After reading this post please comment on what you have found in this paragraph that you did not know, that in fact, is some data that we should all be aware of regarding history.


In AD 383, almost half a century after Constantine the Great, first emperor of the Christian world, was baptized on his death-bed, a twenty-nine-year-old professor of Latin rhetoric whom future centuries would know as Saint Augustine arrived in Rome from one of the empire's outposts in North Africa. He rented a house, set up a school and attracted a number of students who had heard about the qualities of this provincial intellectual, but it wasn't long before it became clear to him that he wasn't going to be able to earn his living as a teacher in the imperial capital. Back home in Carthage his students had been rioting hooligans, but at least they had paid for their lessons; in Rome his pupils listened quietly to his disquisitions on Aristotle and Cicero until it came time to settle the fee, and then transferred en masse to another teacher, leaving Augustine empty-handed So when, a year later, the Prefect of Rome offered him the opportunity of teaching literature and elocution in the city of Milan, and included travelling expenses in the offer, Augustine accepted gratefully.


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I didn't know any of it. Reading this has me wondering... is this how some of Rome maintained power..? It also gives me the thought that i need to continue settling my fees, so that my lessons/teacher doesn't transfer north and possibly empower other state. I'm going to look up some of this information... Namaska Dr. Black
This happen everyday with people less popular than a guy named Augustine. History is made everyday. For every choice there is a consequence. Who determines "greatness?" Whomever writes the books?


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