aint one of us." Let me say you are correct about one thing.... At one point(high school) I did go through the phase about wanting to PLEDGE. I think I wanted to be an Alpha after seeing School Daze, A Q after seeing them fools barking at some function,and even K psi after meeting a few at LOC. BUT........ Somewhere my mothers logic kicked in about being yourself and not following!!! I had no real reason to join except to be accepted. 
    So yes you may have a little ammo to make you feel better but not enough to sink my battleship. BTW my battleship is the one that carries the symbol of the IBT on it. Thats right a real fraternity with a real purpose. And i'll be the first to admit,yes it is sinking! But my frat has done more good for the common cause and society than any of your so-called greek organizations period. I know you so-called professionals don't like to hear that sort of talk because you have been trained to "believe" that laborers(as you like to call us) are second class to some of you lol..... I don't want to be one of you,i'm fine being me,because you can't clone me and non of you clowns can do me like I do me...... 

    Back to the regularly scheduled programing..........

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  • Kevin Williams whats to be proud of....what did you do that a gangbanger , or member of the klan didnt do...they all got rituals too
    Saturday at 9:30am · 
  • Kevin Williams never was one for joining a group of assholes....i have friends who are in these frats...and once were talking about "checking " a dude who they said was wearing the colors but wasn't a "frat" ...i said now if that dude decide to pull out his gun and put a few holes in your gonna look real silly in ICU or the morgue.
    Saturday at 9:33am · 
  • Gary White ‎@ Kevin...we went to college and tried to become better people.
    Saturday at 9:33am · 
  • Robert Chism Oh I forgot to mention that I didn't have to initiate or be hazed to enter the brotherhood of teamsters. 
    And also A lot of you are where you are TODAY,because one of your parents was a member of a labor union and stood up to unjust labor practices so they could afford to send some of you to school to be the pricks that you've turned out to be.
    Saturday at 9:33am · 
  • Juju Bushman ‎...the point is not the ritual...the point is that obvious stank *ss condescending attitude people in fraternities and sororities tend to have...especially when they're in groups. lol
    Saturday at 9:34am · 
  • Kevin Williams like a wise man once said if you want a degree go to college....if you want an education go to the library......i am college educated myself....still dont get it
    Saturday at 9:34am · 
  • Kevin Williams and i'm amazed by the amount of "frat" guys who went to college but when i converse with them i can't tell....oh i guess it's because most of them got a degree in "football" i mean communications
    Saturday at 9:36am · 
  • Robert Chism Gary White it isn't aimed at all black fraternities,just a certain element ;-)
    Saturday at 9:37am · 
  • Gary White Sorry bro, biology with a minor in chemistry.
    Saturday at 9:37am · 
  • Donna Wooten Harvey Kneegrows = Niggas
    Saturday at 9:40am · 
  • Robert Chism Hell just say it Donna....NIggas. I use it frequently on my page. For you lurkers who don't like the use of the word..... Stop acting like it and i'll stop using it.
    Saturday at 9:41am · 
  • Kevin Williams defines a gang as, “A group of people with compatible tastes or mutual interests who gather together for social reasons… Some gangs, but not all, have strong leadership, formalized rules, and extensive use of common identifying symbols… The activities of gangs are characterized by some level of organization and continuity over time.”

    You know what that sounds like to me? A sorority or fraternity.
    Saturday at 9:42am · 
  • Gary White Robert you know I like getting in on your conversations, you seem to be the only one who has something worth talking about.
    Saturday at 9:42am · 
  • Robert Chism Gary we need to visit our friend Jack before new years!
    Saturday at 9:44am · 
  • Kevin Williams Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t get what the secret hazing and branding (WTF!) has to do with all the positive aspects of joining a sorority or fraternity. In fact, a few years ago I actually tried to get some answers. Problem was I was a bit tipsy drunk and my inquisition came off a tad more ignorant than I intended.

    I was out for drinks with a group of friends and my homegirl brought along two of her friends from school, Tiffany and Jasmine. Somehow or other it came up that they were part of some sorority.

    In a slightly inebriated state of mind, I joked, “Which one, Zeta Theta Ziggy Marley Phi Fo Fum?”

    These girls took their gang sorority membership very seriously and were in no mood for jokes about their set.

    “What,” Tiffany asked, shooting me an ice grill that pierced my soul.

    “I was just joking, ma,” I replied. “Let me guess, you’re a Delta.”

    “Oh, hell no,” Jasmine interjected. “We’re AKAs.”

    The two of them proceeded to make this piercing “eewee” sound, topped off with a raised pinkie.
  • Kevin Williams What the hell is that, your gang sign,” I chuckled.

    Bad move.

    My side comment was perceived as blatant disrespect to Tiffany and Jasmine’s gang sorority and they let me have it.

    “What’s that supposed to mean,” Tiffany barked.

    “You better show some respect, fool,” added Jasmine. “We are not a ‘gang.’”

    By this point the ladies had risen from their bar stools and were getting all up in my face. Since my boy, who was wise enough not to get in the middle of this particular conversation, had excused himself to use the bathroom, I was on my own and outnumbered by these rabid gangbangers sorority sisters.

    “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I pleaded. “I was only joking. Can’t we just get along like the great alcoholic speed racer Rodney King once said?”

    Apparently that joke went over much better as the tension levels dropped down considerably, and the ladies couldn’t help but crack a smile.

    The one thing about when I’m drunk, though, is my alter ego Taco Meat never knows when to quit while he’s ahead.
    Saturday at 9:45am · 
  • Kevin Williams this is from an article titled ...i dont date women in gangs
    Saturday at 9:45am · 
  • Redd Velvet Hmmm! Robert Chism , since I am the instigator this morning, that ASSumption may be made by some about me! So let me break it down for ya:
    The AKA's came a calling because I was LIGHT SKINNED and had a little hair . I was "thick and shapely" and exhibited impeccable manners and deportment! 
    The Deltas came a calling because I was burning up the books , was an orator, seemed "down to earth" and could mix and mingle with just about anybody!
    The Zetas came a calling because I had met some of them through musical endeavors around campus and the city! ( and hell yeah a lot of them can "SANG"!)
    Sigma Ghamma Rho did not have a chapter where I was . But I met some and they were very nice ladies . 

    It was when a friend of mine with a dual major and a 3.75 GPA was marked as being one who shouldn't even think about pledging because she would NEVER be able to cross over at the rush tea that I realized what it was really ALL ABOUT ! She was a beautiful dark chocolate sista who couldn't pass the paperbag test!

    I was DONE right then! And seeing how they were screwing the pledgees boyfriends while the pledgees were doing everything from their homework and writing papers to doing their cleaning and laundry was enough for me! I didn't need to pay anybody $1000 to $1500 to be be my FRENEMY!
    I can wear any color I want and don't need anybody's permission to 
    do so!
    Saturday at 9:45am · 
  • Donna Wooten Harvey Complete foolishness and phuckery. ^^
    Saturday at 9:48am · 
  • Gary White Robert I will in box you one day to find out what side of town ur on and we will go from there.
    Saturday at 9:50am · 
  • Robert Chism Roger that!
    Saturday at 9:51am · 
  • Robert Chism Next weeks topics..... Motorcycle and car gangs!! Ohh I mean clubs:-) You know some of them are INC. now LMFAO!!!!!
    Saturday at 9:52am · 
  • Iris Love-Scott kay y'all. Let's have some objectivity here. There are other reasons people choose to pledge. It's about more than belonging. And no, I am not a member of a sorority. In all honesty the colored people who started and were the pioneers or these organizations did more, contributed more and established more for 'the people' than the 'revolutionary, sit in the coffee houses, pontificating' have done. Before you bite my head off consider this. In the time these organizations were created there were very few of usn's on campus and there was a real need to bond together for community, a sense of security and it's always been known that there is strength in numbers. These men and women were often trailblazers , being the first on white campuses, law schools, graduate schools and med schools. Think about it, if you were in school and the white student body collectively decided to not speak to your kind for the entire matriculation, would you not band together with someone who looked like you and experiencing the same thing? Perhaps a little re-spect is due here.
    Saturday at 9:52am · 
  • Robert Chism Iris its not the ORIGIN I speak of,and I agree with you. It's what it has become.... And I can say the same thing about my Teamsters and I say it all the time.
    Saturday at 9:55am · 
  • Kevin Williams i wouldnt...i just want to be me...and like i said if the "greeks" didnt want us to join to hell with them....why do black people always think we have to have an "off-shoot" of what whites do?? i have a bond that is unbreakable with every kid who grew up on my street , we dont need secret handshakes , or dancing....we are all brothers , and sisters ...because of the comradery we had as kids....not one of us live on that street now but we are still thick as thieves
    Saturday at 9:55am · 
  • Donna Wooten Harvey Iris that is all good and fine but we all know these organizations have strayed so far away from its origin that its pathetic. These new breeds have changed the rules and tweaked them so much that they no longer look like they originally did....back when the ignorance that is going on today was unheard of and unthinkable.
    Saturday at 9:59am · 
  • Gary White And to think I have been in a gang for over 20 yrs and never new. All the feeding needy families, marching for cancer cure, mentoring kids volunteering when no one else would just so I could throw my gang sign up...BLUE PHI !!!
    Saturday at 9:59am · 
  • Robert Chism Oh I forgot one... When your 45 years old married with children and whenever you move you go to the local college and start hanging with the FRATS on the weekends????? Common man...
    Saturday at 10:00am · 
  • Kevin Williams the hell's angels do all that charitable work it not a gang
    Saturday at 10:00am · 
  • Kevin Williams yes gary you are in a gang......pass it on
    Saturday at 10:01am · 
  • Robert Chism Gary my friend look at politicians. They also hide behind a mask or never show you there true colors(they're a gang also.) Hell look at my gang the atrocities speak for themselves lol.... Its the society that we live in.
    Saturday at 10:02am · 
  • Gary White Robert you know I'm not faded by conversation, I welcome it all and want loose a bit of sleep. If you don't choose to join a gang by all means don't, but rest a sure that I may not give a dam.
    Saturday at 10:07am · 
  • Iris Love-Scott ‎@ Donna- You are so right. But as Malcolm said, "It was a grand idea...until niggers messed it up." I guess in their quest to be exclusive the methods went back to what they knew, plantation mentality. Bless their hearts. I only hope the honor will return so the legacy will take our children forward. As it stands today, cotton will be king again really soon. and instead of color line slavery it will be prison line.
    Saturday at 10:07am · 
  • Donna Wooten Harvey Kevin, Robert and three need your own tv show! Seriously. Memphis need to see it, hear it and wake the hell up!!! *calling Clear Channel*
    Saturday at 10:07am · 
  • Tanarra D Jones I bet this one bust 100. Lmao.
    Saturday at 10:16am · 
  • Latonya Prescott I'm Greek & I'm in a position of authority. I'm so glad that I'm far from this stereotype! Imjussaying
    Saturday at 10:25am · 
  • Robert Chism Donna they'd kills us(not assassinate) but straight kill us after the first episode. Bad thing is.....It will be those who need to hear it the most,will be the first to strike.
    Saturday at 10:25am · 
  • Robert Chism Gary I'm tired of being in gangs. I just want to be me,and sit on the beach sipping a tall strong drink and puffing on a cuban,while watching asses walk by :-)
    Saturday at 10:27am · 
  • Gary White Rob they all ready have that one to, called me phi me...i'll send you a shirt.
  • Robert Chism It takes a group of two or more to have a gang Gary. Me is singular lol Even if you're are with me on the beach,were still not classified as a GANG. ;-)
    Saturday at 10:34am · 
  • Gary White You not saying that 3 me phi me's make a gang are you ? I can't win !
    Saturday at 10:36am · 
  • Robert Chism LOL we can debate it with our good friend Jack!
    Saturday at 10:37am · 
  • Gary White BET THAT !!!
    Saturday at 10:37am · 
  • Redd Velvet ‎@ IRIS The MAJORITY of BLACK FRATERNITIES / SORRORIITES began at HBCU's as most of them were formed during the days of EXTREME segregation and JIM CROW!
    Saturday at 10:38am · 
  • Redd Velvet And IRIS we are on the BIG CAMPUS of LIFE and are STILL ostracized by mainstream society , YET we don't band together as a people and the PERVERIONS of the ORIGINAL intent of these organizations is a BIG part of the reason why!
    And by NO means are ALL members indicted in this as MANY of them have done GREAT things to foster my development and the development of others!
    Saturday at 10:41am · 
  • Iris Love-Scott I hear you.
    Saturday at 10:42am · 
  • Thelma Ward There is NOTHING on God's Earth that has enuff meaning to be beat to DEATH to belong to a f-ing matter what the color
    Saturday at 12:49pm · 
  • Ken Rachal Rob as a member of the masonic lodge I can say that there is no hazing!
    Saturday at 12:54pm · 
  • Thelma Ward where did "we" get this beating each other from....massa?
    Saturday at 12:54pm · 
  • Clifford Black ‎@Rob C----please post this thread on the redpill for consideration---B.

This post shines the light on a very dark subject!  I was in the Army and one day my roommate told me he was going to pledge for in the local mason lodge and asked if I would be interested.  I told him I never heard of masons before and asked what it was about.  He told me that it was a brotherhood of chrisitian men who did charitable things etc.  It sounded interesting enough, to go to a meeting with him, what could it hurt.  I wonder if I am part ostrich because I had my head in the sand about a whole lot of things growing up.  I did some asking about masons and heard about the same from everybody as what my roommate told me.  I also found out about the secret signs and how the brothers help one another etc and decided to go through the process with my friend.

The first couple of meetings were innocent enough, meeting supportive brothers who were very excited about helping us become real brothers.  I remembr reading and studying, and memorizing the book I was given and felt that this could really help me to become a better christian.   Reality didnt set in until after passing my first degree and earning my "wages."  I was so pissed off at this group of brothers and even my roommate that I said I was not going back again.  My roommate convinced me to stick it out saying the worst was over and that we only had two more degrees to go.  He also stroked my ego a bit with saying how I was excelling in and learning so quickly.  The next degree wasn't as bad or maybe I was starting to convince myself to not be a quitter. 

The last degree was pure hazing, abuse and torture and even after completing the step and becoming a brother I really didnt like the group of brothers that were so excited to have new brothers and seemed to care about our progress.  Now looking back on that moment of clarity, I can see the confusion my children must have/had for me when I punished them with a spanking.  The guys I went through the process with were so excited about becoming a master mason and even talked about being able to be in the next ceremony to welcome in other brothers and even earn more degrees.  One guy was hit so hard with a wooden paddle the skin on his butt split and was bleeding through his underwear and he was so enthused to be embraced by these brothers and was one to even speak about helping the next class go through. 

I didn't want anything else to do with it after that and once I got out of the military I didnt put a lot of effort into finding a local lodge.  I was a little proud to have earned the priviledge of having the seals on my vehicle etc. but had no clue what the symbols were that I chose to have re-present who I was.  I went to college after my military experience and even though the fraternities seemed a little exciting, I knew that I was not going to allow someone to torture and abuse me just to be considered a part of their group.  A little later I was informed by a few members of my church family that the masonic lodge is evil and not about what they claim to represent, talk about the pot calling the kettle black! 


This is my HA_HA_HA for the day---Thank You Adisa


I can laugh at it now Dr. B, but it was not too comical for me back then.  The next hazing process I went through was called "training" and involved a tazer gun.  Wasn't very happy about that either. 

Wow!!! Many people will not admit what you have just shared.

This is the material that is needed for the new "Book of Revealations" that may show where and who the people are that are intent on destroying 'black' boys.



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